DGS 288: Wires, Pipes, and Signals: Everything You Wish You Knew About Home Utilities

As a property manager, you’re familiar with the uncomfortable shuffle when trying to ensure utilities are set up correctly at move-in. What if you could make the whole process easier?

In this episode of the Property Management Growth Show, property management growth expert Jason Hull sits down with the founder of Utility Profit, Zac Maurais, to discuss wires, pipes, and signals: Everything you wish you knew about home utilities.

You’ll Learn

[01:48] How Zac Built a $100 Million Business

[07:38] Solving Utility Challenges with a Streamlined Tool

[15:54] Using Utility Profit to Make Extra Profit

[23:26] Integrations and Frequently Asked Questions

[30:20] Take Action on The Things You’re Avoiding!


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[00:00:00] Zac: It’s almost like we’re like taking the Yellow Pages and then putting it online or something. Yeah. I mean, it’s kind of a wacky problem that we’re solving there. 

[00:00:08] Jason: So you’re single handedly bringing the utility space into the future. So, All right.

[00:00:16] Jason: Welcome DoorGrow Property Managers to the Property Management Growth Show. If you are a property management entrepreneur and you want to add doors, you want to make a difference, you want to increase revenue, you want to help others, you want to impact lives, and you’re interested in growing in business and life, and you’re open to doing things a bit differently, then you are a DoorGrow property manager and you just don’t know it. DoorGrow property managers love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you’re crazy for doing it.

[00:00:47] Jason: You think they’re crazy for not because you realize that property management is the ultimate high trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships, and residual income. At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management business owners and their businesses. We want to transform the industry, eliminate the bs, build awareness, change perception, expand the market, and help the best property management entrepreneurs win.

[00:01:13] Jason: I’m your host, property management growth expert, Jason Hull, the founder and CEO of DoorGrow. Now let’s get into the show and I’m hanging out today with Zac Maurais. Did I say it right? 

[00:01:25] Jason: That’s right, yes. 

[00:01:26] Jason: Hey. All right, cool. It’s great to have you on the show. So Zac we’re going to be chatting today about wires, pipes, and signals, everything you wish you knew about home utilities.

[00:01:38] Jason: I think this will be interesting to our listeners because, you know, we get into this stuff as property management people. So, so Zac before we get into that though, give us a little backstory on you. How’d you get into being an entrepreneur? When did you first figure that out, that you maybe were one and then we can get into why you started this business so that you’ve got going and tell us, tell everybody about it.

[00:01:58] Jason: Cool. 

[00:02:00] Zac: Let’s do it. Yeah. So, quick intro myself, I live here in Austin, Texas. I’ve been an entrepreneur now for better part of a decade and a half. Right out of college I started a business it was actually a food delivery business called Favor. We ended up scaling that business to having 50,000 delivery drivers in the state of Texas.

[00:02:22] Zac: So it was the second largest employer in the state. And over the course of building it up over a couple of years, we were doing over a hundred million dollars of food sales a year. So sizable company and we sold that to HEB grocery and yeah. 

[00:02:38] Jason: And if people don’t know, HEB I’m in the Austin area, I’m up in Round Rock.

[00:02:41] Jason: But if people don’t know HEB. HEB consistently wins the best grocery store awards like in America every year. Like it’s always winning. 

[00:02:51] Zac: It’s kind of amazing. I mean, they are an institution. There’s so many small towns across Texas where the only show in town, I would kind of say it’s akin to like a Walmart or something like that for a national brand that people would be more familiar with.

[00:03:04] Zac: Family run business, been around for a hundred years. So it’s cool that it had joined forces with Favor. And learned a lot from doing that company. I mean, at the time that we sold it, we had over 140 corporate employees, designers and software engineers and business intelligence people and salespeople.

[00:03:24] Zac: So I’m right there with you, Jason, where I like growth. I like growing things and learning about business and learning about new categories. So as I sold it, I was looking for the next thing to do. 

[00:03:35] Jason: So people are clear, Favor, and you can correct me if I’m wrong, but Favor competes with like Instacart and like some of these, it’s like a delivery service.

[00:03:44] Zac: That’s right. So the way that the service worked was, it was like an on demand. It was part of the on demand delivery kind of thing that was happening. The gig economy, you know, people will probably remember Lyft coming out and Uber. There wasn’t one for delivery of kind of like fast casual food or groceries yet.

[00:04:02] Zac: And we brought that into the market. We had first mover. 

[00:04:05] Jason: Oh yeah. So yeah, it’s kind of like Uber Eats and, you know, these kind of things. 

[00:04:08] Zac: Exactly. So you could tap a button, request a Favor, and then someone would go shopping for you, go pick up some tacos or yeah, run at the grocery store or something like that and bring it to you in 45 minutes or less.

