DGS 267: 3 Things to Increase Your Close Rate in Property Management

Recently, Jason and Sarah hosted a few momentum coaching calls where they taught DoorGrow Mastermind members ways to grow and scale their businesses.

In this episode of the #DoorGrowShow, property management growth experts Jason and Sarah Hull go over 3 strategies property managers can use to increase their close rate.

You’ll Learn

[01:53] Sales in a post-trust era

[07:16] Objection-handling with a newer sales strategy

[09:59] Proof bomb testimonials

[13:55] One of the most effective selling tools


“A lot of you are trying to sell the way you learned maybe in real estate or the way that things happen in the past and you’re probably finding it harder and harder as well.”

“My agenda is to figure out simply, do they need what we have?”

“If they can’t find a consequence to not starting now, then they won’t start now.”

“People’s trust levels are at an all-time low. And so in selling, I’ve had to really change things up.”


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[00:00:00] Jason: If you have any leads, deals, opportunities in the pipeline right now, and you would love to maybe double your close rate or double the deal count that you’re getting out of your existing lead flow, I think these three elements combined would easily do that. 

[00:00:14] Welcome DoorGrow property managers to the DoorGrow show. If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors, make a difference, increase revenue, help others, impact lives, and you are interested in growing in business and life, and you’re open to doing things a bit differently, then you are a DoorGrow property manager.

[00:00:31] DoorGrow Property Managers love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges, and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you’re crazy for doing it. You think they’re crazy for not because you realize that property management is the ultimate, high trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships, and residual income.

[00:00:50] At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management business owners and their businesses. We want to transform the industry, eliminate the BS, build awareness, change perception, expand the market, and help the best property management entrepreneurs win. We’re your hosts, property management, growth experts, Jason, and Sarah Hull the owners of DoorGrow.

[00:01:10] Now let’s get into the show. 

[00:01:13] So today we’re going to talk a little bit, this is going to be a quick episode. We’ve got camera malfunctions. I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on, but I had a coaching call with clients recently, just the other day. We do these momentum coaching calls with some of our clients in the mastermind to get them back in momentum.

[00:01:31] Like if they’ve maybe been disengaged a little for a little bit, or they’ve been focused on other things, or they’re kind of unclear on what they should be doing next, we want to get them back in the state of momentum, which is where entrepreneurs want to be. And so, on that call, I was sharing with them some of the new stuff cause some of them have been a little bit unplugged and we’re always adding new, innovative ideas.

[00:01:53] So one of the things that I’ve noticed recently is that sales, we’re kind of in this post trust era. I’ve noticed over the last three, four years, sales has become really difficult. It’s become harder to sell using older sales tactics or typical sales tactics. And so I had to change up how it was selling.

[00:02:14] And I did a lot of research, a lot of study. I took an empathy course and a communication thing, like seminar thing, and just a bunch of other stuff. And the old school sales, methodology just isn’t working here in this post trust sort of era, like nobody believes anything anymore. The news, you can’t really trust it.

[00:02:37] We all know now the news is fake, right? Voting has been fake. Food’s been fake, right? A lot of the medical stuff shoved on us, fake, right? Just saw something about the conspiracy theory or scam of like C sections being pushed on people, which is like ridiculous amounts, like everything’s fake.

[00:02:56] And so we don’t know who or what we can trust. But we trust ourselves and so what I’ve noticed is people’s trust levels are an all time low And so in selling I’ve had to really change things up and transparently sales was not going really well for us for a while, right?

[00:03:13] Sarah: Yeah. 

[00:03:13] Jason: Like we had a lot of clients that stayed in our program, but closing deals was hard. 

[00:03:17] Sarah: Yeah, and we didn’t focus on sales.

[00:03:20] Jason: Yeah, it wasn’t really a focus for us. At all. We focused a lot on the product. Yeah. 

[00:03:24] Sarah: For like a year and a half maybe almost two years and then by the time we needed to focus on sales, it wasn’t as easy to like, just flip a switch as we thought. We were like, “okay, we’re ready now. Like, let’s amp up sales.” And they were like, “oh, that isn’t happening the way we thought.”

