5 Simple Steps for How to Get Property Management Clients Quickly

We’ve worked with hundreds of property management coaching clients across North America over the past decade. Each of those clients has their own unique challenges and market-specific obstacles to overcome, but nearly every customer has one shared priority when they first come to us: how to get property management clients.

Clients are the lifeblood of any property management company, but landing lucrative management contracts often feels like fighting an uphill battle. And, as you know, having no clients equals having big problems.

Whether you’re just starting out with no clients, you’ve lost investors and need to replace them, or you’re looking to take your property management business to the next level and expand, learn how to get property management clients quickly using the five simple techniques below.



Get Rid of Bloated Ad Spend

Is your marketing budget eating up nearly all of your profits? Many property managers turn to paid advertising, such as PPC ads and direct marketing campaigns, in a desperate attempt to get property management clients quickly.

There a couple of problems with this approach. One, the target audience for such ads typically generates very cold leads at best. And two? You’ll pay out the nose for those cold leads.

Then, you’ll find yourself in an infernal cycle, spending a small fortune every month to generate property management leads, wasting your team’s time following up, and fighting against ever tighter margins.

Killing your ad spend is a simple way to free up space in your operational budget and will give you the flexibility to expand your prospecting efforts.

Diversify Your Prospecting Methods

Far too many property management entrepreneurs put all of their eggs in one basket. Maybe you’ve got one or two great clients with large portfolios of profitable units. Perhaps social media is the singular place you connect with investors and capture leads.

The scenarios vary immensely but the root problem stays the same: you’re counting on just one thing to keep your business afloat.

So, ask yourself…what happens if that one golden goose investor decides to sell off their portfolio? What happens if an algorithm change means you’re not gaining traction on social?

To safeguard against potential business loss, you need to diversify the way your business operates and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to sales.

So, What Prospecting Methods Actually Work?

If you’re worried about how to get property management leads quickly, you don’t have time to waste with prospecting methods that don’t generate real results. Theoretically, the sky is the limit when it comes to how to generate property management leads but there are certain techniques that consistently help our clients to maximize their profits. A few of these include:

Trojan Horse Selling
The Neighbor Strategy
Warm Review Outreach
Group Sales

Want to learn more about some of the most effective property management prospecting tools? Take a look at our Growth Accelerator program to discover how we teach property managers to focus on warm leads.

Rethink Your Core Marketing Message

What problem are you solving for real estate investors?

It’s easy to think that having slick branding and an optimized property management website will do all of the hard work for you. In reality, building a successful property management company takes a lot more introspective work and requires you to develop a strong value proposition for prospects.

You’re not just a great property manager. You’re solving real problems and headaches for customers. Maybe you’re taking the pressure of day-to-day management off their shoulders. Perhaps you’re helping them dial in maintenance and repair costs or taking the struggle out of marketing their vacancies and finding the right tenant.

It’s not enough to simply put your company’s name out there. Instead, you need to focus on identifying pain points and working out how you can address those specific problems.

authorityEstablish Your Company As an Authority

Are you familiar with CyberPower? What about Dynabook or Eurocom?

These are all personal computer manufacturers, but you probably have never thought about buying a Dynabook laptop, right? If you’re like most readers, you probably have never ever heard of these products.

The same problem plagues property managers across the nation. When consumers aren’t familiar with your brand, you’re not in the running for their business.

You can build brand authority through a thoughtful content strategy, by cleaning up your online reputation and reviews, and by building a referral network in the industry. Ideally, you’ll use a combination of different techniques, but the idea remains the same. You want to get your name out there and help consumers to see you as an expert in the space.

Turn Your Clients into True Believers

The proof is in the pudding as they say. Lots of property managers make big promises to close deals, only to leave investors underwhelmed by their actual results. Don’t let your company fall prey to the same toxic cycle, because it’s a one way ticket to building a mediocre company that’s stuck with middling profits.

We’ll let you in on a little secret—this is a huge part of our secret sauce at DoorGrow. We’re not just interested in adding clients to our property management coaching roster so we can inflate our numbers. We’re passionate about ensuring every client we work with gets results you simply won’t find with any other property management marketing company.

And our clients are our best salespeople. They tell others about the incredible experience they’ve had working with us and new leads come knocking at our door.

Of course, the same is true for any business, and property management is no exception. Work on impressing every client who entrust their rental investments to you and you’ll steadily build momentum for longterm success.

Ready to Catapult Your Business Forward?

Looking for how to get property management clients for your business quickly? Our Growth Accelerator program was designed for business owners like yourself who want to rapidly grow their door counts.

Our track record speaks for itself; our clients consistently double, triple, and quadruple their business by partnering with us.

Learn more about the Growth Accelerator or schedule a free consultation call with our team to get started.

Adam Zetterlund

Adam is our project manager and focuses on making certain projects successfully move through our development pipeline. Since joining the company in 2014, he's grown to play a pivotal role in our delivery process. He serves as an important link between our fulfillment team and our clients; Adam also oversees all content creation for our projects.

4 Ways We Can Help You Get More Clients, More Freedom & More Money

1. Get the 95-minute DoorGrow CODEâ„¢ Training

In how to grow your PM business and then make it scaleable. In 95 minutes, I'll show you why most marketing is wasting your money, how to eliminate your advertising expense entirely, and grow faster than your competitors.

Just reply with the word "CODE" in the subject line & we will send it to you.

2. Join our In-Person, 2-Day, Gamechanger Workshop & Take Big Action
This event is designed to be different than conferences in that we are bringing in expert coaches and you will be taking immediate action to review financials, improve profits, assess your team, systematize realtor referrals, find and initiate your first acquisition deal, and more. This will catapult your business toward success
3. Join our next DoorGrow Boardroom

4x a year, we run a 2-day intensive in Austin, TX, with a small group of savvy PM business owners. We deep dive into each business. You will gain insights into your business, get clarity, and walk away with a solid strategic plan.

The next dates are November 8-9. Learn more here.

4. Get a Scale Roadmap Session
If you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call, and brainstorm how to get you more leads, increase profits, and make the business easier, less stressful, & more efficient. Book a call with us.