DGS 164: How To Supercharge Your Cashflow with Short-Term Rentals with Alex Jarbo

cashflow with short-term rentals podcast artworkHow many times have you considered going into short term rentals as a property manager? Short-term and vacation rentals are enticing, but they can also be an intimidating niche for newcomers. 

Today’s guest is Alex Jarbo, short-term rental developer and manager and CEO of Sargon Investments.He is the host of the Youtube Channel called Alex Builds where he teaches the ins and outs of short-term development and management and he’ll be sharing with us how to supercharge your cashflow with short-term rentals.

You’ll Learn…

[01:08] Starting out in the Short-Term Rental World

[08:04] Useful Tools for Managing Short-Term Rentals

[12:13] Virtual Guidebooks: Providing a Unique Experience to Guests

[15:42] Dealing with Common Issues in Short-Term Rentals

[18:32] Some Extra Tips from Pro Short-Term Rental Manager Alex

[23:06] The Shifts in the Industry Since COVID

[25:34] Where to go to Learn More!


“And anytime I talk to someone they’re like, “I don’t know where to start investing.” I was like, just start in your backyard.”

“It’s easier to rent out these unique properties compared to, say, something like a normal condo or something.”

“I like the property to be an experience in itself on top of the city that the people are visiting for the attraction.”

“I talk to a couple of people a week then it’s like, is it too late to invest in short term rentals? Like, no. It’s not. Invest and manage both.”


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[00:00:00] Alex: I talk to a couple of people a week then it’s like, is it too late to invest in short term rentals? Like, no, it’s not. Invest and manage both.

[00:00:06] Jason: Alright, welcome DoorGrow Hackers to the #DoorGrowShow! If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors, make a difference, increase revenue, help others, impact lives, and you’re interested in growing your business and life, and you are open to doing things a bit differently, then you are a DoorGrow Hacker. DoorGrow Hackers love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges, and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you’re crazy for doing it. You think they’re crazy for not because you realize that property management is the ultimate high trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships and residual income. 

[00:00:44] At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management businesses and the business owners. We want to transform the industry, eliminate the BS, build awareness, change perception, expand the market and help the best property management entrepreneurs win. I’m your host, property management growth expert Jason Hull, the founder and CEO of DoorGrow. Now let’s get into the show. 

[00:01:08] And today’s guest is Alex, Alex Jarbo. Am I saying your last name right? 

[00:01:13] Alex: Yup.

[00:01:14] Jason: I did? Okay. I didn’t know if it was like a soft, “h” sounding ‘j’ or something. So Alex, welcome to the show. You have a company called Sargon investments. You do a lot of cool Airbnb stuff. So I’m really excited to have you on as a guest. I think the Airbnb market is of interest to a lot of my clients and a lot of property managers. It’s heating up. There’s more interest growing. So, maybe to get started: tell us a little bit about your background and how you kind of got into dealing with rental properties.

[00:01:48] Alex: Yeah, absolutely. So I was originally, I served about four and a half years in the Marine Corps. And then I had gotten to a point where I just wanted to branch out and sort of do my own thing outside of the military. So, got out, and then the day I got out of the military, I actually moved down to where I live here in Asheville. Prior to that, I spent a couple months trying to figure out like where I wanted to move. I’m originally from Detroit, Michigan. And I wanted to get into short-term rentals. That was sort of the niche that I had chosen inside real estate. So when I moved here, got my real estate license, helped some people purchase and sell properties, but I saw a lot of people purchasing short term rentals that would just come to me.

[00:02:26] So I decided to purchase my first one or at least start to purchase my first one. And I originally wanted to use my VA loan and purchase like a duplex or a triplex, live in one, and rent the other couple out on Airbnb. But what I realized really quickly was that like it was just very difficult, even back then in 2017 to find good, cash flowing short-term rentals that weren’t completely out of my budget at the time. So after maybe like three months of looking and getting outbid a lot, I decided to build my first short-term rental. And on top of a building I decided to take over the, uh, management. So that’s where I decided to both start a development company and start a management company. And that one property turned into two, two turned into four that we’re developing, and now we’re developing 10 and then working on like a boutique resort.

