DGS 38: Offloading Property Management Inspections with OnSight PROS

Have you ever been sued because of a biased opinion on an inspection you did on a property? Did you have a personal, vested interest in the property? Do you think you are safe just because you have documentation and videos? Today, I am talking to James Alderson of OnSight PROS about inspections. Most property managers claim that they do inspections, but do they really?

James was one of those who claimed to be doing inspections. But he just didn’t have time or want to do them. So, he hired people to do the inspections for him. As a result, it developed into a business for James. He saw the need for move-in/move-out, periodic, and initial inspections.

You’ll Learn…

[03:51] How many doors are needed to grow into a new market – 800 to 1,000. James went through about 35 inspectors/technicians initially but did not enough business to sustain them.
[04:57] If your area does not have OnSight PROS, see if you can create 800-1,000 doors for James to make some magic happen in your market.
[05:12] Currently, OnSight PROS is located in Harrisburg, Pa.; Baltimore, Md.; Virginia Beach, Va.; Atlanta, Ga.; Tampa/Jacksonville/Orlando/Panama City/Lakeland, Fla.; San Antonio/Austin/Houston/Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas; Boulder, Colo.; and Phoenix, Ariz.
[06:59] OnSight PROS is committed to hiring the right people and paying them well.
[07:13] In most markets, OnSight PROS pricing is $99 for a periodic inspection and $119 for a move-in/move-out inspection.
[07:57] James has not met a property manager yet who does not want to give back the security deposit. However, 99 percent of the time, an inspection indicates that a property is not rent-ready, so the full deposit cannot be returned.
[08:26] One of the things OnSight PROS values is that you receive the same product, no matter where the OnSight PROS you use is located.
[08:41] OnSight PROS has a quality control system in place to make sure its inspectors do the right thing, every time.
[08:52] Why is it better to hire a company like OnSight Pros rather than having internal inspectors for a company? The main reason – the cost of money. It costs less to have someone else do it.
[09:49] Examples why property managers need such services provided by OnSight PROS.
[12:11] Tenants are becoming more knowledgeable about their rights and how to bypass various factors.
[12:36] Is there a warranty, insurance, or protection in place for inspections? OnSight PROS offers a summary of issues in cases of disputes. This documentation typically prevents cases going to court and a company being sued.
[13:42] There is a power and leverage that comes with a property manager hiring a third-party provider to handle inspections.
[14:17] OnSight PROS convinces property managers to hire them instead of doing their own inspections by addressing the importance of performing certain types of inspections that are not being done currently.
[14:30] OnSight PROS determines if a property is one they want to take on, is it up to code, and if it fits their portfolio of services.
[15:27] OnSight PROS sets up inspections with the tenant, who has to be home. Otherwise, OnSight PROS will not enter the property.
[15:57] Don’t be surprised if tenants to to stonewall you. Inspectors are not usually their friends. They may have a grow house that property managers do not know about!
[16:50] OnSight PROS is willing to go in and be the “bad guy” when it comes to inspections. The property manager is removed from that role.
[17:36] ] Example of a property manager who joined OnSight PROS to do inspections. He discovered how tenants treat property managers differently than inspectors. It’s a different perception from the tenants.
[19:02] With property managers, tenants point out problems that need to be fixed. With inspectors, tenants don’t want them to find problems they created or caused.
[19:41] One of James’ goals in starting OnSight PROS was to manage as many doors as possible, but live wherever he wanted. He has become a manager rather than dealing with day-to-day matters.
[20:41] Cycle of Suck: Screen the types of properties you take on. If you take on bad owners, you are going to have bad properties. You are going to have bad tenants, who leave bad reviews. You will attract more bad clients. So, you need an effective screening process.
[21:59] Property management entrepreneurs are the “weird birds” who want freedom, more than safety and certainty.
[23:35] Owners expect OnSight PROS to pay inspections for them. Otherwise, they try to get reimbursed for them.
[24:40] An admin fee is for all the administrative work, including inspections, done to get a tenant into a house. It usually ranges from $25-200. However, make sure to label it as an admin fee, rather than an inspection fee.
[26:02] A periodic inspection involves checking smoke alarms to make sure owners are not at risk. A property manager’s job is to mitigate risk.
[27:05] Inspections are not cheap, but they are worth the money – and property managers do not have to pay for them.
[27:30] James has onboarding sessions with property managers to help them understand how to turn inspections into a zero-cost situation.
[27:55] Contact OnSight PROS at onsightpros.com or jamesalderson@me.com.
[29:25] James is ready for OnSight PROS to experience rapid expansion. It does take time and money, so be patient with them. They want to make the property management industry better!



