DGS 125: Premature Expansion in Property Management – Part 2

premature expansion in property management episode artworkDo you have a coach to help guide you to grow your property management business? If you want to excel at what you’re doing, you must have somebody who’s playing a bigger game than you.

Today, Jason Hull and Jon Ray of DoorGrow continue their discussion on premature expansion in property management. Besides putting planning and process documentation systems into place to be more efficient, they focus on the third system: Communication (internal and external).

You’ll Learn…

[01:33] Interruptions and Inefficiency: Every interruption costs 18 minutes of productivity.

[02:13] Pay to Play: Learn from coaches how to protect and guard against interruptions.

[02:40] Cut the Slack: Chat tool that creates interruptions and crushes team productivity.

[03:15] Under-Communication: Creates interruptions that prevent momentum and flow.

[04:07] Communication System: Only involve those internally that need to know, and find ways to improve external client communication.

[06:01] Organizational Structure: Clear line of communication for delegation.

[08:15] Who does what? Pair effective visionary with brilliant operator to get things done.

[18:18] Sales solves all problems—not always true. Growth feeds business.

[19:25] Get things in place, and then it’s not premature.

[21:00] Jack of All Trades, Master of None: Entrepreneurs find opportunity everywhere.

[25:34] DoorGrow OS: Consolidate systems, processes, professionals to be successful.

[31:10] Three Currencies: Growth involves time, money, and effort.




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Jon: I have worked with coaches for the past 20 years. I believe in them wholeheartedly. If you’re going to excel at what you’re doing, you have to have somebody who’s playing a bigger game than you.

Jason: Welcome, DoorGrow Hackers, to the DoorGrow Show. If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors, make a difference, increase revenue, help others, and you are interested in growing your business and life, and you are open to doing things a bit differently, then you are a DoorGrow Hacker.

DoorGrow Hackers love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges, and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you’re crazy for doing it, you think they’re crazy for not because you realize that property management is the ultimate high-trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships, and residual income.

At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management businesses and their owners. We want to transform the industry, eliminate the BS, build awareness, change perception, expand the market, and help the best property management entrepreneurs win. I’m your host, property management growth expert, Jason Hull, the founder and CEO of DoorGrow. Now, let’s get into the show.

I’m hanging out here with someone else from DoorGrow, Jon Ray.

Jon: Yeah. Thanks for having me.

Jason: The third system that’s necessary so that you can avoid premature expansion is you need an internal communication system. If you’re still operating on sneakernet, or constant interruptions like sneakernet as they walk into your office all the time and interrupt you, then you’re operating really inefficiently. Every interruption costs you about 18 minutes of productivity for one team member. If one team member interrupts another team member that’s 18 minutes times 2. I don’t know what that is, but it’s more than a half-hour.

Jon: Thirty-six minutes.

Jason: Too many minutes, like 40 minutes down the drain because two people decided to talk to each other, or one person interrupted somebody else. You have to protect and guard against interruptions. All of this stuff is stuff that has to be learned. It’s stuff that I’ve had to pay lots of money to learn from different coaches.

I had met with Jason Freed, the creator of Basecamp, and hung out with me on a call like this for 90 minutes. He cut my staffing costs in half overnight. We’re high tech. We were using all kinds of technology. He pointed out how we are using this chat tool that had group rings. It was causing everybody to interrupt everybody all the time. Everybody feels like they had to read everything. It made our entire business completely inefficient. The software was Slack for those of you that are big Slack fans. Slack was absolutely killing and crushing our productivity as a team. It is basically an endless diarrhea without context or stream of information for every single project. Everyone on the team felt like they had to read every single thing.

Jon: One of the things that entrepreneurs are aware of is that when a team is under communicated, that’s not a good thing. But there’s this idea that maybe over-communication is the way to go. That’s actually just as bad, if not as bad, because it creates so many interruptions that then prevent people from finding the momentum and flow that allows them to be most efficient.