[00:03:13] But yeah, that’s the sort of the short of where I’m at now is just focusing on putting together these like boutique resort developments. And then we self manage in house.

[00:03:24] Jason: Awesome. So a lot of property managers listening might think “I would like to be an investor and maybe get some of my own.” I know some of my clients dabble a little bit just in their own investments. Even if they manage long-term rentals, they want to get more into AirBNB. So why don’t we approach that topic first? Like getting into it, you do some things that are a little bit different than the typical Airbnb investor. And one of which being cabins. So I’m really curious about this idea of: why cabins?

[00:03:59] Alex: So this is prior to COVID. My whole idea was like– right now we invest in mountain communities, but every market has their own little area. And anytime I talk to someone they’re like, “I don’t know where to start investing.” I was like, just start in your backyard. If you live in a Metro area, like a lot of areas, you’re going to be renting out, like say condos, or you’re going to be renting out apartments or something just cause you’re in a busy metro city. I like to ask them like “where in your city or the market that you live in– where do people like to take weekend vacations, maybe an hour to two away from you driving wise?

[00:04:29] And that’s sort of the market that I recommend people sort of go into. People are fine with driving say like 15- 20 minutes away from like a Metro city up to an hour in some cases. So like a good example of that is like people in New York, like New York city are going to travel maybe two hours. They’re used to traveling two hours north to vacation, same thing with, say like in California on the west coast. People in San Diego are pretty used to going up to Big Bear Lake and taking that drive. Land prices are going to be cheaper. 

[00:04:59] You can also host some like, not parties, but like bigger– you can host more people in some of these larger cabins and you have more control on the design and that’s sort of the thing we really focus on is focusing on developing unique cabins, whether it be a frames, really nice log cabins… we’re, we’re dabbling in like tree houses. It’s just difficult to find like financing on those right now. The reason we gravitated towards cabins over something like purchasing a condo in a Metro city is we have more control over the design, which just plays into the marketing. It’s easier to rent out these unique properties compared to say like something like a normal condo or something where it’s a little bit more difficult to differentiate yourself to like the condo next door or something.

[00:05:41] Jason: So it sounds like some of the key things you look at is proximity: like pick an area that’s nearby. It needs to be something kind of where people take vacations and then novelty seems to be an aspect to this. Like cabins are a novel thing in the mountain area and making it somehow unique or different or stand out. 

[00:05:59] Alex: Yeah, absolutely. And it’s like, what I always like to say is: say, if you’re not developing the property and you’re coming into it, you want something unique about the property. I like the property to be an experience in itself on top of the city that the people are visiting for the attraction. So like, if you’re looking at a market that has its attractions, but at the same time, it’s like you sort of get rid of the seasonality part of it a little bit when the property itself is an experience in itself, 

[00:06:24] Jason: Mmm, yeah, good point. The property kind of needs to be its own event or its own thing. Yeah. Cool. So let’s shift gears and talk about property managers that might want to get into this game of targeting people. Like you have a portfolio or a small portfolio of investments that they can maybe get on as clients and what that might look like. And then maybe one of the things I think you’re really good at is the technology. And so we could chat maybe a little bit about that. 

[00:06:55] Alex: Yeah, for managers who are looking, before this, we were talking about like a lot of long-term managers are sort of starting to dabble in the short-term rental game. It sounds intimidating, but it’s not as intimidating as it sounds. There’s a lot of technology out there right now, plugins and then also CRMs that make the process pretty seamless. Depending on how many properties you have in the portfolio, you really don’t need boots on the ground. It might in terms of like having a property manager in an area. Again, I would focus on one market at a time. 