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Jason: We are live. Jason Hull, DoorGrow Show here. I’m hanging out here with James Alderson of OnSight PROS. How are you doing today, James?

James: Good, Jason. Thanks.

Jason: We’re gonna be talking today about inspections.

James: Yes, sir.

Jason: When it comes to inspections, this is something that I think a lot of property managers claim that they do but maybe really aren’t actually doing them. Some of the bigger companies maybe, but I think there’s a lot of people that just really aren’t maybe doing as many inspections as they should. They know that they should be and the property, the owner, maybe has peace of mind, but maybe you could weigh in on that. I’d love to hear about how you got started in OnSight PROS.

James: First off, you make a good point because I was one of those that claimed I was doing them. I’m a property manager as well and started this business basically as an offshoot of my need.

The way it all started, I guess, was number one, I didn’t have time to do them, didn’t wanna do them, my time was better spent doing something else, i.e. building my business as opposed to doing $100 inspection so to speak, out there for an hour and a half, two and a half hours, three hours, whatever it took to do them. I hired some guys to do mine. It became a business as a result of that because some others had the same need. Went into the market to open another business, didn’t want another business, didn’t need another job, so to speak. But I saw the need, we do move in, move out, periodic, initial inspections, and all of those were different types that we perform in the field.

I’ve trained the initial guys, what I expected as a property manager, what I felt like the tenant needed to see for the protection of the security deposit for my owner. As a result of that, the ones that I trained are now training others. Unbeknownst to me and unwanting if you will have taken the same and this is an ambiguous term but taken it nationwide wherein we’re now in 15 cities across United States in about eight states currently. Expanding as fast as we can now because the need for property managers is prevalent.

Jason: How many doors do you need in a market in order to go into a new market? Maybe we could put [inaudible [00:03:17] business for you.

James: Good question. Right. Great question. We need about 800-1,000 doors. Honestly, when I first started, I had 100 doors. I didn’t know what I was doing. I hired some guys probably trying to do it part-time. I went through 36 inspectors or technicians, if you will. We use the term inspecting, inspectors very openly but it’s not full-blown inspection as you would do on a sale of a property. I went through about 36 inspectors, technicians early on just because I didn’t have enough to sustain them, that’s enough business there. We’ve regrown our business through the NARPM chapters quite frankly just because there’s a conglomerative property managers over there that can put 800-1,000 together for us to grow. That’s about the number.

Jason: Alright. Anyone that’s listening to this later, if OnSight PROS is not yet in your market, maybe you can get together with a couple of your buddies at NARPM. If you can create 800-1,000 doors, James will make some magic happen in your market. Is that fair enough?

James: Yeah. If you don’t mind, I can tell you what cities we’re in, if that’s okay.

Jason: Let’s do it.

James: We are actually in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. We’re in Baltimore, Maryland and I’ll try to go down the East Coast, we’re in Virginia Beach getting ready to open up Northern Virginia, Richmond area, in Atlanta, Georgia, trying to open up in North and South Carolina, not quite there yet, but Florida, we’re in Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, Panama City, Lakeland, and all around the General Tampa.

We’re in all the major cities in Texas, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Fort Worth, and Dallas, and looking at some others in Texas, and on a smaller scale. We’re in the Boulder, Colorado and one other is Phoenix, Arizona.

In November, we’re speaking at the NARPM event, State Chapter meeting in November, because we had a lot of interest in Salt Lake City area. That’s kind of the gamut. Like I said, we’re growing as fast as we can get to where you guys need us.

Jason: If you got one property manager that had 1,000 doors, is that still stable and safe for your game?

James: We’re in. If they’ll commit to us, obviously, when I say commit to us, we need a commitment from them as much as we’re going to commit back to them because of the investment that it takes to get a market started.

Somebody would commit to doing periodic inspections or move-in, move-outs or both, we’re all in. We’ll hire the right guy. That’s been a challenge in some markets to find the right person but we pay them well, we’re not cheap, but we do great job.

In most markets, our pricing is $99 for a periodic inspection, $119 for a move-in, move-out. The reason for the difference, were not as invasive when a tenant is on the property for a periodic, but we’re extremely invasive on a move-in or move-out. Obviously, it’s vacant, and we wanna take every square foot of the property photos.