[00:04:20] Jason: Got it. And is Favor just a Texas thing? 

[00:04:23] Zac: At one point in time we tried to go national expansion, but it was a bit of a wartime thing that was going on. Yeah. A lot of VC dollars getting put in. And we had a very strong Texas brand. We had over a million people in Texas using it.

[00:04:37] Zac: Yes. So we said we just doubled down on home base. 

[00:04:40] Jason: I mean, Texas is like its own little universe. We’ve got Favor, we’ve got HEB, we’ve got, you know, there’s all these things that are just specifically Texas. So if y’all come to Texas, you got to like experience the whole Texas deal. You got to go to an HEB, you got to go to Bucky’s, you got to go to all these things, right?

[00:04:56] Zac: So yeah, right. When you’re here in town for Jason’s event, go get yourself some Yeti swag. 

[00:05:02] Jason: Yes. 

[00:05:02] Zac: And then order yourself a Favor. 

[00:05:04] Jason: Yes. There you go. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, and people get really religious about their, you know, things like Yeti. It’s like Yeti Mecca. Like people, like my brother-in-law comes into town. He is like, “I got to go to the Yeti store.” He’s like, just like starry-eyed in there. And I’m like, “why? Why?” Coolers, thermases? I don’t know. Cool drinks. Yeah. Yeah. It’s a thing. So he like collects them, and then sometimes he’s flipping them too. Like there’s limited edition things, so. My brother-in-law’s name is Jason also, so he might listen to this.

[00:05:36] Jason: So Jason, I mentioned you on my podcast, so, all right. 

[00:05:39] Jason: Shout out to Jason. 

[00:05:41] Jason: Shout out to Jason. So, cool. So Zac, I mean, that’s a pretty impressive thing. Not many people can say they built a hundred million dollar, you know, business or had an exit or something like that. So, and then what did you do next?

[00:05:55] Jason: Like, you sell this thing, did you lose all meaning and purpose in life and decide to start a new business or what happened? 

[00:06:01] Zac: I think that happens with some people, right? You sell it, you have somebody, you’re like, “what am I going to do with my life now?” I’m going to take a good thing and somehow it becomes a bad thing.

[00:06:09] Zac: But I just, I really like building. And I like the process of entrepreneurship where you talk to people, you try to find a problem and you like go hit a whiteboard, you sketch, it becomes more tangible, and then all of a sudden you can partner with an engineer and make it and then bring it back to the customer.

[00:06:26] Zac: And I just like that. It kind of just scratches something in my brain, I think. And something else that’s been cool for me on my entrepreneurship journey. I had mentioned that I’ve been doing it now for a decade and a half and the entire time that I’ve been working and doing startups, I’ve been doing it with like my best friend Ben from growing up together.

[00:06:45] Zac: We 

[00:06:46] Jason: best friend Ben. 

[00:06:46] Zac: wen to school in New Hampshire. And it’s fun to be able to go on that journey with someone like that. 

[00:06:52] Jason: Yeah. That’s cool. So you and Ben are still doing stuff together then. 

[00:06:55] Zac: Right. 

[00:06:56] Jason: Yeah. Third company. 

[00:06:57] Zac: Third company now, so. 

[00:06:59] Jason: Yeah. Dynamic duo. All right. And so I imagine that you have some complimentary sort of skill sets and challenge each other a bit.

[00:07:08] Zac: Yeah, I think our brains have kind of been swapped and became more of the same brain. But the way that I explained it originally was like Ben was the left brain engineer, right? He is going to build out the backend database. He was a civil engineer, so he was just constantly doing math. And then I was more of the, you can kind of see there’s some paintings behind me, like I was the artist. 

[00:07:30] Jason: The right brain guy. Yeah. Got it. 

[00:07:32] Zac: But now it just kind of became one, somewhere between now. He kind of went a little bit more right. I went more left, so. 

[00:07:38] Jason: Cool. So bring us up towards the present day. So like, what are you and Ben, you know, getting together and working on?

[00:07:45] Zac: Yeah, so I guess the way that we got into the property management industry was we were trying to build some leasing automation tech over the last few years. We had something called Sunroom Leasing, and it was like a platform that would help. With self showings, with different things related to collecting some data from renters about the home.

[00:08:05] Zac: We had at one point in time, around 8,000 homes that were leasing across the country for some real estate investment trusts and some large scale property managers. And it kind of turned us on to this like, it had some challenges I think of that scale. And so we ended up realizing that’s not what we want to do long term.

[00:08:26] Zac: And something that it was like a good ride, but I think we were onto something that could be more scalable and a more acute problem to solve. 

[00:08:35] Jason: Yeah, this was like a tuition business. You’re learning and paying the price of tuition. Yeah. So you got familiar with the property management industry a bit through that.