[00:07:25] But you can get away with a part-time maintenance person. The most important part is probably going to be your cleaning crew, and that’s going to be up to you. There’s pros and cons to either hiring your own, like managing the cleaning in-house or teaming up with a local cleaning crew in the area that can handle the cleaning stuff. Which again, the cleaning is definitely like– I look at my cleaning crew as almost the manager of the properties themselves, because they’re there at least twice a week or at least once a week, depending on what the booking looks like. So they see what needs to be replaced, what’s damaged. If anything is damaged, they send me a picture directly, which I send directly to either Airbnb, VRBO, or wherever the property’s listed. 

[00:08:04] So the technology piece is going to be huge. And it, again, it’s all dependent on how big you are. If you have 10 cabins, you can probably get away with, there are messaging plugins where it’s like, I would say 80% of your messaging is automated. And then you can hire virtual assistants to sort of take over the other 20% of the messaging where it’s like specific questions that are asked or say, if they’re calling or something.

[00:08:26] Jason: So the cleaning crew is almost your inspection crew. Like they’re doing somewhat of an inspection as well, not just coming in and cleaning. So they’re identifying issues, submitting things to your maintenance team or your system for maintenance. And then you need people that are managing that. And then you’ve got VAs that can help facilitate some of these things happening right?

[00:08:48] Alex: Right.

[00:08:49] Jason: What are some of the actual technological tools that you utilize that help you to systemize the business and make things simple for yourself? 

[00:08:58] Alex: The first one is– and I’ll talk about maybe four or five tools here. The first one is going to be a tool and a company called StayFi. And I’ve talked about this tool so much now that I’ve recommended it to anyone looking to get into short-term rentals. StayFi is essentially a little disk that plugs in the back of the router. And what that does, is it email captures any guests that’s using your internet. That 1. Protects you from if the guest is doing anything illegal on your internet, which might happen. But 2. It captures everyone’s email in the cabin. 

[00:09:29] So, you’re essentially taking digital marketing principles and applying it to brick and mortar business, which is the short-term rental stuff. Which is a little difficult to do, but if you can master that part, you can essentially capture your customers. So StayFi. Imagine like you’re walking into a Starbucks, you walk into an airport and you have to enter in your email address to be able to get access to the wifi. It’s the same idea here, but it’s geared towards short-term rentals. 

[00:09:52] So from there we use MailChimp to push out marketing emails, but we push out maybe seasonal emails, like three or four emails a year just saying, “Hey,” like “this season’s coming up” or “Valentine’s day is coming up. Would you like to book with us?”

[00:10:04] Originally, when you’re starting off, you can just put your Airbnb link directly in there. But as a manager who wants to build a bigger short-term rental business, you can use this to sort of take people off of Airbnb, VRBO where they book initially with the short-term rental sites, but then you can build a platform on the backend to sort of capture direct bookings where you’re not paying both. The guest is not paying the processing fees. And then same thing with the host. You’re saving money on that end where you’re sort of– you have more control over the guests, which is what we realized is very important. 

[00:10:38] Jason: Yeah. So you’re shifting from just traffic that’s fed to you by Airbnb and you’re taking that traffic so that it doesn’t always have to come back through that and creating your own traffic. It’s traffic you own now. 

[00:10:50] And for those emails that you capture, do you have any, like, even anecdotal data or information on how many rebook at the same property? Is that common?

[00:11:00] Alex: It is pretty common. I don’t have exact numbers on that. But we do see a boost in booking say like a couple days after we’ve pushed the email out. Right now we’re still working on building out the backend platform. 

[00:11:13] We’re just pushing them directly back through Airbnb right now. But like, companies like Airbnb and VRBO have metrics that show like, “Hey, this person has rebooked with you this many times.” And then people who are looking to get into more of an advanced system, we use Streamline, or we’re going to be using Streamline. vacation, rental software is top of the line where you can syndicate all the top short-term rental sites, and then it sort of syndicates all the messaging too that comes from the different sites. So you have one platform which I really recommend doing. Like, if someone is coming up to a manager and saying, “Hey, I want to take over your property. What can you do for me?” The first thing I recommend is always: are they just on one platform? If they’re just on Airbnb, if they’re just on VRBO, there’s already room for growth there by just putting it on a couple other platforms or putting more eyes on your property.