[00:03:43] Like, we just thought, you know, like, just pick it right back up where you left off. 

[00:03:47] Jason: Yeah. I thought, because I hadn’t been doing sales for years. Like I had sales team members, people. So then I was like I’ll go back to doing sales. And and the game has changed. Like, and a lot of you are trying to sell the way you learned maybe in real estate or the way that things happen in the past and you’re probably finding it harder and harder as well.

[00:04:08] I would imagine. So what I’ve noticed is that we need to shift to a different model. So I shifted to a more question based empathetic model of selling. And I went through and coached our clients on this and they’re already starting to get some different results, which is awesome. My close rate using this different methodology has gone through the roof.

[00:04:32] So what I’ve noticed, my close rate has gone through the roof, but what I’ve noticed is by just being super curious and not trying to sell something.

[00:04:40] And I know that sounds wild, like I’m closing way more deals by not trying to sell. I’m just being curious and I’m just being helpful and I’m asking a lot of questions. If I’m on an hour call, I’m spending like almost the entire call just asking questions and letting them talk. If I ask questions in a strategic order, what I’m noticing is that if I ask the right questions, it helps them figure out what their problem is. It helps them figure out what their sort of ideal solution is. It helps them figure out what the consequence is if they don’t change this, or if they continue doing what they’re doing.

[00:05:14] And then at the very end, like, I’ll get into the pitch a little bit. But what I’m noticing is people don’t know, we assume people know what their problem is. Like somebody comes to you for property management and you’re like “they’re already dealing with the problem. They’re aware.” They might be superficially, but they’re not aware of the problem. They’re not aware of how they feel about the problem. They’re not aware fully about what the impact of that problem is. And they’re not really even aware of what they want or what the ideal solution is to some degree. They become aware of all of this stuff when you ask them, like in that moment.

[00:05:47] And so when I start asking clients these questions, they start, these potential clients, they start formulating this real time. I know NLP stuff. I can see their eyes moving around the right way. I know they’re now creating this in their head. They’re figuring it out. And if they don’t know that they have a problem or where their pain is and what they want and what paradise looks like and the ideal outcomes and if they haven’t formulate all this, it’s really difficult to close the deal. It’s really difficult to get them to move forward towards what they want. And I’ve also given up focusing on trying to you know, having any sort of agenda. My agenda is to figure out simply do they need what we have? I can see this, but they need to figure this out. So I need to ask questions to help them see that they might benefit from this or that they need something. And they, if they do identify that they need something different or they need help, then the next question I need to figure out is, do they want what we have? And that’s it! i’m no longer trying to pitch and spending the majority of the call telling them how awesome our program is and all the cool stuff that we have. I go through and I just ask some questions and then at the very end My pitch is like I just picked three things because there’s so much in our program. It was overwhelming people. 

[00:07:02] I spent the whole call like “we have this call! We do this! We have this! And we have all this content in DoorGrow Academy and Telegram messenger access and blah blah blah,” and like they were just like “oh, well, I need to think about it.” And if you overwhelm them with features and benefits, you’re going to get that objection every time. What I’m finding is with this new methodology of selling that I’ve been coaching clients on there’s a very few objections.

[00:07:22] There’s not really anything to object to because you’ve gotten clear on what their problem is. They’ve gotten clear on what the problem is that you’ve gotten them clear on what the, you know the positive future outcome would look like and they’re clear on that now, and so that creates this pain gap in between and then you’re able to create urgency and one of my big challenges is I wasn’t able to create urgency because I didn’t get them clear on their problem or what they wanted and what that gap felt like and if the if that was really an issue And then I didn’t ask some questions to help them get clear on why does this matter now?

[00:07:58] Does this why would it matter to get this going now? Why not change it? Why not keep it the same and by asking that it helps them to identify also urgency and so then adding urgency was one of the big things I was missing because everybody would go through, listen to me pitch. And they’d be like, “this sounds amazing. It sounds like it’s solved my problems. It sounds really great, but I’m onboarding a new assistant right now and I’ll do it later.” Or “I’m dealing with this challenge right now,” or “I’ve got this problem in my business right now,” or “it’s summer and things really busy,” right? And so there was no urgency.