[00:08:44] Jason: That’s right. Figured out kind of your target audience and you probably started to see some different problems you like started scheming with your whiteboard on, so. 

[00:08:52] Zac: Yeah, and the problem that we zoomed into was around utility setup. And what we thought was kind of a silly thing was, here it is, it’s 2024.

[00:09:01] Zac: This was last year that we had launched it. We realized that there wasn’t like a Google Maps of utilities. We thought it was silly that you couldn’t just type in an address online and then see what’s the water, what’s the electric, what’s the gas, what’s the internet? There was no transparency for that.

[00:09:20] Zac: And when we looked closer, there’s like, you zoom in on water, there’s over 20,000 water providers and they have really weird setups, you know, or it could be down just by the neighborhood or the zip code or the, you know, it’s just wacky the way that the mapping works. And we thought if we could build out the whole mapping infrastructure, that would be a valuable thing, both for owners of the property that just want to have a more streamlined process, property managers that are doing it every day, and then renters. If you kind of think of this problem of setting up utilities while it’s annoying and they have to Google around and make a bunch of phone calls, this is just one problem within a whole, you know, iceberg of other things. It’s just the tip, small thing that they’re doing a ton of things related to the move. We thought that if we could streamline this, then it could have a broad appeal and be something that we could do nationally and do at a big scale. So, over the last year, what we’ve done is we’ve built out that infrastructure to be able to do mapping at scale.

[00:10:21] Zac: And we have built a platform that streamlines the process of turning on utilities. We’re trying to make the utility on switch and it’s a cool tool because the property managers using it can get confirmation that utilities have been set up correctly. And this is helpful for them because, you know, if you don’t turn on the electricity and it’s the dead of winter, you’re probably going to have some problems on your hands with pipes bursting, you know, and things like that.

[00:10:48] Zac: So, it’s a useful tool in the process. 

[00:10:51] Jason: So let’s talk about this problem, right? This is super annoying. Like everybody that’s moved has had to figure out this weird, you know, puzzle to like, which utility providers are available here? Which internet provider can I use? What are my options? Can I get this cool fiber, you know, thing, can I get this? Is there..? Like what’s available? Then they’re trying to figure out like water, electric. You’re maybe trying to find out from the previous owner or somebody and you’re trying to like negotiate all this and then like getting things switched and then the timelines like it’s a mess.

[00:11:25] Jason: Like it’s really annoying and yeah, it’s like why do we just deal with this and put up with this? We’re living in the age of AI and this AI revolution now and. Why isn’t there a better solution to this? It seems like it’s just like chaos and confusion. Yeah, so. 

[00:11:45] Zac: It is chaos and confusion. Yeah. And people waste so much time doing it and oh god.

[00:11:50] Zac: Yeah. And I think as a result, like sometimes people will just make sacrifices where they’ll be like, well, I was on this telecom company before. Maybe I’ll just go back to them. And then I might miss out on being able to be like, well, I could have had faster internet or a better plan that’s cheaper or something If they had just… 

[00:12:07] Jason: sure. Yeah. 

[00:12:07] Zac: …known that they had options. 

[00:12:10] Jason: Right. You’re like, man, I’m still using dial up. And I didn’t realize Google Fiber was available here. Yeah, right. 

[00:12:15] Zac: Throwing that in an old AOL like. 

[00:12:18] Jason: Yes, I remember those days. I was such a nerd. Alright, so yeah, and people may maybe get impatient and they just make some quick decisions.

[00:12:27] Jason: You know, and all these companies try to give them incentives like, Hey, if you move, like we’ll move it and help you get it set up. And they try to make it seamless, but because they’re trying to retain their, you know, the customer, but that might not be in the best interest of the customer. 

[00:12:41] Zac: Totally. Yeah. So this we’re in the spirit of trying to add transparency into the process, make it more streamlined. And and have a really lightweight tool like, you know, not another app you have to download, but just something that seamlessly fits in the move in process. Okay.

[00:12:55] Zac: Integrates really well with the tools that the property manager is already using, you know, just is able to sync, in real time, figure out what are the addresses coming up, and then give the property manager a way to both communicate what the utilities are and then check that they’ve been turned on.

[00:13:16] Zac: And then interestingly, there’s a lot of places in the US where these telecom companies are competing. And they spent a lot of money to lay down these fiber optic lines, you know, or copper lines, and they’re trying to recoup some of that cost. Yeah. And so they’ll pay money for more customers.

[00:13:35] Zac: And so we’re able to generate revenue and then share that with property managers as an incentive to use the tool. 

[00:13:43] Jason: Okay, cool. So what’s the name of the tool or this service? 

[00:13:46] Zac: It’s called Utility Profit. 