[00:12:00] Jason: Yeah. Very cool. So Streamline for syndication is one of the things. You mentioned MailChimp for getting emails out periodically do your list or some sort of newsletter. What other tools are you using to kind of simplify the business? 

[00:12:13] Alex: Right now, a digital guidebook is very effective. We like to essentially plan– I sort of stole this idea. My wife and I had a vacation in Taloon beach on a resort. And when we arrived, the resort had practically planned our trip for us, where it’s like, “Hey, if you want to do a cave diving trip, this is this. If you want it, this is what your day would look like. If you wanted to go visit the pyramids, this is what your day is going to look like. If you just want a chill day and just want to go visit restaurants, this is what your day could look like.” 

[00:12:43] So we did the same thing there where we plan maybe three to four days. Like here we have like over a hundred breweries in the city, so we do like a brewery day. We do a hiking day. We do a waterfall chasing day, and it’s like all that’s in the digital guidebook where you could put links to different things in the digital guidebook. And it’s just sent out. The link is sent out with the check-in instructions. Same thing with you can get with local restaurants or local providers and be like, “Hey, can you give me like a 10% discount, and then I’ll put it in my digital guide book where the guests can use almost like a QR code where you can just generate a QR code. Yeah. 

[00:13:15] Jason: So for the digital guidebook, is this just like a Google document or is this like..?

[00:13:21] Alex: We use a company called Hostfully. And Hostfully is specifically a short-term rental, digital guidebook.

[00:13:28] Jason: Host fully? 

[00:13:30] Alex: Yeah, Hostfully. Host and then F U L L Y. Yeah. 

[00:13:33] Jason: Okay. Great.

[00:13:34] Alex: Pretty cheap too, man. It’s like, I think it’s like 15, $20 a month per property. 

[00:13:38] Jason: Got it. And so what advantages does Hostfully give you over just throwing it in a Google document, for example? 

[00:13:45] Alex: The templates are super easy to use. You can also track like how many people are actually looking at it. I mean, I would say the templates, and then also, Hostfully does have a backend system just like Streamline. So. Streamline I believe it’s a minimum of 15 properties if you’re just starting off. Hostfully I believe is like $25 a month per property. Where it’s the same type of syndication CRM, where it pushes out to the other short-term rental sites. So you can sync those two together. 

[00:14:11] Jason: Got it. Yeah. I had a software company on one of my previous episodes. They were showcasing TripAngle. Tripangle.com. And he was talking about how they like reduce all the fees, connected Airbnb and all this stuff. So. Pretty cool. It might be worth listeners checking out that and checking out tripangle.com. I think he had mentioned something about Streamline the last time I talked to this gentleman too. So, some connections.

[00:14:37] Alex: Streamline’s a company standard. It’s been around before Airbnb. Before VRBO blew up too. People forget like short-term rentals is not a new idea. It’s just the access Airbnb has made it so much easier and VRBO too. Short-term rentals have been around for a very long time where people have to pick up a phone and book So like, I mean, people aren’t missing the boat on that. I talk to a couple of people a week then it’s like, is it too late to invest in short term rentals?

[00:15:04] Like, no, it’s not. Invest and manage both. It’s continuing to grow, especially with COVID like people sort of stepped away from hotels a little bit, and they’re more comfortable driving out a little further out where it’s like, would you rather pay an extra $1500 to stay an actual house compared to a hotel? And same thing with like some of the larger properties that we manage. It’s like we have families instead of booking, maybe two or three hotel rooms, they’re just going to book one house and it almost comes out to be the same price. 

[00:15:31] Jason: Nice. Yeah. For large groups it’s hard to beat, you know, if you’re doing a family reunion or something like that. It’s pretty difficult. You’re talking a whole bunch of hotel rooms or you get a 10 bedroom house. So,

[00:15:42] Alex: One thing going back to the tools that just came to mind. This has helped us a lot when it comes to– cause we are in a very strict short-term rental market in terms of like laws and zoning and everything. And one of the things that’s helped us a lot. And this can help a lot of the managers who are looking to get into the space is using a company called NoiseAware and stacking that with a company called Party Squasher. And we mainly use NoiseAware compared to Party Squasher. You can combine the two but NoiseAware sort of, it hears– it doesn’t listen to everything. It doesn’t listen into conversations, but it monitors the decibel level inside of the property. 