[00:08:30] And so if you’re running into that with clients, the lack of urgency is caused by a lack of identifying this pain gap and then a lack of helping them identify what’s going on. Why does it matter to do this now? Is there any consequence? And if they can’t find a consequence to not starting now, then they won’t start now.

[00:08:47] They may never start. And so, my close rate is ridiculously high lately. And I’m not really doing anything other than asking questions to help them figure out what they want rather than trying to push my really cool ideas like, shove it, cram it down their throat, you know, like old style sales.

[00:09:06] So I don’t have to deal with objections. I don’t have to use manipulative things like, “do you want the red one or the blue one?” And they’re like, “I didn’t even say I wanted one.” You know, you don’t have to use any of these old school. Pushy, icky sales tactics. And so what I’m also noticing is it doesn’t create sales resistance or ick, this gross feeling in them that they feel like you’re like disgusting or they feel awkward.

[00:09:30] And a lot of you that have problems doing sales or you have problems with salespeople or you have problems feeling comfortable being a sales person or identifying with that, it’s because of that gross feeling that you get when selling, when you’re being pushy or manipulative instead of helpful. So I’m actually really enjoying doing sales because to me this feels more like what I love to do, which is coaching so that’s one of the things I talked about with our coaching clients. Other thing I talked about with proof.

[00:10:00] Sarah: The other thing that you’re gonna do right now is take a break. 

[00:10:03] Jason: Oh, we’re going to take a break and then I’ll tell you about proof bombs. One of our sponsors for this episode is Vendoroo. We’re hearing great things and getting great feedback. So if you’re tired of the constant stress and hassle of maintenance coordination, check out Vendoroo, your AI driven in house maintenance expert that handles work orders from start to finish, triaging, troubleshooting, vendor selection and coordination. Built by property managers for property managers to provide cost effective and accountable maintenance operations where every dollar is accounted for and every task is handled with unmatched reliability, Vendoroo takes care of the details so you can focus on growth. Schedule a demo today by going to vendoroo.ai. vendoroo.ai/DoorGrow and experience maintenance done right. And go to that page, you get a special little perk or benefit. So, check out Vendoroo. We’re hearing great feedback. And this is part of the AI revolution right now. If you’re not doing stuff like this, you’re getting left behind.

[00:11:00] So, we’re hearing some amazing things. True Submeter. Let me tell you about True Submeter. If you are a property owner or manager, check out True Submeter, the number one water Submetering company in the U. S. Say goodbye to water use abuse by your tenants, and hello to billing for exact water consumption.

[00:11:21] With no unit minimum, enjoy smart, cost effective solutions designed to optimize your properties operations and save you money. Plus get an exclusive 10 percent discount with the code DoorGrow10. That’s DoorGrow one zero. Visit True Submeter today for intelligent utility solutions and substantial savings.

[00:11:43] That’s truesubmeter. com. Okay. Proof bombs. The other cool thing I shared, it was an idea I learned from one of my mentors, which is Sharran Srivatsaa. Do you want to mention, tell them about Sharran? 

[00:11:54] Sarah: Yeah. So, if you guys are in real estate there’s a publicly traded real estate company.

[00:12:02] Which is insane. Like it’s on the stock market. Crazy. It’s real. R E A L. Real. He’s the CEO. Yeah. Of Real. They’re A multi billion, billion with a B, yeah, multi billion dollar company. And they’re growing really rapidly. They do some really cool stuff. Thanks to Sharran’s leadership. Yeah.

[00:12:26] Sharran’s a really cool dude. His story’s just so interesting. And he like, I mean, he literally came here with like 150 in his pocket and he got robbed on the street. So then he had zero dollars in his pocket and he’s just so Well, wait such a cool dude.

[00:12:41] Jason: I want to share this story. So he got robbed He had a certain amount of money and then he negotiated with the thief to allow him to just have enough money so he could like do a train ride or get on the train. So he negotiated with the thief, like, and he was able to 

[00:12:56] Sarah: “…take all of my money.”