You’re gonna get a report of about over 150-200 photos, that’s about 75 pages, which is a pretty good documentation for you to be able to hold back some of the security deposit if you need to or give it all back. We all try to give it all back, I haven’t met a property manager yet that doesn’t wanna give back the security deposit 100%. If the home is rent-ready, I’m ready to write the check. But typically, 99% of the time it’s not. I guess that’s good documentation to show the tenant this is the reason we’re keeping $2,000 of the security deposit. It’s just a great documentation.

One of the things that we value in our company is the same product that comes out of San Antonio is the same product you’re gonna get in Atlanta, Georgia, or vice versa. One of my big pet-peeves was to make sure that we had good QC in place to make sure our guys were doing the right thing everytime.

Jason: Right. QC being quality control.

James: Correct.

Jason: Why is this better than property managers having it in-house and do it themselves?

James: Yeah, that’s a great question. Number one, staffing, and everything in my opinion in life that we do is the cost of money. How much time does it take to do this? I’m one of those who doesn’t even mow my own yard because my time is valued at X and I can get my yard mowed for less than X, if you know what I’m saying.

Jason: I would imagine if this is all you guys do, and you guys have done this over and over and over again, your process, your systems, everything involved in your inspections are the best. What sort of issues or problems or things are you seeing when people come onboard, they’re like, “Oh my gosh, this is so different.” I’m curious about the difference between what they were doing and what they’re noticing once it come onboard?

James: We have had some property managers contact us and say, “Man this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.” One particular guy said, “How fast will you be in Jacksonville?” Jacksonville wasn’t even on our radar. I said, “Why do you ask that?” He took it upon himself to say, “Okay, I’m gonna be your guide.” He was a property manager, he did sales as well. I said, “Why the urgency in Jacksonville?” He said, “Because I got a lawsuit from an attorney just recently and they sued me for $3,000 over the security deposit dispute.” I said, “What do you mean by that?” He said, “I took my documentation to an attorney. I showed him my good quality move-in inspection that I personally had done and my move-out inspection that I personally had done.” He said he didn’t have staff either but this attorney said, “You got great documentation but you’re gonna lose.” He said, “Wait. What do you mean?” They’re suing me for $3,000 and I’m gonna lose over a $600 dispute by the way. He said, “Yeah, you’re gonna lose.”

He said, “I didn’t take his word for that. I took it to another attorney. He told me the same thing. He said, “You’ve got great documentation but you’re gonna lose this case.” He said, “Why do you say that?” He said, “Because they’re not suing you because of the $600 that you’re keeping. They’re suing you because they’re saying that you had a biased opinion about the inspection that you did on that property. You have a personal vested interest in the owner’s property and you did it.” That’s the reason for him needing “a third party” to come in and do an inspection for him. He now uses us. He’s actually our market city manager in Jacksonville, Mario Gonzales. There’s a fabulous job for a lot of property managers out there.

Jason: Property managers think they’re safe just because they did the inspection. They’ve got video, they’ve got photos, they’re like, “I’m protected because I can show that this was the condition of the property.” That’s their thought process.

James: Right, right.

Jason: But they’re biased, that’s what the attorney said.

James: That’s what the attorney said. That’s what the suit was. We’re seeing this more and more in the property management industry, tenants are getting more and more educated with the internet, with friends, what have you about what their rights are, and how to bypass things that come up like that. I thought that was an interesting case too, but he did settle out of court for about $1,000.

Jason: No kidding, and the deposit was $600.

James: Exactly. Yeah.

Jason: Related to that, is there any sort of warranty, insurance, or protection in place regarding these inspections? Are these somehow backed-up?

James: We will go to court with you if you need to but what I’ve found, and I’ve never had to go to court over a security deposit dispute. I’ve just not had to do that because when I do get a dispute now, I send the tenant my move-in inspection and all the issues that are pointed out on the report, come up in a summary on our report, right at the top of the page.

It’s the first one or two pages if there’s any issues that we need to point out. All of those come up on the front two pages. I’ll send them the first two pages of my move-in, I’ll send them the first two pages of my move-out and let them decide do you really wanna go to court? Or do you really wanna send me what you don’t have, or did have, or should have had as far as documentation when you moved in? The way it looks, it usually just goes away as a result of me sending them documentation that I have.

Jason: Yeah, I imagine what you have looks pretty good. Then I think also there’s just the power and a leverage by having a third party independent company doing the inspections. You’re obviously hired on behalf of the property managers so you are serving their interest to a certain degree but there is that one level removed of being an independent company doing your job, own specifications that you do all over the nation separate, but fall in the same process.