[00:16:17] So if the guests are being way too loud or screaming since you get their phone number at booking, even if it’s through Airbnb or VRBO, they get an immediate text message “Hey, you’re being too loud. Could you please like quiet down?” Or something like that. Maybe a little bit more tactful than that. But that’s been a very powerful tool for us and especially approaching the county. It’s like the biggest thing neighbors think about is like, oh my God, when they think Airbnb they think like, oh my God, there’s gonna be just parties next door all the time. So. 

[00:16:44] Jason: Right. Destroy the neighborhood. 

[00:16:46] Alex: Right. 

[00:16:47] Jason: So, yeah, that’s pretty interesting. So they get a text message. Do they reply to this and do you see their messages? Or like, what the hell? You know, 

[00:16:55] Alex: But what we do, there’s like a whole list of things. So Stayfi, what I mentioned earlier also allows you to see how many devices are connected to the wifi. So.

[00:17:06] Jason: Right, so if there’s like a thousand, you know there’s some rager going on.

[00:17:09] Alex: Granted, you might have your laptop. Like one guest will have a phone, a laptop, So two, three devices, maybe an iPad too, a tablet. But if like the property sleeps six people and there’s 30 people attached to the wifi.

[00:17:21] We also have like an outdoor facing camera just at the driveway too. So say if we do get a say, cause we can set it up to where we get the noise notification as well. So from there, we just look at our cameras and say, oh, okay. There’s 50 cars in the parking lot, and this place sleeps six people. And then from there, we can either text “Hey, like you’re not supposed to have…” or we can reach out to Airbnb directly. We’ve never really dealt with that issue, but the systems are in place just to make sure.

[00:17:48] Jason: And it’s largely probably the screening process at the outset that you have in place to prevent that. Right. So you mentioned NoiseAware you couple it sometimes with Party Squasher, is that what you said? 

[00:17:59] Alex: I personally haven’t used it, but some other guests have recommended it to me. I haven’t– I have almost no experience in that, but I’ve seen it a lot mentioned on different short term rental podcasts and some of the books that I’ve read too.

[00:18:10] Jason: Okay. Cool. 

[00:18:11] Alex: I Don’t know what it does on the backend but… 

[00:18:13] Jason: Yeah, I don’t either. Okay, cool. But it probably prevents parties, which is probably a big concern, like, parties happening, the NoiseAware and the Party Squasher. All right. Cool. Any other tools or systems that you utilize in managing your rentals to make sure things go smoothly.

[00:18:32] Alex: Going back to the cleaning crew just a good line of communication is very important. Making sure that you are choosing a cleaning crew or cleaning company that can grow with you. A lot of the time, you don’t want to be teaching your cleaning crew how to clean short-term rentals because what I realized initially, and just with the labor shortage that’s happening right now is a lot of people, like my cleaning crew stopped taking on new clients, not new properties, just new clients.

[00:18:58] It’s difficult to try to switch the mindset of approaching a cleaner that takes care of properties. Say for just cleaning people’s properties like our property manager or our cleaning crew specifically deals in short-term rentals, a company that is used to turning a property two, three times a week if need be. 

[00:19:17] Another thing I’d recommend is– it might affect your bottom line a little bit, but it might outweigh the amount of time that you put on a specific property. Because of COVID, we stopped taking on one day bookings, which we were taking a lot of, one day bookings prior to COVID and that sort of just came out of my cleaning crew couldn’t handle the work from the one day bookings, but what I realized is looking back, we’ve been doing that for four or five months since we stopped taking one day bookings, a lot of our problems, a lot of our questions, a lot of our bandwidth was taken up by one day guests. And I sorta understand it’s like a lot of the times they were just coming in at like, say 8, 9, 10 PM. And they have to check in at [10:00] AM the next day. They don’t really get to enjoy the property too much. You get those late night texts a lot too, from the one day guests compared to a guest staying 3, 4, 5, sometimes a week with you.

