7 Reasons Not to Invest in Property Management Coaching Programs

Most property management coaching programs are a giant waste of time and money. Why?

They fail to deliver real, actionable results for your property management company. You spend thousands chasing after a miracle cure-all solution, and you’re left indebted and stuck where you started.

We’ll play all of our cards here: DoorGrow is the property management industry’s leading coaching and consulting agency, and we’re suggesting that most coaching programs on the market are total bunk? Yup.

Many property management coaches charge you boatloads, only to hand you an unproven, cookie-cutter strategy that doesn’t take your unique business needs into account. You’re promised the moon, but in the end, you walk away with nothing but vague advice that leaves you more confused than empowered.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. (Cue the deep sigh of relief)

DoorGrow property management coaching programs consistently help our clients to generate jaw-dropping results. You want a quick sampling?

Jeff Garner took his business from 150 to 420 doors, all in just four months.

Kent Hardman built his book of business from zero to over 120 doors in his first year.

Willie and Michelle? They FIRED clients, got rid of their biggest management headaches, AND increased profits with less work on their shoulders.

Those results aren’t typical for most property management coaching programs, but they are typical for us.

reasons not to invest in property management coaching programs graphic

Most Property Management Coaching Programs Aren’t Worth the Investment

Why? It’s easy to understand the issues that plague many management coaches when you break it down. Consider the seven reasons you probably should rethink your decision to join a property management coaching program:

  1. Your Coach Has No Clue What They’re Talking About

    This one’s a real doozy: many supposed “property management experts” don’t understand the industry, the market, or investors. At all. Is that someone you want to pay to coach you get better results?

    Imagine if next season the LA Lakers or the New York Knicks shell out millions on an impressive new hire for their coaching roster. They roll out the red carpet, throw an extravagant party, and hold a press conference to announce this new phenom. But there’s one small fly in the ointment. The new guy doesn’t even know the rules of basketball.

    It’s never going to happen, right?

    Here’s the inconvenient little truth about the Internet: anyone can call themselves an expert in pretty much anything. But when it comes to making a big investment in your company, you don’t need a trumped-up, snake oil salesman. You want someone on your side who knows what they’re talking about and has walked in your shoes.

    At DoorGrow, our CEO & COO, Jason & Sarah Hull, both have extensive experience that speaks volumes. Jason comes from a family of real estate and property management specialists; he chose the marketing and entrepreneurship side of things decades ago, specifically pursuing a degree in business marketing to understand consumer behavior and how property managers can use it to their advantage. Meanwhile Sarah, our COO, built a successful property management company from the ground up, expanding her portfolio of East Coast rentals rapidly, before exiting the business to devote herself full-time to helping other property managers achieve similar results at DoorGrow. And they’re both real estate investors in their own right, with their own residential rental property holdings.

    Get the picture? We have walked the walk and we have both the boots-on-the-ground experience and tactical knowhow necessary to help you succeed.

  2.  Your Property Management Coaching Program Has No Accountability

    Accountability is the secret weapon that drives results for entrepreneurs. Imagine having someone in your corner, relentlessly pushing you towards your goals, ensuring you stay on track. That’s the power of accountability. It’s the difference between dreaming and achieving.

    Unfortunately, most property management coaching programs offer no accountability. Nobody is forcing you to face your commitments head-on. You have no clear roadmap and no deadlines…and when push comes to shove, you can keep hiding from the work that needs to be done.

    DoorGrow programs are different. Our coaching system includes built-in accountability tools, with weekly reports and scheduled check-ins with our coaches and success managers; our belt level system also forces you to continually level up, earning your place amongst the highest performers in the program.

    It’s all designed to push you further than you ever believed possible.

  3. You Have No Support Options

    We believe you’re capable of doing hard things, but do you know the formula for guaranteed failure? Setting massive goals that make you step outside of your comfort zone and trying to do it all with no support.

    Sadly, lots of property management coaching programs are set up this way. You buy in and get access to course materials, but when things go wrong, you don’t have anyone you can reach out to for help. Good luck!

    We don’t play that game. If you choose to work with us, you get full access to our coaches and our entire team. You’ll also network with other property managers in the DoorGrow Mastermind, a community of passionate managers with professionals across North America. It’s a collaborative environment full of people who understand your biggest challenges firsthand, and everyone is eager to advise, counsel, and provide a lending ear when the going gets tough.

  4.  The Program Carries a High Cost but Minimal ROI

    Running a business is not for the faint of heart. For one, it’s really expensive. Payroll alone can eat up thousands on a weekly basis, making it imperative to stay profitable and ahead of the curve. And that’s before all of the other costs come into play!

    In short, you probably don’t have thousands to throw at property management coaching programs that don’t generate real results for your bottom line. And yet, many coaches don’t give you much more than a stack of curriculum to worth through. It’s hard to see the value that represents for your business.

    Ask the right questions before signing up for coaching. What am I going to get out of this program? Am I going to walk away empty handed?