James: Right, right, every time. Yeah.

Jason: What else might I be missing? When you guys are selling this to property managers, I wanna get these ideas out of you like how are you convincing people to do this instead of them doing it on their own?

James: There are several types of inspections that we need to really think about doing if we’re not doing them. For example, there are some companies, and I do this myself, when I take on a property, I wanna know first off is it a property that I wanna take on? Is it a property that’s up to property code according to my state, laws and codes, what have you? It may or may not fit on my portfolio.

As a result of that, I always, always, always do an initial inspection. I send out my guys to do the initial inspection just to make sure that it’s up to code and if it’s a property that I wanna take, it may or may not be one.

I had a property manager tell me one time, “You wanna make sure there’s a property there, or there’s a house there.” We took on a property and two weeks later wend out to put a [inaudible [00:17:50] lock box on the house and found out that we were on the news two weeks prior because it burned down. We make sure that there’s even a property, a house there.

We do initials, and then we do periodic inspections with the tenant, we set up an inspection with the tenant. Just like to any other vendor, they have to be home, we’re not gonna go into the property without access to the property. One of the main reasons we do that is because I don’t want the $10,000 wedding ring that was on the dining room table is now missing and you’re the only one who’s been in the house, Mr. Technician. I don’t want that kind of liability obviously.

We will set up an appointment with the tenant. We also send back to the property manager, sometimes tenants [inaudible [00:18:43] They don’t want you, we’re not their friends, so to speak, because we’re gonna come in and check the smoke alarms, the air conditioner filter and the trampoline in the backyard and all those things that they’re not complying with and whatever, even the grow house, so to speak.

We’ve had that in San Antonio actually. Tenant had lived in the property for two years and the property manager said, “This is the reason we’re gonna start using OnSight PROS because they had a grow house and didn’t even know it for two years.” The guy was never was late on his rent, always paid cash or money order, send it to the office, never had a maintenance issue.

Jason: Right.

James: It’s legal obviously in some states now, never had been in Texas.

Jason: I think the whole state of Colorado is turning into grow houses.

James: Okay.

Jason: [inaudible [00:19:32] rentals available anymore.

James: Right, right, right. Yup.

Jason: You guys are willing to go in and be the bad guy when it comes to inspections and the property manager, that company is not the bad guy then in that situation. OnSight PROS is a company we’re contracted with, they’re gonna come out and do the inspections so it’s fair, it’s independent. They’re gonna communicate with you and get the time set up and do all this.

The property manager, if they’re upset about the inspector or an inspection or any of this stuff happening and they don’t want people in there, the property management company is again one level removed from that and you can stay the good guy, “Oh, yeah. Sorry, you had tough time with OnSight PROS.”

James: Yup. We’re just reporting what is. Interesting that you say like that too because I hired a property manager about three years ago and he worked for me a couple of years. I told him, I said, “Yeah, I really can’t afford to pay you a lot of money but you can make some extra money if you’ll do some inspections for OnSight PROS.” He said, “Yeah, I used to work for another property management company. I did that all the time. I’ll do that.”

He would come to work in his regular property management attire and then whenever I had an inspection for him to do, he put on his OnSight PROS shirt, he’d go out and do the inspection. He came to me one time and he said, “Man, this is interesting.” I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “James, when I went in as a property manager to inspect the property on a periodic inspection, the tenant would lambast me with all kinds of stuff that I either had not done as a property manager pointing out this and pointing out that, and that 45 minute to 1 hour inspection turned into 2, 2 ½ hours because they would just follow me around pointing out everything they wanted to point out to me as a property manager.

OnSight PROS, when I put that shirt on and go in as a third party, it’ totally different. He said, tenant would say, “Here’s the house go in, make yourself at home, whatever.” They stayed in the kitchen, stayed in the bedroom, whatever, and let him do his job. He was in and out of the house in 45 minutes to 1 hour. It’s a different perception from the tenant’s standpoint as well.

Jason: I’m renting currently. The perception of the tenant is if the property manager is there, you get to point out problems. You get to say, “Hey, you guys need to fix this, you guys need to fix the sprinkler system because the lawn in the back is like a mud soup. It’s your job to fix this.” But if an inspector comes in, you get a totally different perspective because you know their job is to come find problems.

James: Exactly.

Jason: They’re coming in to to look for problems, not that maybe that the property managers should be aware of and be involved then but they’re also looking to find the promise that maybe the tenant’s created or caused.