Jason: The reason it costs you 18 minutes of productivity is because that’s about how long after somebody that causes interruption, regardless of how much time they’re spending with you. They might spend 15 minutes with you, and then it’s 18 minutes. It takes time to get back into the flow. What was I doing? How do I rebuild this house of cards that I was building before Steve came in from finance and interrupted everything?

There needs to be an internal communication system that works effectively for the team that only involves the people that need to know or deal with a certain thing at a certain given time, rather than everybody needing to see everything. If you’re a control freak as an entrepreneur, and you need to know everything, and see everything, you’re probably the biggest bottleneck in the company. You need a planning system, you need a process and documentation system, you need an internal communication system.

The other system that you need is you need an external communication system. You need a client communication system that makes it easy. We use Intercom. Some people will use HubScout. You also might use your property management software in some ways for this. You might have phones, but you have to clearly have an effective client communication system. That’s something we’re always working on improving is client communication. We use Voxer internally as a team, and some of my coaching clients will use that as well. We’ve got a lot of tools that we use to increase communication, but most of it is one-on-one. It’s not causing big group interruptions or situations like that.

Jon: An important thing to reference here—when it comes to creating the right communication systems—is that there has to be clear lines for delegation. Part of your process documentation needs to be letting each employee at each level and in each role understand what type of tasks are appropriate to delegate up to you and what needs to be delegated down.

Jason: All that comes with the process documentation, but planning helps with that a lot at that system, and then you need an internal communication system. As part of that, that’s kind of the organizational structure. There needs to be a clear line of communication where somebody reports to somebody.

I was talking with a property manager the other day. They had their part of another business. What she said is that this other business that she’s a part of—outside of a property management business—that there are three bosses. Over one department there’s two managers. I said, “Well, how did the team members know which one to go to?” I said, “Are they very different personality-wise? Do they get different answers?” She’s like, “Absolutely.” So then, how do they know which one to go to?

There’s so much confusion in this entity. She could see it. Me hearing about it just made my skin crawl because I was like, “I would feel so crazy and uncomfortable because it sounds like a nightmare.” There’s all this infighting and politics and all the stuff going on because nobody has any clarity. People don’t even know. She said somebody got promoted in this business and everybody said, “Hey, congratulations.” There was a celebration.

Jon: I’m going to take this time and just pause you. I know that there are people out there that are saying, “This sounds like a lot of work. I’m already too stressed out.” There’s so much resistance to putting in this work. What we’re talking about is do you want to win at a new level of the maze? Do you want to be a high achiever? Because if you’re satisfied with being in this mediocre average zone of success, then maybe you don’t need all of this. If you ever want to get to a level where you’re dominating your local marketplace, and you’re running a business that isn’t just growing but is growing comfortably, these things are mandatory, right?

Jason: Yeah. I can empathize with that strongly. The little story—just to wrap it—was everybody was congratulating this person. They were asking him, “Cool. What are you going to do now?” He said, “I don’t know. I’ll figure it out as I go, I guess.”

Anyway, let’s go back to the question. What was the question again? Sorry, I have to finish the thread.

Jon: There’s so much resistance around showing up and having to actually do all of this stuff. Maybe you can talk about why it’s important to push through that resistance, or how to do that? Then why ultimately, the short term resistance and discomfort leads to a more comfortable, more profitable, and more fun business down the line?

Jason: I just would rather kill the resistance. Here’s what I realized. I had a ton of resistance. When I started working with some of the best operational companies, ­­I was working with probably the best operational coach that might exist in the business world. I had already studied traction, and EoS (end of sale), and I’d heard of the Rockefeller Habits, and scaling up, and I went to this thing called warrior. There are other systems out there similar to the 90-day year. All these planning systems have some commonalities between them, which I sort of outlined when we discussed the planning system. I felt a ton of anxiety when I was going and learning this stuff. You want to know why? Because I’m not the person that should be doing that stuff.

