Signs You Need to Update Your Property Management Website

Ever wondered how long the average property management website lasts?

Brace yourself—it’s shockingly short.

Just like the hot new ad campaigns you launch or the buzz around a viral social media post, websites have a lifespan too. Research shows that the average website sticks around for about 2 to 3 years before it starts feeling outdated.

Now, why does this matter for your business? Think of your website as your digital storefront. If it’s old, clunky, and not up to the latest design and functionality standards, you’re leaving money on the table and customers at the door. The research is abundantly clear on this. Up to 94% of internet users say they don’t trust businesses with outdated websites.

Sometimes you can eek a few extra years out of your website, but if you’re serious about optimizing your business website for success, you won’t want to overlook these signs that your site is ready for an overhaul.

update your property management website artwork

It Just Looks Bad

Is your website more of a nightmare than a dream come true? What looks aesthetically pleasing can be subjective, but ultimately, it doesn’t take much to identify a bad, outdated web design.

Are any of the following true for your site?

  • Your site is covered in stock photos, but features no imagery of your own team, properties, or offices
  • You’re using a harsh color scheme with very bright colors against a white background
  • Your site has animated GIFs or music playing in the background

Another good way to identify whether your site looks the part is to compare it side by side with some of your competitors. Does your site look equally as appealing as theirs? If the answer is no, it’s time for a change.

It Takes Forever to Load

As internet connection speeds have skyrocketed, the behavior of internet users has changed. In 2024, sites that take longer than three seconds to load lose up to 40% of their visitors. Web users have grown accustomed to sites loading quickly, and when a search result doesn’t immediately load, it sends them running for the hills.

This is a challenge for every property management website owner, as every element you include on your page can increase load time. Photos and video content, third-party plugins, and embedded resources like property listings can all impact how quickly a webpage loads.

Fortunately, there are tools designed to combat slow site speeds. If your web host uses a CDN (content delivery network), it can make a big difference. Caching your site also helps to reduce load times for repeat visits, whereas compression tools can be used to minimize the space certain elements take up on your page.

If all of that sounds like a foreign language to you, don’t fear; find a web host who can help you to implement these tools and keep your site operating efficiently. (Hint: DoorGrow can help with all of the above!)

The Site Isn’t Secure

If you’re serious about dominating the digital landscape, securing your website with HTTPS isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have.

Trust is everything online. When visitors see that little padlock in the address bar, they know your site is secure. Without it, your site screams, “Proceed with caution,” and that’s not the vibe you want to give off.

But it’s not just about making visitors feel warm and fuzzy. HTTPS is a powerhouse for SEO. Google loves secure sites and boosts their rankings in search results. So, if you want to climb that Google ladder and get more organic traffic, HTTPS is your ticket to the top.

It Doesn’t Work on Mobile Devices

Think about it: everyone’s glued to their smartphones. People are browsing, shopping, and making decisions on the go. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, it’s like having a store with a locked door. Visitors will bounce faster than you can say “lost sale.”

A mobile-optimized site isn’t just about shrinking your desktop version. It’s about creating an experience tailored to mobile users—clean, intuitive, and lightning-fast. Navigation should be a breeze, and call-to-action buttons should be thumb-friendly. If users have to pinch and zoom, you’re done for. Even more importantly, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in search rankings. If your site doesn’t pass the mobile test, you’re missing out on valuable organic traffic. And that means fewer leads, fewer conversions, and fewer sales.

Remember, this isn’t 2005 when businesses used to have a separate mobile version of their main website. Instead, the key to making your site available for visitors on all screen sizes is to embrace responsive design. In short, a responsive site automatically resizes to fit the screen of your visitor and is fully tested to ensure it works properly on devices both big and small.

The Messaging is All Wrong

Property owners and investors are the ones who make or break your business, right? You can always find a new tenant for a property, but replacing an investor when he leaves is much harder. So, why is your site optimized for tenants?

Far too many property managers don’t really know how to target their site to the right audience, and if you’re one of them, it’s costing you money. Not only is your audience important, but if your core product has changed, your pricing has evolved, or your team has grown, these are all things you want to showcase on your site.

Revisiting your website design will give you the opportunity to fix these issues and make certain your service offering and web presence are in full alignment.

You’re Not Getting Any Leads

Struggling to get leads? Your site may be poorly optimized, causing it render incorrectly on some devices. Furthermore, not all property management website designs are created equally; at DoorGrow, we invest in A/B split testing when we develop new sites, carefully checking to ensure that the site performs well and is designed to capture the attention of your site visitors.

If when a potential customer lands on your page, it’s slow, clunky, and hard to navigate, they’re going to go running for the hills. Your lead is gone in seconds, and so is your chance to convert. If your site isn’t laser-focused on user experience, it’s like throwing money out the window.

Your Site Isn’t ADA Compliant

Accessibility is key. When your website is ADA compliant, you’re opening the door to a massive audience, including people with disabilities. You’re not just following the law; you’re showing that you care about every potential tenant.

An ADA-compliant site protects you from legal headaches. Offering a site that is accessible for all of your visitors will help you to avoid costly lawsuits and negative publicity. And even better,  a fully accessible site is easier for everyone to use. It means clearer navigation, better functionality, and a more inclusive experience. It can even boost your SEO power—search engines love accessible sites.

It Isn’t Doing Its Job Well

Finally, maybe your site just isn’t doing anything well. Remember, your website is supposed to be your best salesman, landing deals for your around the clock. It’s also supposed to be a resource for tenants and current investors, giving them full access to their user accounts, where things like rent payments and maintenance requests can be submitted for your team to review.

If you’re getting nonstop phone calls from upset renters and almost no leads coming in…what is your website even doing?

Kick that underperforming site into high gear and set yourself up for success by investing in a new design for your property management website.

DoorGrow Builds Phenomenal Websites

Ready to get your own great website for your property management business? Whether you’re an existing DoorGrow customer eager for a refresh or you need to start from scratch, learn how our team can help you to optimize your online presence with a website that will deliver impressive results for your business. Schedule a call to get started!

Adam Zetterlund

Adam is our project manager and focuses on making certain projects successfully move through our development pipeline. Since joining the company in 2014, he's grown to play a pivotal role in our delivery process. He serves as an important link between our fulfillment team and our clients; Adam also oversees all content creation for our projects.

4 Ways We Can Help You Get More Clients, More Freedom & More Money

1. Get the 95-minute DoorGrow CODE™ Training

In how to grow your PM business and then make it scaleable. In 95 minutes, I'll show you why most marketing is wasting your money, how to eliminate your advertising expense entirely, and grow faster than your competitors.

Just reply with the word "CODE" in the subject line & we will send it to you.

2. Join our In-Person, 2-Day, Gamechanger Workshop & Take Big Action
This event is designed to be different than conferences in that we are bringing in expert coaches and you will be taking immediate action to review financials, improve profits, assess your team, systematize realtor referrals, find and initiate your first acquisition deal, and more. This will catapult your business toward success
3. Join our next DoorGrow Boardroom

4x a year, we run a 2-day intensive in Austin, TX, with a small group of savvy PM business owners. We deep dive into each business. You will gain insights into your business, get clarity, and walk away with a solid strategic plan.

The next dates are November 8-9. Learn more here.

4. Get a Scale Roadmap Session
If you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call, and brainstorm how to get you more leads, increase profits, and make the business easier, less stressful, & more efficient. Book a call with us.