DGS 179: How To Use The Myers Briggs Personality Test

Myers Briggs Personality Test podcast artworkPersonality tests can be a great way to gauge potential team members and ensure they are a great fit for your business. The Myers Briggs Personality Test is just one of the personality assessments we use here at DoorGrow.

Join Jason in this episode as he discusses and describes the Myers Briggs personality test and different personality types in depth. 

You’ll Learn…

[01:30] What even is Myers Briggs?

[03:28] How to Hire Correctly Based on Personality Fit

[05:00] Going in Depth for all 4 Attributes in Myers Briggs Assessments

[17:37] The Common Personality Types in Business

[32:07] What to do After You Figure Out Your Personality Type


“Now there’s a lot of people that would argue that personality is not always static. Personality is not like always defined and that you can have multiple personalities.”

“People have a main sort of way that they show up in the world and that’s probably their primary sort of personality type and getting people to operate outside of that, there’s some friction, there’s some challenge.”

“One of the biggest, most important things to look at in hiring is personality fit.”

“A lot of times sensors gravitate towards manual labor or doing physical things where they can see physical, tangible, real world results.”


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[00:00:00] Personality fit dictates whether or not they will naturally be good at this job or whether you’re going to have to micromanage them, push them and constantly overcome friction in relation to doing the job, 

[00:00:11] All right, welcome DoorGrow Hackers to the #DoorGrowShow. If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors, make a difference, increase revenue, help others, impact lives, and you are interested in growing in business and life. And you are open to doing things a bit differently, then you are a DoorGrow Hacker. DoorGrow Hackers love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges, and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you’re crazy for doing it. You think they’re crazy for not because you realize that property management is the ultimate, high trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships and residual income.

[00:00:48] At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management business owners and their businesses. We want to transform the industry, eliminate the BS, build awareness, change perception, expand the market, and help the best property management entrepreneurs win. I’m your host, property management growth expert Jason Hull, the founder and CEO of DoorGrow. Now let’s get into the show. 

[00:01:11] All right. So today what we’re gonna be talking about is a tool that I use to look at personality types. Sometimes some people might view this as just looking at like the equivalent of looking at tea leaves, but we’re gonna be talking about Myers Briggs and Myers Briggs assessments. So what is Myers Briggs? So Myers Briggs is a lens through which you can look at certain personality types and in Myers Briggs, there are 16 personality types that exist and a really great website you can go to, to do this testing is 16– one and then the digit six– so digits 16 –personalities dot com, so 16personalities.com. So if you go to this website, you can then take their assessment for free or have people on your team or people that you’re hiring take this assessment for free. At the end of it, it will ask, “do you want these results emailed to you?” have them say yes, plug in their email address.

[00:02:11] They will get the email results. Have them forward those results to you, or copy the link from that email and give that to you, that shows their results. It’s important because then you can see the ratio, the percentage amount on each attribute. There’s four attributes to understand in Myers, Briggs. 16 personalities added a fifth attribute, so to speak, but there’s four main attributes. So I’m going to teach you quickly on this recording how to quickly, rapidly type somebody in Myers Briggs so that you can get clear on how they show up in this world and what they’re like. 

[00:02:49] Now there’s a lot of people that would argue that personality is not always static. Personality is not like always defined and that you can have multiple personalities. Todd Herman has a great book on that subject, which is about how he helps celebrity athletes and other celebrities come up with or create alternate egos. And it, I believe the book’s called _The Alter Ego Effect_. Really cool book, really cool topic. So I highly recommend you check it out. I got to meet Todd in person, hear him speak in person at one of the masterminds I’m involved in as a student and it was really cool to meet him, ask him questions and get clarity on that, so it’s worth checking out. 