That kind of stuff is stuff that operationally minded people love. I can geek out on a system like I could see the genius in it, but me doing it, and me implementing it, me running meetings, I’m not the person to do that. Most CEOs and entrepreneurs are the worst to run team meetings, to manage their team, to manage operations, to manage operational processes. That’s why you’ll see almost any visionary—that’s really effective—paired up with some sort of person that’s operationally brilliant. It gives them the freedom to create ideas, create a vision. The operator helps them make that stuff come true and happen.

Jon: If I’m a property manager and I’m still in that first sandtrap, and maybe I’m not even doing more than a quarter-million a year in revenue, and I don’t really have the budget to bring these people on. Can you talk about what it would look like to start thinking about a hiring trajectory and mapping out some of the milestones of how I can get to this place?

Jason: This is a learned process to know clearly where your time is going, how you’re the biggest bottleneck in the business, what needs to happen next? This is stuff that we teach, but it’s a process. There’s a system for knowing exactly what you need next to take the business to the next level. It’s part of the stuff that we teach clients.

Ultimately, for those that maybe they’re the lower level like, “I can’t hire a COO. I can’t hire an operational manager. I can’t even hire an operations assistant yet.” Maybe they just get a personal assistant, executive assistant, somebody that loves planning. They love process. They love documenting things. They love systems. They geek out on these things. They like calendars and spreadsheets. They’d love to color coordinate sock drawers. Their closet is organized. Their desk is spotless. These are not typical visionary entrepreneur personality types that are high-driven types of people.

If you are not that personality type—now on property management, you do get some operationally-minded people, but they might not also be the driver. They may need to get a BDM (business development manager) in the business. Somebody that’s out there crushing it, and closing deals, and aggressive because maybe they’re that operationally-minded person. That’s why I think every business needs to be built around you, the entrepreneur, but if you’re hearing this and you’re getting anxious. You’re like, “All these systems, all this stuff,” and you’re overwhelmed. That probably means you’re not the operations-minded person.

The operations person, they probably have some of these, and they get excited about that. Those property managers are the ones that are like, “I can’t grow yet. We’re working on all of our systems and processes first,” and they have 10 doors. They’re documenting everything and getting everything dialed in and then you have the opposite. You have to figure out which type are you? The other thing to point out is this stuff doesn’t make your life crazier, and it doesn’t make your life more chaotic, and it doesn’t feel it’s not more work. Because when you start to get these things implemented, and you’re offloading, and you’re systemizing, and you have planning, and you have vision, your team can actually help you do all of this.

Every team member you add actually lowers your pressure and noise. Every team member I’ve added to the team has made my job and life easier. I’m doing less. Every day I’m doing less. Every new person—I brought you on—I’m doing less. What that allows me to do is to do more of the things that I really should be doing, the things that I’d really love, the things that really make me feel alive. I’m to the point now that I enjoy doing sales, but you’ve taken that off my plate, and you’re taking some of the marketing stuff off my plate. I enjoy doing marketing, but there are things that I now want to do more than those things.

As you build out your team—the very first person you need usually is an assistant, very first person. Hopefully, that’s a person that you can grow into the role of being an operations assistant, an operations manager, maybe a COO of your company at some point if they’re brilliant and effective enough. Because that’s going to lower your pressure significantly, and they’re going to help you get all of this stuff dialed in and implemented.

Jon: I know a lot of people have hired somebody at $10 an hour to be a personal assistant. They’ve had a bad experience, or that person just didn’t really do what they were supposed to do. Is there some way to think about bringing on a personal assistant where that’s actually going to be a successful relationship?

Jason: Oh man. We’ve had people in the show like HireSmartVAs and Anequim with the Mexican VAs. If you’re not an expert, and you don’t know how to answer that question, and you want to just get a virtual assistant like those, or a great assistant we’ve had on the show—if you want a US-based assistant, you need help. Because you don’t know how to identify these people. The mistake we make as entrepreneurs is we tend to hire people we like or that are like us. That’s not the person you usually need. You usually need a person that’s somewhat your opposite that can balance you out, and handle the things, and take things off your plate that gives you more pressure noise.