[00:20:10] Sometimes those are the quietest guests where you don’t hear anything from them. Maybe a couple of questions here and there. But what I saw was a lot of my issues, a lot of my people requesting refunds or whatever was coming from one day guests. So for people who are already in the short-term rental space, I’d play around to see. And what I also realized too, was like, sometimes that one day guest will book in the center of the week on the Wednesday, which blocks someone from booking that entire week. So if someone’s in the short term rental space play around with seeing, maybe just do it with one property and see how the property is affected. 

[00:20:42] You might get a better tenant in there which is what we saw a better tenant by booking two, three days minimum compared to a one day. And what I also saw with if you’re booking on Airbnb or VRBO, is the algorithm sort of adjusts based off that request of only accepting two or three-day bookings. They’ll try to play with your schedule to show it to people who are only trying to book three days and sort of, like for most of our properties are fully booked up with no one day gaps in the schedule right now, after we’ve switched over from not taking one day bookings.

[00:21:16] Jason: Yeah, that’s interesting. I would imagine that would be really effective. Plus if you’re able to get two and three day bookings to fill it up for the most part, you probably rather than a bunch of one days, you’re probably between a one day and a three day. For example, you probably have similar operational costs.

[00:21:34] Alex: That’s been huge. And that’s sort of just came that we discovered that by accident. Also, one of my mentors had told me, like we were operating for the first year, we were operating at like a hundred percent occupancy and he’s like, “your prices aren’t high enough. You shouldn’t be at a hundred percent occupancy.” And that rings true for any type of real estate asset. It’s like, if you’re at a hundred percent occupancy or hundred percent booked…

[00:21:53] Jason: yeah. You haven’t hit the limit yet on what you could get.

[00:21:55] Alex: Right. 

[00:21:56] Jason: If you’re at a hundred percent, 

[00:21:57] Alex: If it’s multi family, self storage, whatever. It’s like, if you’re at a hundred percent, you got to raise your prices.

[00:22:01] Jason: Yeah what’s the occupancy rate you go for now instead of aiming for a hundred percent. 

[00:22:07] Alex: So we raised our rates by 30%, if we can stick to the 85%, which is, I mean, if you look at like companies that look at like what to price your property as like rdna.co is probably another good a good tool for the audience that sort of helps you price out what the short-term rental will rent for rdna.co they look at if a property is anything over 75% that’s looked at, like you’re in a higher percentile compared to anything below that.

[00:22:35] This is getting on the development side when we develop our properties, we underwrite them as long-term rentals. Just in case, if the zoning ever changed in the city, that it’s an extra fail safe, it’s an exit. That’s worst case scenarios. If we have to book it out, has a long-term rental. It can cover the debt service and the expenses. If we need it. 

[00:22:54] Jason: Smart. Yeah. I know when COVID hit, the short-term rental game got pretty damaged in the short term, right? And there was a lot of people like trying to shift and shuffle and get their properties into the long-term space. 

[00:23:06] Alex: What I saw too is I had talked to someone. I realized that this was different. We use the term vacation rental and short-term rental pretty interchangeably, but sometimes people look at that as differently. If you’re looking at the definitions of what I’m about to explain right now, vacation rentals is what I’m in right now. Sometimes short-term rentals can be looked at like 30 day plus stays, but not over six months. During COVID a lot of people were renting out to traveling nurses and they’re still doing that is they’re renting out to traveling nurses. Say you’re not in a market where you have all these properties. You might be close to a very large hospital.

[00:23:40] If you’re close to a large hospital, you can go. There are short-term rental sites that are specifically geared towards nurses. And that’s a lot of hosts sort of pivoted towards that during, when they weren’t allowed to do short-term rentals. But the 30 day plus stay is a gray area. Almost all cities and counties cannot regulate short-term rentals for 30 days plus which is interesting. A lot of people are making good money just on that route. 