[00:03:28] People have a main sort of way that they show up in the world and that’s probably their primary sort of personality type and getting people to operate outside of that, there’s some friction, there’s some challenge. One of the biggest, most important things to look at in hiring is personality fit. I’ve spoken about this on some lives and some events before, but really quickly, there are three fits you need when hiring. Personality fit is one of them, culture fit is another, and skill fit. Most people hire based on skill fit alone. Like, ‘can they do this job?’ Or ‘can I teach them to do this job?’ But more importantly, is personality fit. Personality fit dictates whether or not they will naturally be good at this job or whether you’re going to have to micromanage them, push them and constantly overcome friction in relation to doing the job, right. Somebody’s personality, if they’re really introverted and shy and don’t like talking to people might not be a great salesperson, for example. Somebody in customer service– if you’re putting somebody into customer service, but they’re really cold, analytical, and harsh in the way that they do things, they might be terrible at customer service, but maybe they make an awesome operations person. And so we wanna make sure that we’re clear on the personality that would be a good fit for a particular role, so that when hiring, we can identify: are these people probably going to be a natural personality fit? The other is cultural fit. Cultural fit, we will not get into on this conversation, but it’s the most important of the three fits and that’s whether or not you will be able to trust them in the long run, because whether or not they share your values and that sort of thing.

[00:05:00] So let’s talk about Myers, Briggs, and how it can help you identify personality fit. You may want to type yourself, so let’s go through and type you right now. So grab a pen or a paper or just something and write down there are four main attributes. So the first attribute you need to figure out is, are you an extrovert or an introvert? This is usually pretty obvious for most people. You can just ask people or you can just ask yourself if you know this person, “are they an extrovert, an introvert? Am I an extrovert or an introvert?” The main question I like to ask to figure out if somebody’s an extrovert or an introvert, is do you get momentum and excitement from being around people? Or do you get momentum and need to recharge? Do you get recharged or more energy by being around people? Or do you need to be away from people in order to feel like yourself and recharge, and where do you like spending most of your time? Right. So some people are ambiverts, I’m an ambivert. In Myers Briggs, I tend to show up as an actual extrovert, but I have a lot of introvert tendencies. 

[00:06:08] So that’s important to figure out like which one are they? Because for example, I’m an ENTP typically is how I show up. INTPs from the INTPs that I’ve known are quite more dramatically introverted. ENTPs are the most extroverted of all of the E types in Myers Briggs, which is half of the 16 personality types. They are the most introverted of all of the extroverted types, so a lot of times they might show up on a test as an INTP, but INTPs, I find are the most introverted of the introverted types and they are extreme introverts and they can go weeks without human contact, and they’re totally fine with that.

[00:06:49] A big differentiator there, if you’re like me, confused about INTP or ENTP, like I have been in the past: are you charismatic and outgoing? You are probably not an INTP. You’re probably not an extreme introvert. You’re probably not super introverted if you have charisma and personality. I find INTPs, a lot of times are pretty deadpan, dry, and they’re quite brilliant.

[00:07:14] Anyway, we won’t go into every single type, but I’ll throw examples out throughout the process here. So mark whether you’re E or an I. I show up more as an E, but a lot of people might categorize me as an I. So I get that extroverted trait by connecting with clients, coaching clients. I like being on the stage as I am right now, so to speak, sharing ideas with others and benefiting other people, extroverted trait.

[00:07:39] So the next would be whether you are an intuitive or a sensor. So they categorize that letter instead of a E or an I, that next letter is an N for ‘intuitive.’ They use the second letter. I know it’s confusing, but we’ve already used I in the first set, so they didn’t wanna use it again. So it’s an N for intuitive or S for a sensor. So how do we categorize these? So in general, my big question or differentiator that I’ll ask between these is, “are you usually focused on high level theory, theoretical, big picture, which means you’re more of an intuitive, or are you focused on more grounded, practical, real world, reality and your physical senses?”

[00:08:23] So I find sensors are those that like things to be tactile, like they can touch them. They can see real results. A lot of times sensors gravitate towards manual labor or doing physical things where they can see physical, tangible, real world results. A lot of sensors end up in careers or positions where they are doing really grounded, real world work. It could be like policemen, firefighters, plumbers, contractors, stuff like that. A lot of them are more on the sensor category, people that do physical art or do physical things, people that do like tiling floors or people that enjoy building statues or creating things like those a lot of times can be sensors. They’re very focused on their physical senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, et cetera. 

[00:09:17] Whereas intuitives go in– a lot of times they’re focused on theoretical, big pictures, big ideas, and thinking, and I’ll point out that. There’s no good or bad personality types necessarily. They’re all needed. They’re all good and useful in different things. So are you an intuitive or sensor? Another thing I look at with intuitive or sensors, I like to ask, what kind of TV shows are you into? Are you into shows that are very focused on grounded, practical things like crime dramas and historical period pieces and stuff like that (sensor) or are you focused more on, do you like the intuitive type of stuff, which could be more sci-fi or more fantasy based or some of these kind of things where you’re getting exposed to potential ideas and big picture things.