We have a process we take people through to identify that so that you can build up the ultimate job description for your dream team member. The silliest thing I ever hear—and I mentioned this in some of the system shows—is when an entrepreneur starts asking around, “What do you have your assistant do?” That’s like walking around the grocery store asking people, “Hey, what do you eat? What are you having for dinner?” Because they have no clarity. You’re not ready to hire. It’s not what they can do, it’s what do you need? You have to get really clear on what do you not enjoy? What drains you? What’s sapping your energy? What is that has alignment with you personally?

That’s one of the things we get people really strong clarity on is who they are, what they should and shouldn’t be doing, so the business can be built around the entrepreneur instead of built around somebody else’s system, or somebody else’s process. This is my major problem with traction and some of these other systems. It’s building according to somebody’s ideal system, which ironically is a system that requires some special coach that’s super expensive that you have to do it that one exact way. You need this thing called an integrator that is only one that can do it.

Jon: I was going to say I think the people that I see who are the worst at delegation are really nice people. Because really nice people hate asking other people to do stuff that they don’t want to do themselves. The misconception there is that other people like the same type of work that you like. You can always find somebody who loves to do the things that you hate to do. That’s how you should be thinking about hiring. Let me find somebody that I can bring on as an assistant who can start to help me offload all the things I don’t want to do, but they love doing those things.

Jason: The biggest mistake we can make as an entrepreneur in our business—when it comes to team members—is to assume that our team members think the way we do. Almost none of them do. They’re very different. Otherwise, they’d be entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are just different. My team members love being told what to do each day and having clear ideas of what to do. Me, I want freedom and I want autonomy. There are huge differences.

You need to recognize that the stuff that you hate doing, somebody loves doing that. I don’t like calendars. I don’t like staring at spreadsheets all day. I don’t like doing graphic design in front of a computer all day. Can I do these? Can I enjoy them sometimes? Yes, but that doesn’t mean that that’s my best use in the business or in life and that I want to do that. My team members that love those things, they love those things. They could do that every day. That’s just fun for them. I don’t ever have to motivate them. That’s how I know I’ve gotten somebody in the right position because they love doing what they’re doing. Without getting too far off-track—because we could do a whole episode just on hiring, planning, whatever.

Jon: How does all this tie back into premature expansion and whether or not I as a property manager am ready to expand?

Jason: The one other system we didn’t mention is you need a sales process and system. You need some growth system that’s feeding the business. This might be the most important. Some say sales solves all problems. Not totally true, but without sales, you don’t have a business. There’s no revenue. You can’t pay your team members. Things get scary. You can’t pay your mortgage, or rent, or whatever you’re doing, you can’t pay the lease on your building. Sales have to be happening. Bit growth has to be happening in the business.

All of these things go together. You need all these different systems in order to work. If you have all these systems, then you almost have a franchise model in which you can open up another office, or a new location, expand into a new market. Ultimately, you’re going to want to keep as much as possible—probably centralized—to lower operational costs, to reduce redundancies, and get what you need to support that new location.

Then you know, all right, this is not premature. We’ve thought this out. The baby is ready to be born. This is all set up. The reason I call premature expansion because there’s nothing premature that is usually considered positive. Anything that’s premature—whatever you can think of—is usually a bad thing. I wanted people to understand it’s too early, it’s too early. You don’t have things in place. Get the things in place, and then it’s not premature. Does that mean you’re going to learn? Yeah, you’re still going to learn. Are there going to be mistakes? Absolutely. Is it going to be messy sometimes? Sure, but that’s running a business. Perfect businesses don’t exist. That’s part of just what’s going to happen. If you’re dealing with that, the idea of starting this new location expanding everything else and everything else is already a mess, you’re just pouring gasoline on a fire that’s already there and it’s just getting worse.