[00:13:48] Jason: Utility profit. Okay. All right. And it’s P-R-O-F-I-T I would assume? Yep, exactly. Not like you’re prophesying.

[00:13:57] Jason: All right, got it. So Utility Profit, and so this really is solving that challenge to just streamline all that, and there’s a financial incentive or benefit for the property manager helping to get these things connected. 

[00:14:11] Zac: That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. And one of the… 

[00:14:14] Jason: Win, win, win all the way around win.

[00:14:15] Zac: Yeah, exactly. And that’s the best type of tool. You know, something that it doesn’t just benefit one party, but all the people involved. Yeah. And so, you know, it’s exciting there. Now there’s people across the entire United States using it. We’ve been helping thousands of renters per month.

[00:14:32] Zac: Just in the last year there’s been, I think over 750 property managers using it. Some really big ones with thousands of properties all the way down to people that just have a couple homes in the portfolio. I think the average has about 400 homes and, you know, it’s really kind of empowering that we bring something to the world and that fast that many people are using it.

[00:14:55] Zac: It’s cool to see. 

[00:14:56] Jason: Yeah. Cool. So. And Ben’s leading the nerds on the team making this all work. 

[00:15:02] Zac: Yeah, we’re both working closely with engineers and, I mean, it’s been a big lift. I mean, we’ve had to do all sorts of wacky things to be able to like get this data because like I said, it didn’t exist.

[00:15:12] Zac: I imagine.

[00:15:13] Zac: We have to like literally go and draw service maps, you know, that were PDFs on old websites and then, you know, turn them into a structured database. Right. I, you know, pull it up correctly. Yeah. 

[00:15:26] Jason: You’re just doing this ground level legwork to like get… it’s almost like you’re transferring old records into a digital format.

[00:15:35] Jason: You know? Yeah. So that people could play their MP3s or something. Yeah. 

[00:15:38] Zac: It kind of feels like that. It’s almost like we’re like taking the Yellow Pages and then putting it online or something. Yeah. I mean, it’s kind of a wacky problem that we’re solving there. 

[00:15:48] Jason: So you’re single handedly bringing the utility space into the future, so. 

[00:15:54] Zac: Yeah. And one thing that we’ve we’ve been doing over the last couple months that I think is pretty cool is that there’s this whole industry that exists for the multifamily apartment space related to what they call as like fiber as an amenity or fiber to the home.

[00:16:11] Zac: Yeah. And so the way it would work on multifamily would be, you know, these big telecoms would say, “Hey, we’ll sell you a thousand units of internet and then we’ll give you a discount for doing so. And then you can either kind of keep that for yourself or you can, you know, share that with your tenants as a way to help your apartments stand out from other apartments.”

[00:16:33] Zac: The apartments are i identifiable and also you know, easier for the telecoms to spot. The hard thing about homes is it’s this long tail of properties and there hasn’t been a good way to aggregate them. I think over the last few years there’s been some, you know, real estate investment trusts that have got to scale.

[00:16:54] Zac: And so it kind of got these telecom companies thinking, “Hey, maybe I should go you know, sell into this market, see if we can apply the same principles of this program from apartments to single family.” But it hasn’t yet been done at any sort of significant scale. It’s kind of a new concept. Now that we have hundreds of thousands of homes, that we are effectively the on switch for, we’re helping to source these deals.

[00:17:20] Zac: And we’re able to bring, you know, significant discount from retail pricing to property managers and consumers. So we we’re adding that as a new program that we’re doing. We’re calling it like Fiber Ready Homes. So it’s a cool thing because we can help property managers identify what portion of their portfolio has the underlying technology at the home to have, you know, hyper fast internet speeds.

[00:17:47] Zac: Yeah. And then do all of the enrollment process and the billing process to be able to offer a program like this. And and it’s pretty gnarly. Like the average property manager that will turn on this program can make tens of thousands of dollars a year. It’s roughly $10 per month per door.

[00:18:04] Zac: So if you’re a 300 door property manager, this is about $18,000. 18,000 per year that you’d be able to generate. And just, you know, kind of free cash flows for enabling something that the renters want. 

[00:18:18] Jason: Right. Just making more money and yeah, I mean, high speed internet also being able to bring that to your units.

[00:18:26] Jason: It creates a bigger incentive for people to rent it. I mean, it’s definitely something I research before I buy a home or move anywhere. I’m always like, what Internet’s available there because my life is going to be happening through this. And a lot of more people working from home, especially since Covid.

[00:18:41] Zac: True. Yeah, that’s a good point. I mean, I think a lot of renters see internet more important than running water in some ways. I mean, it’s like everyone’s on Netflix and doing work from home calls. You know, it’s just, it’s super important for renters. 