    DoorGrow Mastermind clients can take advantage of countless resources designed to help catapult the business forward:

    – Need a new logo?
    – Looking for a whole property management website?
    – Marketing materials, like brochures, flyers, and postcards?
    – Sales presentations you can call your own and use to convert leads?
    – And the list goes on and on…

    It’s all included, with no additional cost. We’re not trying to nickel-and-dime you or focused on trying to upsell you. We want to HELP.

  5. The One-Size-Fits-All Formula is Rarely Effective

    Property mangers, like any other professionals, are not all created equally. Everyone is at a different point in their journey and has different goals and destinations in mind.

    Maybe you’re striking out on your own for the first time and need to build a property management company from the ground up. On the other hand, maybe you’re at the helm of a property management company that has been around for decades and you’re trying to breathe fresh life into it, shaking out the cobwebs. For example, you need help with reducing inefficiency and improving your operational processes, or you’re struggling with hiring and need hands-on help putting the right team around you.

    The point is most property management coaching programs can’t effectively address the unique needs of their participants. Instead, they try to shove square pegs into round holes, using predictable, formulaic strategies to direct clients, rather than listening to what they actually need.

    At DoorGrow, we have several different tracks within our coaching offering. The Rapid Revamp, for example, is ideal for business owners who want to build a successful property management business they can later sell, securing their family’s future. Our Super System is a better fit for established property managers who need help identifying the profit levers in their business and working out how to capitalize on them to improve results.

    Starting to get interested? Why not schedule an obligation-free call to see if our system is the right fit for your business needs.

  6. Lack of Realistic Implementation Plans

    It’s all good and well to get excited about possibilities for your business, but pie-in-the-sky dreams aren’t going to pay your bills.

    When your property management business needs help, you need a clear roadmap. HOW do you go from no doors to a portfolio of hundreds, for example? HOW do you get rid of bad clients that are hurting your bottom line and keeping you stuck in the cycle of suck?

    Don’t get sucked into property management coaching programs that promise you the world, without showing you how they intend to get you there. You need an atlas that will help you take the most direct path to your end goal.

    Lots of coaches dangle a carrot at the end of a stick. We’ll help you get property management leads! You’ll see profits explode! Etc. Etc. But don’t be afraid to ask questions about what the road looks like and how the program is designed to help you actually hit those benchmarks. Remember, a sales spiel might sound great, but this is your business on the line.

  7.  Insufficient Measurements of Success

    Speaking of benchmarks, how is your coach helping you to see your progress? Many coaching programs count on participants simply putting all of their eggs in one basket, hoping they’ll find great success by paying for a shiny training package. But after months and months, they have very little to show for it all.

    There’s a reason you’ll find hundreds and hundreds of DoorGrow Case Studies—we are continually working with our clients, helping them to measure their success and identify growth opportunities. Sure, it’s a great sales tool for us, because it shows the DoorGrow Mastermind at work, but it also is a realistic demonstration of what you can expect as a DoorGrow client.

    We aren’t just giving our coaching participants a stack of self-guided homework and wishing them the best of luck. Instead, our team is working hand-in-hand with clients to help them gauge how things are moving forward, while simultaneously offering clarity about where they should be focused to reach their goals.

We believe in property management coaching programs. But you need the right one.

Just like anything else in life, coaches come in many shapes and sizes. Different growth strategies, teaching methods, and support can all impact what you ultimately get out of a coaching investment.

If you’re weighing over the right property management coaching programs, why not schedule a no-obligation call with our team? Tell us about your unique struggles and the issues you’re facing in your business, and let us recommend ways to address those pain points. We offer flexible coaching solutions designed to ensure you reach your full earning potential, all while addressing the challenges causing you way too much pressure and stress.

Help is just a call away. Schedule a conversation with us and let us show you what’s possible.

Adam Zetterlund

Adam is our project manager and focuses on making certain projects successfully move through our development pipeline. Since joining the company in 2014, he's grown to play a pivotal role in our delivery process. He serves as an important link between our fulfillment team and our clients; Adam also oversees all content creation for our projects.

4 Ways We Can Help You Get More Clients, More Freedom & More Money

1. Watch Our DoorGrow Training on 7 Different Growth Engines To Get Leads & Add Doors

Learn how we are so successful at rapidly scaling property management businesses by getting them free leads...

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2. Join the #DoorGrowClub Facebook Group for PM Entrepreneurs

Join our amazing Facebook community where PM business owners support each other, we do valuable live streams, and provide useful resources. Get a series of free gifts for joining like the Fee Bible, PM Vendor list, and other useful resources in the group.

Be sure to JOIN THE GROUP HERE & answer all questions to gain access to this exclusive club for PM business owners.


3. Get Your Tickets to DoorGrow Live™ - Our In-Person Event!

Come feel the momentum and see why DoorGrow property managers are crushing it. Your business will be the sum of the PMs you are connected to. So come connect with the best & learn how to get to the next level of the DoorGrow CODE™.

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4. Get a Scale Roadmap Session with an Expert Coach

And if you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call, and brainstorm how to get you more leads, increase profits, and make the business easier, less stressful, & more efficient.

Just grab a time here: https://drgrw.com/start