Jon: These processes and systems really give you a leverage that allows you to be really successful in a lot of different styles of expansion. Whether that’s opening another office, or acquiring something. The best investors in the world—like Warren Buffett—are essentially people who are really good at systems and processes. When they go and acquire a business that’s in chaos, they know that they can immediately implement the right systems, processes, and management team, and that business will become profitable very quickly. It puts you in a position where you have a huge competitive advantage over anybody who’s just bootstrapping it or shooting from the hip.

Jason: Another form of premature expansion is death by opportunity. Entrepreneurs, we see opportunities everywhere. You know you’re the opportunist type of property manager or entrepreneur business owner if you are like, “We can start a roofing company. Let’s start a maintenance company and we could serve these other companies. Let’s do roofing. Let’s get a house cleaning business. Let’s do carpet cleaning.” I know business owners that they have new property management, and they have seven or eight other businesses.

Jon: It’s like the jack of all trades, master of none.

Jason: Some of them can be good. They can build out teams, they can have things really well dialed in. If you learn to do it for one—like you we’re saying—you can do this for all of these businesses and make sure that it’s going well. But if one’s a mess, you’re just adding more problems and making it more challenging. What it does is it dilutes focus. Focus is one of the key ingredients for making money. If you want to make a certain amount of money, and you’re like, “Well, let’s add more services.” You would think that would add more money. What it usually does for most entrepreneurs is it just dilutes what they can already do. It just divides that up and it becomes more and more challenging. It’s a lot easier to make a million dollars in one company than a million dollars to 10 annually. That’s another form of premature expansion. That all comes back to the planning system.

The planning system, and our vision, and goals as a company give me constraints as an entrepreneur and as a visionary. I’m like, “We could do this and we could do that.” My team is like, “We can’t. We’ve got all these goals that we’re working towards. We’ve got this, we got this. Maybe we can make room for that next quarter or next year.” This protects them from the grenade when I come back from the conference and I have all these ideas and want to change everything. They’ll say, “I can see that I don’t want to lose sight of what we have going already and destroy that momentum. I want to achieve these objectives. It’s going to get us money. It’s going to get us making a difference. All these things that I want. We need to keep that going. Then we can figure out where that can fit in.” It just allows us to not just go through the buffet line, throw a ton of stuff on a plate, and then end up not being able to utilize even half of it.

Jon: Once everything that you’re talking about—the communication systems, the processes, the systems—once all that’s in place, it also gives your staff and your employees a mechanism for delivering feedback to you, even if that’s uncomfortable feedback. Almost always—maybe not almost always, but at least in the businesses that I’ve run as a high-level manager—the employees who are actually doing the operations a lot of the time have really solid ideas on how to make things more efficient, but they feel afraid of communicating those up. By opening up those channels of communication and making it so that it’s not uncomfortable for a lower-level employee to give a great idea and have that idea be received, you can actually empower your team to fix a lot of the inefficiencies.

Jason: Here’s a real simple thing that I thought of that you can recognize if you’re ready for premature expansion. If you are the one running all your team meetings, and you’re the first to speak in all those meetings, you’re already losing. Have you noticed that I’m not running the meetings, and everyone asks me what I think less? “Hey, are you stuck on anything?” I’m the last one to go. Because it’s so easy for us as entrepreneurs to say, “Hey, here’s my idea. Everyone should do this.” Then when you ask your team members they’re going to go, “Yeah, what the boss says. He pays me. That sounds like a good idea. I’ll go with what he says. That’s the safest answer.”

Jon: Growth in all levels—personally and it when it’s directly related to revenue—means that there has to be an integration of discomfort sometimes. The proper communication levels mitigate and buffer the discomfort that employees have for communicating good ideas. Oftentimes, the people on the ground level are the ones most capable of finding the thing that’s going to work for your current team dynamic.