[00:18:55] Jason: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That’s interesting. And it sucks though when you like if you rent somewhere and that you only have one option and it’s not the option that you really want in that area because sometimes they’ve negotiated like, oh, it’s Comcast cable or something like this, and it’s low speed or whatever.

[00:19:11] Zac: Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. Sometimes you’re kind of limited by what lines have been laid, and sometimes there’s limited options, but it’s cool because now we have these two programs. We have one, which is that one I just explained, and then we have a second one. We call it like a marketplace. So it’ll truly show you everything that’s available, every single company, every single speed all the details of it and help to facilitate just being able to turn it on a lot easier.

[00:19:34] Jason: Got it. How does this work? Like a property manager gets set up in your system, they’ve got their properties, you know, in this, and then they can figure out the tenants when they’re onboarding a new tenant, they’re like, “Hey, before we give you keys and move you in, we want to make sure utilities are getting moved over.”

[00:19:49] Jason: So you help streamline this? 

[00:19:51] Zac: That’s right. Yeah. So it will connect seamlessly with property managers, property management software. Pull in the active listings that they have, and then it will have triggers around the move in date. So once someone’s been approved and you have a move in date that’s approaching.

[00:20:08] Zac: It will send reminders and say, Hey, you know, you’re moving in end of the month, like before you move in, please show that you’ve turned the electric on so that there’s not going to be bill back problems and things like that. 

[00:20:20] Zac: So, it handles the communication and then what’s pretty cool about the tool too, is it’s all white labeled. Utility Profit, it’s not, you know, like a tenant friendly name, you know? Yeah. It’s really for the property manager. And so, okay. We’re just helping to facilitate these things. So it’s got the property manager’s logo, you know, we’re more just the underlying technology, which I think is good because like a renter in the process doesn’t want to get handed off to another third party.

[00:20:48] Zac: They just want to…

[00:20:49] Jason: yeah, “Who are these guys? Why should I trust them? I trust you. I’m working with you,” but yeah. Got it. No, I think that’s really smart. And so your business model then, your growth strategy really is to leverage and support the property managers. 

[00:21:02] Zac: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. We’re trying to partner with all the property managers in the single family rental space.

[00:21:08] Zac: And you know, last I checked, you know, there’s at least five to 10 million homes that are managed by third party property managers. And we want to become the main place where where people used to turn on utilities. And you know, we talked about entrepreneurs and having a big vision earlier in the call.

[00:21:26] Zac: You know, I think we’re solving an important problem by building this Google Maps of Utilities and also just making a better experience. I think anytime we start a business though, you’re kind of thinking about like, okay, “Well if I’m able to pull this off, how could this even be even more significant long term?”

[00:21:42] Zac: And one of the things that I’ve been just thinking about as I’ve been doing it is you know, today we are helping to connect the dots between these things, but I bet in the not too distant future, maybe a few years out, we’ll be responsible for millions of homes in helping to turn on these utilities.

[00:21:59] Jason: Yeah. 

[00:22:00] Zac: We’ll probably want to go down the stack of utilities, you know, instead of just directing you to be going to, you know, XYZ local power source. Maybe they get directed to a company that, similar to how we’re able to get discounts on internet because we have so much scale, we could buy energy contracts in deregulated markets and, you know, 

[00:22:22] Jason: okay.

[00:22:22] Zac: Inch down becoming a utility. 

[00:22:24] Zac: Okay. 

[00:22:24] Zac: And so, I think it’s a, it’s an interesting thing. 

[00:22:27] Jason: So you’re saying maybe there’s a potential the property manager could be the utility? 

[00:22:32] Zac: We’ll be able to help the property manager earn more money…

[00:22:35] Zac: yeah.

[00:22:35] Zac: …on this process because we… 

[00:22:38] Zac: just more margin

[00:22:38] Zac: …want to direct them to like a utility that we own. And we’re able to help them monetize these other things like natural gas and electricity. 

[00:22:49] Jason: Got it. Love it. Yeah. You’re passing the benefit onto the property manager. So, yeah. That gives them quite an incentive to help you grow this.

[00:22:55] Jason: Right. So I love it. So, I mean, this really gives property managers a strong competitive advantage over self-management then.

[00:23:03] Zac: Yeah, I think so. You know, I think property managers, they have so many things that they’re doing and this is one of those set it and forget it types of tools. You know, it’s not something you have to have mastery over and like learn another thing, this is like you get on, you set the thing up, you get the logo added and get it synced to your PM software and then you’re done with it and it just kind of is happening in the background and then just notifies you.

[00:23:26] Jason: Got it. So the setup is pretty easy and then it makes it a lot easier for the property management team to make sure utilities are getting set up correctly. There’s visibility into seeing what’s been set up and what hasn’t, it sounds like. And you mentioned integrations with property management software, and I know everybody listening’s like, “but what about my software? The one I’m using?” Yeah. So what integrations do you guys have set up already? 

