The One Secret Most Internet Marketing Firms Won’t Tell You Your Reputation Trumps Marketing

In this video I hike around the hills behind my house, doing my best to avoid stepping on rattlesnakes or get run over by motorcycles as I share a secret.

Here’s the secret. Reviews trump marketing & marketing is a luxury. A luxury that is earned… and if you want leads and to grow your business you don’t have to spend a lot of money on marketing starting out. Not only that, but cold leads that come as a result of marketing are much harder to close (details in the video).

I could sell you on buying leads, buying traffic through spending thousands on PPC, paying hundreds each month to do video blog articles and social media posts. But if you are just getting started what you really need is a solid foundation. That foundation is building up a good reputation and getting out there and handing out business cards.

Sound too simple? Watch the video for details.

You could spend thousands on organic SEO, local SEO, PPC, APM, all to only have your negative reviews online stop all of that from happening. Then in order to get business, you have to spend thousands monthly to keep leads coming in. However if you have good reviews, each review site acts like a funnel to send you business.

In short reviews trump marketing. Reviews help marketing. Reviews can put a clamp on the effectiveness of all your marketing.

What’s the solution? GatherKudos. Far less expensive than most marketing. Then when you are ready to do serious marketing, we’ll still be here.

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

4 Ways We Can Help You Get More Clients, More Freedom & More Money

1. Get the 95-minute DoorGrow CODEâ„¢ Training

In how to grow your PM business and then make it scaleable. In 95 minutes, I'll show you why most marketing is wasting your money, how to eliminate your advertising expense entirely, and grow faster than your competitors.

Just reply with the word "CODE" in the subject line & we will send it to you.

2. Join our In-Person, 2-Day, Gamechanger Workshop & Take Big Action
This event is designed to be different than conferences in that we are bringing in expert coaches and you will be taking immediate action to review financials, improve profits, assess your team, systematize realtor referrals, find and initiate your first acquisition deal, and more. This will catapult your business toward success
3. Join our next DoorGrow Boardroom

4x a year, we run a 2-day intensive in Austin, TX, with a small group of savvy PM business owners. We deep dive into each business. You will gain insights into your business, get clarity, and walk away with a solid strategic plan.

The next dates are November 8-9. Learn more here.

4. Get a Scale Roadmap Session
If you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call, and brainstorm how to get you more leads, increase profits, and make the business easier, less stressful, & more efficient. Book a call with us.