Jason: This is something we’ve been thinking about a while. We run our business using a system that we called DoorGrow OS that I feel like is one of the most brilliant planning systems out there. It’s a consolidation of several different planning systems, operational coaches I’ve worked with, having brilliant operators on my team. It’s something I built out even software-wise that we use internally as a team. You’ve just started to get a taste of this. There’s clarity. There’s communication. Everyone knows what they’re doing. We’re hitting targets, and goals, and objectives each week. The momentum is strong. This is how we grew 300% in a year.

Jon: It’s a really interesting way of running a team. I’ve run a lot of teams that have a lot of branches underneath the management. This just provides a level of efficiency and oversight that still makes upward and downward communication very feasible and very easy. Maybe at some point, I’ll convince you to share that system with the rest of the world, but right now, it’s been really interesting for me to understand some of those principles and see how the years and years of working with all these coaches have been baked into some of these ideas and the things that you’re identifying as the ways to know whether what you’re doing is premature expansion or actually profitable growth.

I don’t know if you have anything else on your list, but I know that we’re starting to get a little bit long. Maybe we could just recap what we’ve talked about. I’ll turn it over to you for any final words of how somebody can take what we spoke about in this podcast and make it actionable. For somebody who has nodded their head to at least one or two of the things that you said during this podcast, what should be their next step for starting to figure out how they can start to tweak the knobs and levers of their business in order to be more in line with what will actually make them successful?

Jason: Every business owner is doing the best they can with what they know. Every person on the planet really is doing the best they can with the limited access to knowledge and resources they currently possess. If you knew better, you would do better. There’s a lot of things I don’t know. There’s a lot of things that I can’t see. My best feedback is—you’ve probably heard a lot of ideas on this recording. Maybe you were nodding your head, but ultimately, if you feel stuck, or you don’t feel like you’re going as fast as you want, or you don’t feel like your company’s in momentum, then you need help. You need to reach out.

That’s one of the scariest things for us to do as entrepreneurs, but I do it. I have coaches that I pay. I go and I get help. If I don’t know something, I hire a coach. I’ve got an event I’m planning on going to in March to learn something that I feel like I’m weak at in the business. Normally I would hand up to other team members but something I’ve avoided that I need to know more about. You need to have enough vulnerability to recognize that you can’t do it all on your own. You’re not Atlas holding the entire globe on your back. You need to get support.

If you don’t feel like you have support, if you don’t feel like you have somebody in your corner, if you feel like you’re the smartest person in the room in your company, and everybody’s just going to say yes to whatever you throw at them, there’s a big problem. You’ve got big blind spots. You need to reach out. You need to get help. That could be us at DoorGrow. Set up a call with us, reach out. We can help you identify some of the blind spots, some of the leaks, some of the inefficiencies, and get you into a high state of momentum. We start in those five core functions at the very beginning.

Jon: I want to just mention—because I can feel that somebody just had some resistance to, “You can’t do it on your own. You need a coach.” That almost sounds too salesy. Maybe we could alter that statement and soften it for that person who feels resistance to that because you could do it on your own. You could go to the bookstore. You could buy all the books. You could read through them all. You could slowly implement things, and see what works, and what doesn’t work, and it would take you forever, or you can work with a coach and collapse time. For people who are looking to collapse time, that’s when it becomes incredibly valuable to work with somebody who’s already done all of that research and extracted the best practices, split testing all the ideas and figured out what works. Now, you can have a roadmap for how to get to success in the quickest way possible instead of having to trial and error your way down the road.

Jason: I am a big fan of trial and error, but I do also like collapsing time. My coaches have helped me collapse time dramatically. I was that guy. I was for many years. I was the guy that thought I could watch another Youtube video, or read another book, and I could figure out on my own. It took a ton of time. You have to recognize there are at least three currencies.