[00:23:49] Zac: It’s all the major ones. So what we find is like AppFolio is popular. Rentvine is becoming more and more popular. You know, Propertyware is another one. Buildium’s one that we you know, have in the works too, but yeah, I think most people…

[00:24:04] Zac: Rent manager?

[00:24:05] Zac: Rent manager, yeah. That’s one that we work with too. Yeah. I know there’s a lot of options for property managers there, but yeah.

[00:24:11] Jason: Very cool. Yeah. So everybody listening there. There you go. So they’re like, “oh, he mentioned mine. I’m okay.” 

[00:24:17] Zac: Yeah, that’s right. Yeah it’s cool that it, you know, just works in a broad way like that. And it’s kind of interesting too that the tool even is able to work you know, even if you don’t even have a property management software to figure out some ways to you know, even work in that use case.

[00:24:32] Jason: Sure. 

[00:24:32] Zac: But most people have software. 

[00:24:34] Jason: So as long as you can get the properties like into your system, then…? 

[00:24:38] Jason: That’s right. 

[00:24:38] Jason: Got it. Okay, cool. But if they have those then and you have that connection, then it’s, yeah, it’ll just streamline things. Makes it even more turnkey. 

[00:24:47] Zac: That’s right. 

[00:24:48] Jason: Got it. Cool. So, all right, so you, what else should people know about this?

[00:24:52] Jason: Like what are the big questions property managers have been asking you? 

[00:24:55] Zac: I think one question is, you know, how much money I earn from this? You know? Okay. 

[00:24:59] Jason: They like, they want to know about the money. Let’s talk about the money. 

[00:25:03] Zac: So the average property manager will, it’s a range of 25 to $40 per move that, that happens.

[00:25:10] Zac: It ends up being about 25 to, to $30 on average is what we’re seeing across the country. And so I think it’s one of those things where it’s like nice gravy. What we find is that the average property manager, they’re like, “this is nice. I can make some extra money from it.” But I think it’s like, you know, not enough to go, you know, it just adds to the bottom line a little bit.

[00:25:32] Zac: Every little thing. Sure. So the main reason why people use it is the time savings, you know? Absolutely. It’s just one last thing to have to worry about. So that’s that’s what we’re seeing as we talk to people. 

[00:25:44] Jason: Yeah. Yeah, because I mean, just the amount of time you’re paying a team member, if they’re like 25 to $35 an hour, for example you know, they might be spending an hour or two here or there just calling, trying to negotiate back and forth with the tenant, get these things set up so.

[00:25:59] Zac: Property management some days feels like death by a thousand mosquitoes. 

[00:26:04] Jason: Oh yeah. I often joke it’s, it can be death by a thousand cuts or it can be a really well oiled systemizable machine, but yeah.

[00:26:12] Jason: Yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, it offsets a little bit at the move in cost and then just the time savings. You’re not having to pay your team to do all this communication. And you know, speed in onboarding is a real challenge for a lot of companies that are really in a high growth sort of state.

[00:26:28] Jason: Like small companies might have a hard time just onboarding 10 units in a month, you know? Yeah. And larger companies, it can be pretty hairy if things aren’t well dialed in. 

[00:26:36] Zac: Yeah, I think that’s a good point. It’s all about having the systems in place. So that they scale. 

[00:26:40] Jason: Very cool.

[00:26:41] Jason: Well, is there anything else you think people should know about utility profit? And then we can get into like, how can they connect and get something like this going? 

[00:26:50] Zac: Yeah. So the website’s, utilityprofit.com. 

[00:26:53] Jason: Okay. 

[00:26:53] Zac: And it has some more information about how it works and has has some videos of the actual product.

[00:26:59] Zac: You can see what it looks like from the renter’s perspective, from your perspective and the dashboard that gives transparency. And and it kind of just walks you through everything about the product. And then there’s a way on the website to be able to either book a demo if you have any questions about how something works.

[00:27:17] Zac: And then, what we do is we’ll just help you do like an onboarding call where we have people connect their PM software, upload a logo, invite their team members, really simple, straightforward process and then and then it’s kind of good to go. So it’s very streamlined thing. People typically will do it and it’ll be live same day.

[00:27:38] Zac: It’s not like some big heavy lift or something. You just kind of go through this 15 minute process. We help you get it all synced up and then it’s good to go. 

[00:27:45] Jason: So, there’s competition out there, right? Like this is a new thing in the space, but previously there’s all these companies that try to, you know, negotiate and be able to pull in money and by being the person that gets people on a certain internet service or gets people and they get these kickbacks from the companies and that’s how they make their money.