[00:10:04] That might relate to the last attribute a little bit too. So that’s could be a red herring, but we’ll get to that. The next major attribute would be thinker versus feeler. This is usually pretty obvious for most people, and the way that you wanna look at this, everybody is a feeler to some degree, and everybody is a thinker to some degree. A lot of times, feelers mistakenly think they’re thinkers because they over– they tend to overthink things. They ruminate things. They get stuck on things in their head because they’re not really good at logical, analytical thinking. They’re feelers. And so they just overthink everything, like “how is this gonna impact everybody else from an emotional standpoint?” so that does not mean you are a thinker. That means you are a feeler.

[00:10:46] Thinkers, usually are very quick in their thinking and they approach things logically first. If you approach things from a feeling standpoint first, then you are probably more of a feeler. So if there’s a problem and you’re looking at this problem, would you use logic and reason first, or would you try and explore things emotionally and make sure people are okay? So another example I will give is if you saw somebody crying on a train that you were on or on a bus you were on or in a public place that you were at, and they were crying, would you naturally think: ‘I’m gonna kind of give them their space and let them deal with their stuff,’ or do you feel a natural need to immediately reach out and connect and maybe even touch them to communicate? Like, “are you okay? And can I help you with anything?” Thinker versus feeler, right? So, what is your go-to? 

[00:11:39] Me? I’m more of a thinker. I’m sure many of you could guess, more on the analytical logical side. I approach things through logic first. One other thing you can look at is a lot of times thinkers when they are not really good at processing emotion or experiencing emotion and don’t want to feel negative emotion and so they’ve gotten really good, as a strategy of leveraging their logic and reason to avoid uncomfortable feelings in the future. So when they experience something uncomfortable or painful emotionally, their go to is to think, “how can I avoid feeling this ever again in the future, and how do I solve this as quick as possible?” And “how do I stop feeling this as soon as possible?” Whereas feelers know that the most effective strategy is to feel that fully, feel through it because the only thing you logically can do with a feeling is to feel it, and once you’ve fully felt it, it no longer controls you. 

[00:12:33] You can avoid a feeling indefinitely and it can constantly be affecting you for years and years to come. It can be a challenge for thinkers. Whereas if you fully feel through something, you cannot feel a feeling forever. You can’t feel something forever you’ll eventually just kind of get numb to it or get comfortable with it, get used to it, or have kind of processed it and worked through it, and then you can approach it logically and say, “all right, how can I view this in a healthy way? What good came from this? What could I get from that?” And go through maybe a positive focus exercise, so to speak. “Why is this positive?” Right. So thinker versus feeler. So which one are you? Do you approach things through logic and reason first, or do you approach things through feelings first?

[00:13:17] Neither of these are right or wrong. We need both. I like to bring feelers in for things where it’s customer service or it’s relating to clients or it’s community managers or client success managers or roles where we need somebody to love on our clients and make them feel good. Thinkers: operators, logical roles, things like that. So we want thinkers. 

[00:13:37] So moving beyond that. We get into the last of the four attributes, which is perceiving versus judging. So this is how you approach the observable world and how you approach learning and how you approach the world around you in your thinking and decision making, perceiving versus judging.

[00:13:57] So a lot of people get really judgemental about the word judging and they’re like, “I’m not judging. I’m not judgemental.” That’s not what that means. And perceiving a lot of people think, “well, I wanna be perceiving.” So let me explain this, and then it’ll be very clear to you, which one you are. So people that are Ps, that are perceiving, I find to be very creative. They like to pull in lots of ideas from lots of sources. They’re very open minded, but they’re a bit chaotic and they tend to thrive effectively in chaotic environments, but they live a lot of times. In chaos, they have a messy desk as do I right now. It’s a bit messy. You can see my bookshelf is a bit crazy, right?