If you want growth, it involves time, it’s going to involve money, and it’s going to involve focus, or energy, or work, or effort, whatever you want to call it. Those could probably be broken up even further, but you’ve got these three currencies. If you use all three and invest all three you can grow faster. If you decide, “I’m not going to invest money. I don’t want to go hire a coach. I don’t want to pay DoorGrow. I don’t want to go spend money on this.” Then you can go buy cheap things like books, and watch free YouTube videos, and get a lot of some good stuff. Some stuff that’s leading you the wrong way but you don’t know. They’re experts so maybe they’ll be telling the truth. You try it out. Then what ends up happening is it’s just going to take infinitely more time.

That was my challenge. I spent a massive amount of time. It was painful. When I finally started to invest serious money towards the best that I could afford at the time, I collapsed time dramatically, and I always made that money back. Not even just made it back. I made it back monthly. I was making more than I paid the coach. That’s almost been my experience with every coach. I’ve got so many coaches that I paid $5000 a month. It gets ridiculous, but do I make more of that in a month? Absolutely.

Jon: One of the things that I hear on the calls is if someone isn’t seriously setting goals for their business, it feels to me like it’s because they’re afraid that they’re not going to hit them. If they don’t say them out loud then they don’t have to suffer the defeat of not hitting it. One of the reasons to work with a coach is to have the accountability and the hand-holding required to get you over that resistance and that hump so that you can actually start hitting those numbers. The first time that you hit one of the goals that you set, you get addicted to it. You want to keep hitting goals, but because people have set so many goals in the past and then failed at hitting them, they don’t set goals anymore.

Jason: They don’t trust themselves.

Jon: One of the things that a good coach can do is get you back in alignment with your goals so that you recognize that that vision is possible to hit. That’s part of that collapsing time. There’s a ton of great business books out there, there’s a ton of great niche courses out there. You can throw money into a million different ways to “grow your business,” but if you’re not looking at your business holistically, and you’re just looking to fix the symptom with some kind of a band-aid, you’re never going to be an A-player in anything that you’re doing. There’s an opportunity to level up by working with a coach—whether that’s DoorGrow or somebody else.

I have worked with coaches for the past 20 years. I believe in them wholeheartedly. If you’re going to excel at what you’re doing, you have to have somebody who’s playing a bigger game than you.

Jason: That’s very true. I agree. Let’s end on that note. Jon, I appreciate you and hanging out with you again. Those that are watching, make sure to—if you’re watching this on Youtube—subscribe, like us. If you’re hearing this in iTunes, please, be sure to leave us some feedback. We want to hear your real feedback there. Leave us a review. That helps us out.

Jon: I’m also going to say before this goes out. Join us in the Facebook group because this can be an ongoing conversation that we have in the Facebook group. We have so many stellar examples of property managers who are doing all the right things there. You can interface with them, you can interface with the people on our team, and you can tell us what’s working, not working in your business. Then if you disagree with everything that we just said, we invite you to come and have that conversation as well. Because any type of conversation whether you’re praising what we’re doing or trying to chip it down with an ax is going to allow us to grow, and iterate, and become better. We want to have you in that group.

Jason: Well said. Until next time, everybody. To our mutual growth. Bye, everyone.

You just listened to the DoorGrow Show. We are building a community of the savviest property management entrepreneurs on the planet, in the DoorGrow Club. Join your fellow DoorGrow Hackers at doorgrowclub.com.

Listen, everyone is doing the same stuff. SEO, PPC, pay-per-lead, content, social, direct mail, and they still struggle to grow. At DoorGrow, we solve your biggest challenge in getting deals and growing your business. Find out more at doorgrow.com.

Find any show notes or links from today’s episode on our blog at doorgrow.com. To get notified of future events and news, subscribe to our newsletter at doorgrow.com/subscribe. Until next time, take what you learn and start DoorGrow hacking your business and your life.

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

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3. Join our next DoorGrow Boardroom

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The next dates are November 8-9. Learn more here.

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