[00:28:03] Jason: How do you feel like utility profits sort of stands out from those and I mean, my guess is you have the database, you have the data, like your ability to streamline. You’re not having to go and start doing research and that you’re just much faster. 

[00:28:17] Zac: Yeah, I think that’s exactly it. So there’s been this whole category over the last couple years that’s called a home concierge.

[00:28:25] Zac: Yeah. And it’s historically been like a call center model. Yeah. Where a rep will get the address and they’ll, on your behalf, Google around, make some calls, you know, go try to set things up. And I think that was a helpful first step, and it seems like the natural thing that, that the industry would’ve been doing.

[00:28:43] Zac: But this is just the natural progression of it, you know, building that database out, making it something that is like, you know, a true streamlined tool for everybody. And and just digitizing it a lot more. 

[00:28:57] Jason: This is the future. This is the future. It’s the next step. You’re going to be a sponsor at DoorGrow Live.

[00:29:02] Jason: So make sure, you know, everybody come to DoorGrow Live this year. Our theme this year is innovating the future of property management. And so we’re going to be sharing innovative stuff. Innovative new models of pricing, not doing it the same way everybody else has been doing it, like percentage or flat fee. There’s a lot of innovation and that’s our goal at DoorGrow. We’re always trying to figure out what are the most innovative stuff? We’ve got AI maintenance coordinators, we’ve got all sorts of stuff that are going to be showcased at this event. So if you don’t want to be behind the times and have your lunch eaten by competitors and startups that are savvier and more focused on the future, make sure you come to DoorGrow Live. You’re going to want to be there because the people that are at DoorGrow Live are going to be the ones that are getting a head start on these really effective cost, saving new tools, these ideas, they’re going to help you have more profit in your business.

[00:29:54] Jason: And so, Zac, we appreciate you being a sponsor. We’re excited to showcase you and some other tools at our event, so. 

[00:30:00] Zac: It’s going to be fun. It’ll be here right around the corner, so.

[00:30:03] Jason: Check it out at doorgrowlive.com, and make sure you get your tickets. And we’re going to be talking a little bit more in the future, probably on our podcast here. And just online about some of the cool things that you will get or learn if you come to DoorGrow Live this year in May at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, Texas.

[00:30:20] Jason: So, cool. Well, Zac, is there anything else you want to share before you go? Parting word of wisdom for entrepreneurs out there that haven’t had a hundred million dollar exits and built big giant things and they’re just struggling to build their little machine, what would you say to them? 

[00:30:36] Zac: I would just say like, whatever it is that you think that’s holding you back, just start trying to do it.

[00:30:43] Zac: You know? I think a lot of times you build up whatever it is in your head. And you think, “well, I would do it if I had this. Or what if I have to hire this person? Or, you know, I need to have this figured out, or I don’t know how this works. Like I’m going to just say no to it.” I would just say, just start doing it.

[00:31:02] Zac: It doesn’t have to be perfect to start. And the more you just take that first step it will become more clear and sometimes, it’s harder to see the next 10 steps in front of you, but it’s pretty easy to take that first step. So I’d say, have a bias for action. Get your hands dirty. Do it yourself. You have mentioned a lot of these things about AI and how the best companies are using ai.

[00:31:25] Zac: We’re really leaning into that as an organization. It doesn’t matter what people’s role is, we’re saying. You know, download, ChatGPT three and talk to it. Ask it questions like, you know, there’s so many cool resources today. It’s the best time to figure things out and do things and and take that first step.

[00:31:44] Jason: Yeah. GPT 4.5, we’re getting clues of that’s dropping and going to be out for everybody soon. And then Grok 3, I’ve been really geeking out on Grok 3, so it’s pretty next level, so, but yeah. Cool. I love the idea. Done is better than perfect. I love the idea of rapid iteration. You know, so many times for those of you that are in the earlier stages of entrepreneurs listening to this, this is great advice because I’ve seen inside a lot of businesses, a lot of small businesses, and one of the biggest mistakes a lot of them make is they try to make everything perfect before they ship it, before they launch it. “I want to get all my processes dialed in,” and they’re trying to solve problems they don’t even have yet.

[00:32:20] Jason: They’re trying to solve future problems instead of their current problem. And so rapid iteration really is the secret to growing a business quickly because you learn very fast what does and doesn’t work. Just start trying shit. Just do it. Break stuff and you’re going to learn way faster and everything’s figureoutable, so. 

[00:32:39] Zac: Yeah. And in that spirit, it doesn’t matter what the thing is, you can always get feedback from it, even if it’s not totally built yet, like it can be on a napkin, you know, or it could be the next level of that. But go build the thing in whatever low fidelity way. Yeah.

[00:32:55] Zac: And then go talk to your customers about it. And this is going to have different applications for different types of business. because you’re going to talk about different things. But you know, maybe you have a new program that you’re thinking property owners might want to see, like get their feedback on it.