James: Right. You said something a little earlier and I wanna point it out, one of my goals in property management was to manage as many doors as I can possibly manage and live wherever I wanna live. I couldn’t do that as long as I was having to do inspections or having to go to the property. I had lived in close proximity to the houses that I manage.

OnSight PROS took that away. They obviously took the inspection part of the property management away from me. My wife and I live at Canyon Lake and most of our doors which is about 45 minutes to just the outskirts of San Antonio, we manage houses on the southside of San Antonio, on East side, west side, New [inaudible [00:23:31] falls, and even [inaudible [00:23:33] because I don’t have to go to the property now. It’s a pretty different deal. We become managers or owners, business owners if you will as opposed to day-to-day operational stuff.

Jason: Yeah, you mentioned a few things that I’m a big proponent of. One, you need to make sure that you’re screening the types of properties that you take on. That’s how you escape this concept that I talked about several times to my listeners called the Cycle of Suck in which if you take on bad properties, or bad owners, you’re gonna have bad properties, you’re gonna have bad tenants, you’re gonna get bad reviews, and you’re gonna track more bad clients.

To escape that, you have to have a screening process at each step, but usually we’re only screening tenants, we’re not screening owners, we’re not screening properties, some are, everyone screens tenants usually somewhat and then you need a system in which you are somehow screening or filtering or getting positive reviews.

James: Sure, sure.

Jason: We always push our GatherKudos service for that. But yeah, this can help with that, with that filtration and eliminating the bad doors that get you caught in what I call property management hell. Then it’s gonna collapse time because if you’re paying staff to go out and do this and you think, “Well, my staff might be cheaper but it’s taking a lot longer, there’s a lot more problems being brought up there. They’re saying, ‘Well I told this property manager when they came for that inspection about this maintenance request might be falling through the cracks, there might be as he said, she said. If backing get really messy so I think it’s gonna collapse time.

Then the last point you brought up is really valid for entrepreneurs. the people listening to the show are property management entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are the weird birds that want freedom more than safety and certainty. We do the crazy stuff, we take the risks, we go out and hustle, we work hard, and we’re willing to do all of the crazy stuff because we want more freedom and we value that more than just safety and certainty. People that want safety and certainty, they work for us.

James: Right, right.

Jason: They want a job. They want a job. Some other people will complain about their boss left and right, and we look at them like, “Why would you live in a situation you’re not happy?” But they look at us like we’re crazy, we’re talking about figuring out the stuff, and we talk about how to keep the business going and the pressure and the noise, and they’re looking at us, “Why don’t you just go get a job?”

James: Exactly.

Jason: But this can help facilitate this vision of having a company that can run without you having to be physically present, micromanaging your team, and making stuff work. You can have them doing the inspections, the move-ins, the move-outs, all the stuff that a property manager might need to travel to each property normally, you guys can take that off their plate.

James: Right. We don’t take the job away from the property manager, so to speak. Some entrepreneurs, some business owners have property managers that work for them, that’s right. They still need those, but they may be able to manage more doors, they may be able to reduce their staff some just because they don’t have to go do the inspection.

I will tell you, one of the things that I know is an issue out there is owners expect us to pay for them. I’m speaking very general terms here. Most owners, for the fee that we charge them, or they pay us, expect us to do those inspections. I will tell you this, the property managers across the United States and through the NARPM circles have shared with us ways to get reimbursed for them. I could go over some of those if you guys are interested and send you an email.

I actually have in my lease today that when a tenant moves into my house, my house is rent-ready for you Mr. Tenant today. I expect you to be rent-ready for me when you move out. If it’s not, and if those two don’t match up, and I have to do your job, it’s gonna cost you. That’s one of the ways we charge our tenants for what I call coordination fee because I had to do what they were supposed to do and they didn’t do it. That’s one way.

I also have implemented an admin fee in my property management business, just mainly because it just makes sense. If you have ever rented from an apartment complex, you know from day one, forever, ever, amen, way back when they started, that admin fee. I paid as little as [inaudible [00:28:22].

Jason: Can you explain what an admin fee is for?

James: Basically, it’s for all of the administrative staff to get them in the house. Part of that as an inspection for that property. I’ve seen it as little as $25. I’ve seen it as much as $200. If tenant wants the house, they don’t have a problem paying for it. Never had any push back on it.