[00:14:36] So these are, perceivers, they’re really good at pulling in lots of ideas, and this is the advantage I have for my clients is I can pull in lots of ideas and create new ideas out of those ideas. And that’s where the brilliance and genius comes out in these Ps and how I’m able to benefit clients and help them see things they couldn’t see on their own or didn’t see otherwise. And that’s how we come up with new ideas in really ingenious acquisition strategies and growth strategies and things that are very counterintuitive to what they’ve been taught sometimes. And this is because Ps can see around the corner. They can see the bigger picture. They can see ideas that Js just cannot see. The problem with Ps though is sometimes they’re a little too openminded, so open-minded they get diluted and distracted by too many different ideas. Sometimes Ps are very disorganized. They need support from their team members, from people that are Js. So my assistant is a J.

[00:15:29] They handle my schedule. They handle calendars. They like that kind of stuff. They like checklists and spreadsheets. Js, judging have a box. They have a lens through which they view the world. Anything outside of that box– when people say, “live outside the box,” they’re talking to Js. These are Ps talking to Js.

[00:15:47] Js say, “this box keeps me safe. This box keeps the world moving forward. Everything outside of that, like woo woo stuff and maybe even Myers Briggs and aliens and conspiracy theories and all this stuff is complete bullshit, is BS, and is a waste of my time. So anything outside of my current worldview is a waste of my time and is not effective. Unless you can convince me logically otherwise, I’m not gonna waste time exploring all of this other stuff and looking at all this other stuff. This is what is necessary and needed.” Right. And so Js are those that tend to move businesses forward as operators, as people that get stuff done. They are really good at calendars, spreadsheets, meticulous details, stuff like that because they will make a quick judgment and throw out anything that does not fit. 

[00:16:42] Whereas Ps put everything on the shelf, look at the big picture and come up with some new ideas in putting these different Lego pieces together. And they build really cool shit, right? They build really cool stuff. So Js though are really brilliant at cutting out the fluff, the crap, getting to the point, and moving things forward. That judging box protects the business and protects people and creates really good boundaries and moves things forward. So we need both. So are you perceiving or are you judging? 

[00:17:15] Usually if you need an operations person, you need a really good assistant. I do not recommend that they’re a P typically. Some of you may, as entrepreneurs may be a P or perceiving, but if you are a J you will tend to want an assistant that is also a J, and if you are a P you’ll tend to need an assistant that is a J, right? 

[00:17:37] So let’s talk about some different personality types. Gosh, I don’t have all 16 listed in front of me, but let’s talk about some different types, right. ENTPs like myself are often called the debater personality type. They’re not really well liked a lot of times because they enjoy the friction and the conflict of debate. I love being wrong and I love being right. Like either one is fine for me because either way I win and I learn and that open-mindedness and being a thinker and having that extroverted intuition, which is the EN allows me to do really creative stuff. And I’m generally naturally good at most things that I apply to.

[00:18:17] I don’t though, like to finish things. I love to start ideas, come up with creative ideas, and I have an entire mechanism and machine and team that I’ve creatively built around me that support me in getting stuff done. So having operators, having fulfillment team members, having client success managers, having sales and marketing manager, like I have a whole executive team and then I have layers underneath some of them. Now what are some good roles for, let’s say operations, right? So operations. So Sarah, who is the operator on my team and also my fiance and is beautiful and who I love. She is an INTJ and generally is how she shows up on most tests. She is very introverted a lot of times. She can turn on the charm when she needs to, but she likes having a lot of space and a lot of time to herself, introverted intuition.

[00:19:08] So a lot of really intuitive aspects to her. She just seems to know things, her unconscious figures things out that she doesn’t even consciously know. Sometimes she’s like, “I feel like we’re losing money somewhere here and I don’t see it yet, but I just know something’s off, and she’s always right. Like almost always right. INTJs love being right. They’re almost always right, but they are a little rigid because of that J, so they can’t see creatively around certain ideas. And so the debator ENTPs sometimes are really good at helping expose them to some new ideas and beating them in the debate situation. But they’re great debaters and they love being right and they hate being wrong.

[00:19:47] And they’re sometimes very Spock-like Star Trek reference, but they can become so logical and sometimes so cold that emotionally, they will hurt people around them and hurt people from a feeling standpoint because they are thinkers. They are logical, analytical, intuitive thinkers, and they are Js. I find INTJs also really tend to always love animals sometimes, like pretty often, more than people. People drive them crazy because people are unreliable. People make like bad decisions and dumb decisions. They don’t just do what they’re supposed to do. INTJs are brilliant strategists. They make great operators. 