[00:24:06] Jason: Yeah. I’ve talked to some property managers. One property manager mentioned that they do a lot of that extended stay it’s in the short term sort of space, but they get a lot of people from overseas that are coming over that need a place to stay in the interim or they’re coming for some sort of work thing, you know, they might be maybe from India coming to work for a tech firm or some of these things, and they need an extended place to stay for a few months while they’re doing some sort of training, you know, things like that. And so, yeah, that can be a very profitable business. They’re getting a lot more money than the standard rate on a property. 

[00:24:43] Alex: And you had mentioned COVID. It’ll be interesting to– I’ve seen different projections on like once international travel really starts to pick up again. Prices or occupancy might drop, but it’s going to be interesting to see, every market’s going to be different, how that plays out because a lot of people did start using. They picked up Airbnb and VRBO during COVID where it’s like, instead of staying in a hotel, they decided to book through Airbnb and VRBO for the first time. So it’d be interesting to see if those people, if the occupancy and the rates sort of stay the same once, international travel picks back up.

[00:25:16] Jason: Yeah, that will be interesting. Well, cool. This has been really insightful and I’m sure those that are kind of dabbling or just getting into the short-term rental game will have picked up some cool ideas and some cool tips. Anything else that you think they might be interested in or that we could point out to property managers?

[00:25:34] Alex: Yeah. I talk a lot about this stuff on my YouTube channel too. Alex Builds it’s a little logo of a blue tree house. If they want to sort of dive deeper into the management side of it and the tool side they can check that out. And then also my website, Sargoninvestments.com they can, if they can’t find that YouTube channel, they could find it through there too.

[00:25:51] Jason: Awesome. Cool, Alex, I appreciate you coming on the show and thanks for sharing so many of your knowledge and insights, and I wish you continued success in your short-term game. 

[00:26:03] Alex: Perfect. Thanks, Jason.

[00:26:04] Jason: You bet. All right. Cool. Check him out on YouTube. He’s got a cool little YouTube channel you know, going over investments short-term rentals. He talks about some cool ideas. Lending loans like how to play the game of short-term rentals. So check him out on YouTube. And for those that are interested in growing their property management business, be sure to check us out at doorgrow.com we’re here to support you and your growth. We’re especially really good at helping you not just add a bunch of doors without spending a bunch of money on marketing.

[00:26:34] And we are helping. We have short-term rental clients, you know, in our program. Long-term rental clients are our most common target audience that we’re helping build out their portfolio. But we also are helping on the operational side to be able to streamline the business and to become the entrepreneur that can run and have a team that makes your life easier so that you have more freedom, more fulfillment, more contribution, which means you’re making a difference and doing things you really feel good about, and more support. And so if you feel like you’re kind of scarce on those things, I call those the four reasons and you’re really frustrated and you’re banging your head against the wall with your team, then reach out. We can support you and help you in that.

[00:27:17] You might be a really good candidate for our DoorGrow and Scale Mastermind which is really awesome. So anyway, check this out. And for those that are listening to this on iTunes or on YouTube, be sure to also join our free Facebook community, which you can get to by going to doorgrowclub.com and until next time to our mutual growth. Bye everyone.

[00:27:42] You just listened to the #DoorGrowShow. We are building a community of the savviest property management entrepreneurs on the planet in the DoorGrowClub. Join your fellow DoorGrow Hackers at doorgrowclub.com. Listen, everyone is doing the same stuff. SEO, PPC, pay per lead content, social direct mail, and they still struggle to grow! 

[00:28:09] At DoorGrow, we solve your biggest challenge: getting deals and growing your business. Find out more at doorgrow.com. Find any show notes or links from today’s episode on our blog doorgrow.com, and to get notified of future events and news subscribe to our newsletter at doorgrow.com/subscribe.

[00:28:30] Until next time, take what you learn and start DoorGrow Hacking your business and your life.

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

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