5 Ways Coaching is Designed to Take Your Business to the Next Level Why choose to partner with DoorGrow?

DoorGrow property management coaching event

Is your property management business stagnant, barely treading water, or worse, losing doors faster than you can replace them?  Maybe your team is burnt out, underperforming, and ready to jump ship?

Is it even worth mentioning profits, or are you operating in the red month after month and praying for a miracle?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you already know something has to change. Property management coaching from the right experts can make a dramatic impact on your business. The right coach will take you from the bottom of the pack to the leading management company in your market.

Looking for the best property management coaching program? DoorGrow’s Mastermind is designed with your unique needs in mind.

Learn the five key takeaways that we believe make our coaching the best option in the industry.

    1. We’ve worked with hundreds of property managers & have quantifiable results

      It’s easy to make big promises, but it’s a lot harder to demonstrate actual results. If you’re looking for a property management coaching team, you’ll find plenty of people telling you they’ve got the best this or that. You know the sales spiel: Work with us and we’ll get you X, Y, Z.

      At DoorGrow, we believe our track record speaks for itself. We’ve been coaching property managers for over a decade and we know the proof is in the pudding.

      Take Sterling Davis, one of our clients who came to us struggling with just 60 doors under active management. He’d been stuck in the same spot for years. He was trying aimlessly to grow his portfolio but hitting a wall every time he tried to level up his business. Within six months, he had over 300 doors in his management portfolio & had dramatically improved the finances of his company.

      We are proud of what Sterling accomplished. But he’s just one in a long list of property managers from across North America who have dramatically changed the path of their business through property management coaching with the DoorGrow team. Check out more case studies from past DoorGrow Mastermind clients to learn more.

    2. Our property management coaching team includes active pros in the industry

      There are lots of former property managers trying their hand at coaching. Why? Because for most property managers, turning a consistent profit each month feels like pulling teeth. Why not coach instead?

      Let’s face it, property management can be a powerful path towards generating an impressive income and building a legacy for your family. But most property managers are stuck somewhere between rock bottom and “just alright.” According to NARPM, most property management companies have an adjusted profit margin of just 6%. Many are even lower than that!

      The best property management coaching programs include input from active property managers. Why wouldn’t you want to hear form those who have bucked the trend and achieved impressive results?

      Sarah Hull, our COO and one of DoorGrow’s owners, leads the charge for our coaching clients; when she first joined DoorGrow, she actually juggled her management responsibilities with coaching, all while maintaining a property management company well over a 50% profit margin.

      We don’t just tell you good ideas. We share tried and true principles.

      All of our coaching clients also work with a tribe leader in our Mastermind program, each of whom is an active property manager in various markets around the country.

      In short, we don’t just tell you good ideas you can try out. We share tried and true principles that we’ve seen work in real-life management scenarios, again and again.

    3.  We are highly selective and only work with motivated clients

      The best teams in the world are collectives, made up of immensely talented individuals who together create momentum they couldn’t achieve on their own.

      One bad apple spoils the others, as the old saying goes. We believe in the importance of things like integrity, hard work, and transparency, and we only choose to work with clients who are committed to what truly matters. If you’re looking to throw money at a problem or just want a quick fix, you’re probably not the right fit for us.

      If you’re interested in our property management coaching program, you’ll speak with a member of our sales team to learn more about the ins and outs of how the Mastermind works. That initial intake call will also be an interview of sorts for you. We want to hear more about your company, about the challenges you’re facing, and what you’re currently doing to improve. In other words, we’ll determine whether you’re the sort of client we think would benefit from partnering with us.

      We aren’t shy about stating the facts. If you want to build a multimillion dollar business, it will take hard work and determination. But our clients consistently achieve incredible things.

      Take Jon Babiarz, who came to DoorGrow after he inherited a property management business. He only had 80 doors in his portfolio, but he applied the coaching principles and took advantage of the wealth of resources we provide for Mastermind clients. In a year’s time, his portfolio was over 300 units, and he hadn’t spent a penny on ads to make it happen.

    4. We train you to offload your business & create additional freedom in your day

      Some of the most successful entrepreneurs never take a day off. We don’t believe that’s a sustainable or healthy approach to building a business.

      How many processes in your business involve YOU? Are you calling all the shots when it comes to tenant applications? Does every rent check come across your desk? Do you spend your nights and weekends responding to maintenance issues, when you should be at home enjoying time with your family?

      Frankly, that’s one way to run a business, but it’s not the way we teach you through our property management coaching. Instead, we emphasize the importance of building a healthy culture in your company and teach you to scale your staff to meet the needs of the business. Thinking of selling your company after making it into a profit machine? We’ll show you how to do that, too, with a seven-figure exit lined up as you retire.

      Other property management coaches focus on you, you, you. At DoorGrow, you’re an important part of the equation, but we teach you how to replace yourself, while enjoying the fruits of your labor.

    5. Our coaching program brings together the best minds in the industry

      As a Mastermind client, you’ll enjoy weekly sessions with other property managers, giving you the chance to network and hear feedback from others in your shoes. Our DoorGrow coaches lead every call, guiding you through your specific challenges, while also encouraging others to participate and share their unique input.

      It’s a collaborative approach you won’t find in most property management coaching programs, but it’s invaluable. Isn’t it time to say goodbye to the echo chamber? We also host regular coaching calls with other property management experts, giving the chance to pick the brains of some of the leaders in the industry.

      DoorGrow property management coaching

      A previous DoorGrow Live event

      Even better, DoorGrow puts on several in-person events throughout the year, including DoorGrow Live. These events are designed to help you gain invaluable insight from our dynamic roster of guests, all while fostering connections with other property managers. Our live events also feature include vendors who often provide promotional discounts for attendees.

DoorGrow offers the best property management coaching for any entrepreneur looking to turn a new leaf and begin building a business that generates impressive results, year after year. Our team would be happy to answer any questions you have about the program, share some of our past wins with you, and determine whether you’re the right fit.

Apply now to join the DoorGrow Mastermind or take a look at results from some of our past clients.

Adam Zetterlund

Adam is our project manager and focuses on making certain projects successfully move through our development pipeline. Since joining the company in 2014, he's grown to play a pivotal role in our delivery process. He serves as an important link between our fulfillment team and our clients; Adam also oversees all content creation for our projects.

4 Ways We Can Help You Get More Clients, More Freedom & More Money

1. Get the 95-minute DoorGrow CODEâ„¢ Training

In how to grow your PM business and then make it scaleable. In 95 minutes, I'll show you why most marketing is wasting your money, how to eliminate your advertising expense entirely, and grow faster than your competitors.

Just reply with the word "CODE" in the subject line & we will send it to you.

2. Join our In-Person, 2-Day, Gamechanger Workshop & Take Big Action
This event is designed to be different than conferences in that we are bringing in expert coaches and you will be taking immediate action to review financials, improve profits, assess your team, systematize realtor referrals, find and initiate your first acquisition deal, and more. This will catapult your business toward success
3. Join our next DoorGrow Boardroom

4x a year, we run a 2-day intensive in Austin, TX, with a small group of savvy PM business owners. We deep dive into each business. You will gain insights into your business, get clarity, and walk away with a solid strategic plan.

The next dates are November 8-9. Learn more here.

4. Get a Scale Roadmap Session
If you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call, and brainstorm how to get you more leads, increase profits, and make the business easier, less stressful, & more efficient. Book a call with us.