[00:20:26] Other roles, we’ve got the ENTJ, they’re kind of the entrepreneur type. They sort of have the benefits of both of these personality types, and they’re usually viewed as the entrepreneur, very enterprising. They’re good at scaling things. They can sell very well. They’re logical thinkers, intuitive, extroverted, and they’re Js, so they make really great business owners, entrepreneurs, sales people, and they can grow and scale things effectively. They’re not usually as good with sometimes IP, like intellectual property or coming up with new ideas or creating new ideas, but they’re great at taking good ideas and scaling and building these things out in a lot of situations, but they may also have really good ideas. So it just depends. Because of their drive and their tenacity and their ability to figure things out, a lot of times, they are pretty creative and they can gather really good ideas and put things together. But the J usually limits their creativity in that area, but they can recognize a good idea when they see one, right? So ENTJs can be very effective entrepreneurs. 

[00:21:25] Other types of entrepreneurs that I’ll see besides ENTP and ENTJ is I’ll see ENFP. ENFPs are very interesting type of personality types. They are also quite introverted on the extroverted scale of the E types, but they love people. They like to analyze people. They like to figure people out. ENFPs are viewed almost as childlike or flirtatious by people when they’re just trying to be friendly. And they’re very friendly, but they come across very flirty with a lot of people. People always perceive them as flirts. They’re great with other people. They love figuring out personality types. They love this kind of stuff. I learned this initially from, and was exposed to Myers Briggs by an ENFP, and they knew all the different types and they understood people. ENFPs love freedom and creativity.

[00:22:14] They don’t have that J. They’re feelers that are perceiving. They have F and P and they’re intuitives and they’re extroverted, so they do not wanna be corralled. They’re not great in nine to five job situations, sitting behind a desk and a cubicle. They need to be out. They need to be creativity. They need different environments. So ENFPs, a lot of bartenders are ENFP. It’s because they get to connect with a lot of people. It’s always different. They can set weird schedules and different schedules. A lot of actors and actresses might be sometimes ENFPs. You get a lot of flight attendants that might be ENFPs. You get a lot of hairdressers, lots of connecting with people, or beauty salons or things like this, and there’s also a lot of real estate agents. I believe ENFPs are just love and sunshine. My mother is an ENFP, I believe, and she was a real estate agent, and people just love her. She’s like everybody’s mom and connects with everybody and she understands people and she’s really sharp.

[00:23:07] ENFPs are also really, really, almost religious. They have a deep spiritual sort of belief set internally. Whether they’re part of a religion or not, they have really deep beliefs and they’re really big advocates for that belief system. And so they like to almost campaign or push that belief out into the marketplace or into the world because they have deeply held beliefs. They’re viewed very childlike on the surface and a lot of people don’t realize this, but they are really deep, one of the deepest types. Even though they come across like loving, they love rainbows and unicorns and sunshine. A lot of ’em will dye their hair an interesting color and they love to connect with people. And so those are ENFPs. So, one of my daughters is ENFP. 

[00:23:54] Another really interesting type is the. Counselor type and they’re the INFJ. They’re an interesting hybrid between the introvert and extroverted types, in between thinkers and feelers, they have a J but they’re a feeler they’re intuitive intuition. So INFJs often end up being counselors. They are calming presences in an organization. They tend to be therapists, counselors. INFJs are very– they can be also very adaptable, but INFJs tend to ruminate a lot because they’re feelers. They overthink everyth. And they think about a lot of things. A lot of people talk about the INFJ “door slam.” INFJs once they decide they don’t like a person or they cut somebody off, they do a door slam and they will cut that person off for life a lot of times. So INFJs also, I find, tend to attract narcissists or believe everybody out there is a narcissist. 

[00:24:50] So INFJs because they have such a sensitive, intuitive feeling nature but they’re also judging and they can be very, very judgemental. INFJs tend to be one of the most judgemental types towards other types. And they have a lot of judgements towards other types, but they also use that intuition to kind of feel out people and they’re very feeling oriented. They’re idealists in some ways. And they don’t like when the world doesn’t look a certain way and they’re very intuitive feeling oriented. So INFJs can make really great counselors, therapists, you know, and social workers, stuff like this, where they’re interacting with people on a one-on-one intimate, deep basis. 