[00:33:10] Zac: Or maybe you want to launch a new website or a new logo or whatever it is. I would just say, it doesn’t have to be perfect, bring it but you have to get feedback on it. So definitely go and partner with who it is that is going to see it, and then just talk to them about it and say, “Well, how could this be better? What is this missing? What would be the next thing to do? If you could do anything with this, what would you do?” And, you know, people love to share advice. I mean, I think that’s the other thing. Yeah. It’s like over the last couple years since I’ve been doing entrepreneurship, I’ve been kind of amazed at how many people have been willing to share their time and their advice.

[00:33:46] Zac: Yeah. And especially if you get an intro to someone from something. Yeah. You know, I think there’s this huge thing of maybe you’re afraid to ask for that intro or, you know, have that conversation because it’s not perfect yet. I would say, you know, find the ideal person that you want to talk to and then figure out how to work backwards and how to get an intro to them and then have that conversation.

[00:34:08] Zac: You know, I think you have to be vulnerable in it because you are going to come across dumb sometimes. You know, people are going to say like, “how did you not know this? Everyone knows this,” but like, just lose your ego in that. Be okay with not being okay. And then you’re going to feel a lot better because on the other side of it, you’re going to learn so much.

[00:34:27] Jason: Yeah, I think the secret to being smart is just being willing to look stupid. So, I mean, for sure. Ask the dumb question that you’re afraid to ask because you’re going to learn way faster. And I really think proximity is power. Like just another reason people should come to DoorGrow Live is I think we attract the most growth oriented property management, business owners in the industry and just being in proximity to all these sort of change makers and people trying new stuff and people experimenting, people willing to invest in themselves and to pay like coaches, like DoorGrow. And then I use all my clients as a mass rapid iteration sort of project.

[00:35:05] Jason: Like we’re always figuring out more and more stuff and I’m gathering these ideas and so we’ve got systems in place to just allow us to innovate in this industry a lot faster. And so we’re really excited about bringing these kind of things to DoorGrow Live and showcasing it.

[00:35:19] Jason: So if you’re not part of our program, you’re not one of our clients. Come check out the magic at DoorGrow Live. Connect with some of the people there and you might realize you found a home, so yeah, your family might be there. So yeah, entrepreneurs we’re different breed of people. We, you know, we take risks, we’re willing to try new things, and we’re not focused primarily on safety and security.

[00:35:39] Jason: We’re focused more on fulfillment and freedom and contribution. And so this natural offshoot, entrepreneurs are the most helpful people, especially the healthy ones. When you’re in a healthy growth-minded state, you want to benefit and help everybody. You’re not gatekeeping information like people are sharing stuff and so yeah, I found the same thing to be true in the high level masterminds, coaches that I work with.

[00:36:00] Jason: Like just being around the people in these programs has been probably the biggest benefit more than even learning from the guru or whoever that is sharing stuff sometimes. And so, yeah, proximity. 

[00:36:11] Zac: Yeah, I think that’s well said. You kind of become an average of the people that you spend most time with.

[00:36:15] Zac: So if you’re around, you know, someone who’s going to be pessimistic about everything, then chances are, not going to try things as much. I mean, that, that was like one of the reasons why I had originally moved from, you know, where I was growing up in New Hampshire. I remember when I was pitching Favor when I was 20 something people were like, “ah, no one’s going to pay five bucks for something like that. And how do you know how? You don’t know how to code. You can’t figure that out. Right? Go get a job like everybody else.” And then I kind of moved and found my tribe you know, and in Silicon Valley area and then in Austin, Texas. And then next thing you know, I’m actually doing the thing. 

[00:36:53] Jason: I think even if people just come to DoorGrow Live to connect with somebody like you and they can create a relationship with somebody like you or any of the change makers or players that we attract at our event.

[00:37:05] Jason: I mean, you’ve done things that a lot of people would dream of being able to do in business, right. And so come make those connections, come to DoorGrow Live and make some connections because it’s going to change your life for sure. So, well Zac, I appreciate you coming on the show. People can connect with your company at utilityprofit.com.

[00:37:22] Jason: Do a demo. And it’s been great having you here. 

[00:37:26] Zac: Hey, thanks so much for having me on Jason. 

[00:37:28] Jason: All right, so everybody, if you are struggling to grow your business or you’re struggling to deal with operations, reach out to us. Check us out at DoorGrow.com. We would love to have a conversation, see if we might be able to help you with something.

[00:37:39] Jason: And that’s what we do all day long and we care about our clients. We really want to make sure that everybody succeeds. We only win if you’re winning. And so until next time, everybody to our mutual growth, let’s all win. Bye everyone. 

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

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