I talked to one property management company in Austin recently that said it’s the same thing, he said, “I implemented to the first year.” His was $100 and somebody else was $200. I’m not telling you what fee to charge, but he said, “I’ve had no push back whatsoever.” He uses it to get reimbursed for his inspection. I don’t call it an inspection fee to begin with, because if you change an admin fee to the inspection fee, then the tenant then becomes the owner of the inspection if that makes sense.

Jason: Yeah.

James: You use an admin fee and don’t use a “inspection fee”. The other one, and the periodic inspection, I’ve never gotten any push back from an owner. when I told him what I was going to do six months into the lease by doing a periodic inspection. Periodic inspection, my guys go in and they check smoke alarms, dates on smoke alarms to make sure my owner is not at risk. That’s our job as property managers is to mitigate risk. I consider it now more than money management than property management because we manage their money.

We’re not the property doers, we call the people that do everything. Not only am I not a plumber, I’m not an electrician, I’m not an AC guy, I’m not an inspector. I know what needs to be done now as a result of it, but you know, if you’ve got property managers that are females, there are some houses that you manage, you don’t wanna send a female out to that property, if you know what I’m saying.

Jason: The danger factor then too.

James: Exactly.

Jason: Okay. Another benefit. Your inspections, you said before, they’re not cheap, they’re worth the money, they’re awesome, but the property manager doesn’t have to pay for them.

James: Exactly. That’s right. That’s what I wanted from the get-go, Jason, was I wanted them off my plate, but I didn’t want them to affect my bottomline. That’s where that kind of stemmed from.

Jason: Awesome. This is part of maybe your onboarding process, you have conversations with these property managers and you help them figure out how to maybe turn this…

James: Absolutely, absolutely.

Jason: Zero cost, lots of benefit situation.

James: Absolutely.

Jason: Okay. I’m starting to see why people want you in their market. Is there anything else that people need to know about OnSight PROS?

James: How to contact me, just send me an email or go to our website onsightpros.com and OnSight is spelled a little differently because we’re the eyes. You can actually see one of our sample reports there. You can contact us there. My personal email is jamesalderson@me.com. Feel free to contact me anytime, love to talk to you.

Jason: Yeah, everybody make sure you’re inside the DoorGrow Club Facebook group, we’ve got at the time of this recording 600 people in the group. It’s only been around for a few months. The engagement is insane. We’ve had between 8,000-9,000 interactions in the last 28 days which is just ridiculous. I’ve never seen a Facebook group with this much involvement which tells me, you, property management entrepreneurs, need people to talk to. Let me tell you, you guys are excited to communicate and connect with each other.

Make sure you guys get in there, and if you guys are interested in getting OnSight PROS in your market, they’re not there. This is a great place for you guys to start connecting and chiming in. If we can get enough doors together in your market, OnSight PROS will create a location or get set up in your market. They’ve got process to do that.

I think in the future here, James, I think you’re gonna have some rapid expansion, you think you can handle it?

James: We’re ready for it. It does take time and money, obviously. You gotta be patient with us, but we want it to happen, we wanna make the industry better. I think OnSight PROS has been a big step in that direction in what we do. People go to college and get degrees for a lot of different things, one of them is not property management. None of us probably went to school to become property managers but it’s a valid business and it needs to be on the ticket for the coming year. It’s been around forever, for a long time anyway. We wanna see it continue and continue to get better.

Jason: I don’t think there’s any property managers that think inspections are their dream in life, or are super fun. I would imagine there’s many that will be happy to offload this from their plate. My role for entrepreneurs is you should be in your area of genius. Whatever that is, whatever you just love, what makes you feel alive, you should be following your bliss, and I doubt inspections is high on the list for any entrepreneur out there.

Offload this, get this taken care of, I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback about OnSight PROS and we’ll make sure we get you on our little list inside the DoorGrow Club of really cool vendors, and we’ll let you in there as well and I think I’d see good thing for you guys moving forward. Cool. James, appreciate, you coming out on the show.

James: Thank you for the invite. Glad to be here and appreciate the opportunity.

Jason: Yeah. Super fun hanging out. Looking forward to seeing OnSight PROS transform the industry, I think our visions align right there.

James: Awesome, awesome. Great deal.

Jason: Alright.

James: Thanks for the time.

Jason: You bet. Bye-bye.

James: Bye-bye.

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

4 Ways We Can Help You Get More Clients, More Freedom & More Money

1. Watch Our DoorGrow Training on 7 Different Growth Engines To Get Leads & Add Doors

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4. Get a Scale Roadmap Session with an Expert Coach

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