[00:25:31] And those are INFJs. And so a lot of times they’ll attract people that are narcissists, or they will view others as a narcissist because they are sometimes self depreciating or allow their needs to kind of be subservient to others. In some instances, until they really become healthier and learn effective boundary setting. In INFJ groups on Facebook and whatever, they complain about a lot of different people about being narcissists. I don’t believe that everybody out there that they think is a narcissist is a narcissist or is self-absorbed or selfish. I think that they just aren’t really good at attracting good people and setting healthy boundaries. And then they view all these people as the bad guy. So a typical scenario in less healthy INFJs or less evolved or less mature.

[00:26:17] Let’s see. What are other types? So the entertainer personality type is ESFP. They’re very, openminded, very feeler oriented, very touch and sense oriented and extroverted. ESFPs. They’re a lot of fun, sometimes a little bit too much fun. They’re the ones that’ll be dancing on the tabletop. They need to be the center of attention at all times, if there is a group and it’s heightened and people are extrovert in getting attention, they will find a way to get more attention and get more extreme. So they will dance on the tabletop. They will like get everybody to pay attention to them. They will do things. They will be in charge of like getting the most attention sometimes, these ESFPs. They’re the entertainer personality type. I sometimes joke that they are the NSFW types, not safe for work. In fact, I saw meme once it had all these hats, 16 hats with all the different types and one hat was missing and the person was putting on, it said not safe for work. The one that was missing was the ESFP, which I thought was funny. So they can be kind of a little bit, you know, extreme and so ESFJs, which I mentioned before, ESFJs are a bit more on the judging side. They’re very practical because they’re sensors. 

[00:27:31] They’re also feelers, but they’re judging. And so ESFJs and ISFJs are very feeler oriented. ISFJs are more on the introverted side. So ISFJs are very supportive people. They do not want to be in the foreground. ISFJs are the people that want to at the party not be involved at the party. They’re not gonna be on the tabletop. ISFJs are those that love being in a supportive role. Putting them into a leadership role is usually a very bad idea. It’s very uncomfortable for them. They often are nurses. They often are caretakers. They often are great internal office staff. They have amazing, amazing memories. ISFJs have amazing memories. So do INTJs, but ISFJs have really great memories. They remember numbers, they remember details because they’re watching everything and they want to make sure everybody’s taken care of, everybody’s happy.

[00:28:25] ISFJs often care more about other people than they do about themselves, and they expect everybody else to reciprocate and nobody ever will reciprocate at the level that they care and give to others, so they often feel sad or down that nobody cares for them the way that they wanna be cared for and the way they care for everybody else. That expectation that people will reciprocate is never at the level that they care. They’re baking cakes for people. They’re doing things for people. They’re serving other people. Those are ISFJs, and they are great people to have as a support mechanism and a background support staff in a business. 

[00:29:04] ESFJs are a little bit more like them, but they’re a little bit more extroverted. They have better boundaries. They’re more willing to be in the foreground a bit, and they also can be really good, taking care of people, but they’re sensors so they’re focused on the practical things. 

[00:29:18] And then we’ve got ENFJs, which are similar. ENFJs are very extroverted intuition. They’re great at being leaders of the community. They’re really good at knowing who in the group is having a good time, who is not. I generally look for maybe like an ENFJ or ESFJ or somebody like that that’s really organized to be a client success manager to take care of and love on our clients and make sure everybody’s being dealt with because that extroverted intuition, they’re able to perceive intuitively how everybody is receiving things, how they’re doing. And they’re feelers, so they care primarily about making sure everybody is having a good experience or feeling good about things and they’re detail oriented because of that J and they make sure things get done.

[00:30:01] So I think I’ve covered several different types. What else could I cover? INFP. INFPs are interesting. These are some of the most woo woo of all the types. The most open-minded they’re introverted, intuitive feelers that are perceiving. These are people that usually find they wear flowy clothing and they’re very woo woo, and they’re into all sorts of different ideas that are really sometimes out there, and they are not great at practical real world reality. That’s a difficult thing for them. And so you’ll find that a lot of people in spiritual, new agey things, a lot of them might be INFPs. 