[00:12:57] Jason: Yeah. “Just leave me this much and you can have the rest.” And they did that, like, he’s negotiating. This just like, he’s just a brilliant guy. And so he shared this idea with proof bombs and he was sharing how he had basically taught this to Alex Hormozi if you’ve heard of Alex Hormozi or followed his stuff, Sharran’s kind of one of the mentors behind the content that Alex Hormozi shares.

[00:13:20] And Alex Hormozi used this proof bomb concept in his book launch that went amazingly well. And proof bombs are basically this idea of showing a visual testimonial that you can just see without having to watch the video which uses like a photo and bullet points and some data as evidence and stuff like this.

[00:13:39] So I trained my clients on how to create proof bombs, which we have in our pitch deck that I’ll pull up sometimes or that we use because it helps get an idea across very quickly using images basically. And so, we shared the idea of proof bombs. And the other, the third idea I shared on these calls was I coached clients on an offer doc because the question came up, “well, what if I don’t have a really effective website or I don’t have a website yet? I need to wait until you guys help me with that before I can really sell effectively.” And then I shared with them what’s more effective, even if you have a website or what we call offer documents. If you have conversations with us, we will share one of our offer documents with you at some point, because this gives you everything you need to know or understand about our offer, our program, or what you might be interested in. So we have offer documents for just about everything in our DoorGrow all our different programs our different one day things events stuff like this we have offer documents. So I shared, I coached clients on how to build out these offer documents real effective.

[00:14:44] And so those three elements alone will dramatically increase somebody’s close rate, like significantly. So if you have any leads, deals, opportunities in the pipeline right now, and you would love to maybe double your close rate or double the deal count that you’re getting out of your existing lead flow, these, I think these three elements combined would easily do that.

[00:15:06] It’d be significant. Yeah. Very significant. My close rate is just through the roof right now. And if you want to experience some of the sales magic and not even feel like you’re being sold to or sold on anything because nobody wants to be sold really, set up a call with our team and we’ll help you grow.

[00:15:24] We’ll help you figure out if we can help you. So, that’s basically what I’ve been up to lately. Is there anything else we should share? 

[00:15:30] Sarah: I don’t know if I told you this. On the scale call on Friday, Portia actually mentioned that they created offer docs and she’s like, “these work so well.” She’s like, “these are so cool.”

[00:15:39] She’s like, “this is such an awesome tool.” So, you’re not, you don’t run that call, I run that call. So, I wanted to… yeah. 

[00:15:47] We’ve got clients, super excited. 

[00:15:49] Jason: We’ve got clients creating offer documents, proof bombs, and and using that new sales model and they’re seeing results. So, just some of the latest stuff just to kind of open up the I don’t know, the curtain a little bit and let you know what are some of the things that we’re helping people at DoorGrow accomplish and do. Always innovating, always learning and getting new ideas. So that’s the advantage of having coaches and mentors, which we have, and we recommend you have. So if you’re interested in getting coach, it doesn’t have to be us. Go get one.

[00:16:23] If you are interested in it being us, then you can check us out at DoorGrow. com. And until next time, to our mutual growth. 

[00:16:31] Sarah: Oh, and check out our Facebook group. 

[00:16:33] Jason: DoorGrow club. com Join our free facebook community. And that’s it until next time, to our mutual growth. Bye everyone

[00:16:41] you just listened to the #DoorGrowShow. We are building a community of the savviest property management entrepreneurs on the planet in the DoorGrowClub. Join your fellow DoorGrow Hackers at doorgrowclub.com. Listen, everyone is doing the same stuff. SEO, PPC, pay-per-lead content, social direct mail, and they still struggle to grow! 

[00:17:08] At DoorGrow, we solve your biggest challenge: getting deals and growing your business. Find out more at doorgrow.com. Find any show notes or links from today’s episode on our blog doorgrow.com, and to get notified of future events and news subscribe to our newsletter at doorgrow.com/subscribe. Until next time, take what you learn and start DoorGrow Hacking your business and your life.

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

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