[00:30:41] I would not choose an INFP in my business to do anything that was like, think deadlines and timelines and getting things done efficiently, but they would be very good at like being very spiritual and intuitive and supporting clients through a process and, you know, stuff like that. INFPs are feelers. They have introverted intuition. So they are really focused on intuitively on themself a lot, and they go deep within and their processes. And then they perceive and pull everything in from the universe. And they’re just so open minded, sometimes me being a bit more, you know, on the thinker side, feel like they’re so open minded, maybe their brains have fallen out. Right. But INFPs have their place and they also can be really, really useful. 

[00:31:26] So a little different than the INFJ, which I talked about before, which is a counselor type, which are a bit more on the judging side and making sure things get done, which balances out all that intuition and intuitive internal stuff and introverted stuff and all that feeling. So INFPs, everything’s based on a feeling. It’s ” I feel this way because intuitively I feel like this is a good idea or emotionally, I feel like this is a good idea.” So they’re very feeling based, so it’s very difficult for somebody like an INTJ or somebody like an ENTJ to deal with those people sometimes, because they’re just too open-minded, or S types sometimes might find them difficult.

[00:32:01] So those are several different types. I can’t think of any other of the 16 types that I might have missed, but one quick hack for anyone, once you get your Myers Briggs type or you get your team members’ Myers Briggs type, I recommend that you don’t listen to what I just said. You go and do a YouTube search on YouTube for that type. Put ‘ENTP’ or ‘ISFJ’ or ‘ESFP’ or ‘INFP.’ Put the four letters and then put ‘in,’ (I-N) ‘in’ and then ‘minutes.’ Write the word minutes on YouTube and you’ll get these great cartoon explainer videos that some organizations have put out, which they’ll show like ENTP in four minutes, or INTJ in five minutes or something. And these really describes for four to five minutes, that personality type in detail and even showing visual examples. And it really makes it clear. You can watch that and go, ‘is that really me?’ So if you do the 16 personalities test and you see any attributes that are close to 50%, it’s like 53%, 54%. It might be a mistype. So you can go check out ENTP and ENFP in minutes and watch these videos and see: “which one really speaks to me?” 

[00:33:10] Because any one attribute creates a completely different personality type and a different way of approaching the world. Even if it’s very similar to the other type, they have a very different. Cognitive stack and order in which they process information and do things, right? Whether they’re extroverted or introverted or whether they’re sensor or intuitive, or whether they’re a thinker or feeler, they have a different stack in order of what those priorities are as how they approach the world.

[00:33:34] So watch those videos and that will help you. Also, you can use those videos to get clarity on your team member and why you may have had frustrations or difficulties or challenges once you’re aware of your type and aware of their type, you’ll be able to better assess how can I better relate to them or communicate with them, or why are they the best fit, personality fit for this role? And if you watch that video and you’re like, “I do not want this person as my operator,” they shouldn’t be your operator. Or, “I want this person as my client success manager,” they could be your client success manager, and so that will help you assess whether they are the right personality fit for the role that you have them in.

[00:34:11] So I recommend you assess yourself and assess all your team. And I hope this was a really helpful deep dive into Myers Briggs. And as with anything, figure out their personality type, reflect it back to them, ask them questions to see: “is this really you? This is what this kind of says about you,” and see what feedback they give you. Because really when you wanna get to know a team member or a person it’s really about getting to know _them_. So just use this as a lens and as a tool for feedback and throw those things out at them, those noodles at the wall, and see which ones stick. So that you get a clear picture and they mirror back to you or reflect back to you, “yes, that’s true,” or “no, that’s not really accurate for me. I think I’m more this way,” and this will give you a much clearer picture of their personality and whether or not they’re a good fit for the role or position. So I hope this is helpful for everybody until next time, to our mutual growth. Bye everyone.

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[00:35:29] At DoorGrow, we solve your biggest challenge: getting deals and growing your business. Find out more at doorgrow.com. Find any show notes or links from today’s episode on our blog doorgrow.com, and to get notified of future events and news subscribe to our newsletter at doorgrow.com/subscribe. Until next time, take what you learn and start DoorGrow Hacking your business and your life. 

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

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