DGS 89: Strategic Social Media Marketing with Katie Lance of Katie Lance Consulting

Have no fear, when it comes to social media. Share your opinions and what you know. Not everyone will like what you post, but that’s ok. Personal and professional Social media opportunities let you connect with others, build relationships, and post content to attract new business.

Today, I am talking to Katie Lance, CEO and co-founder of Katie Lance Consulting. She helps real estate agents and brokers use social media to grow their businesses. Also, Katie is the author of #GetSocialSmart and founder of #GetSocialSmart Academy. She was named one of the most 100 influential people in real estate by Inman News and is a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post.

You’ll Learn…

[02:40] Marketing Nerd: Katie didn’t go to school for social media because there was no Facebook when she was in college.

[06:40] Social Media Challenge: Audience doesn’t care about property management.

[07:32] Don’t be Vanilla: Be engaging, interesting, unique, and authentic voice for what’s happening in your industry and market.

[10:08] Love vs. Hate: Share your opinions, and attract your tribe through polarity.

[12:20] People don’t buy what you do (property management), but why you do it.

[13:18] Warning: Don’t outsource all your social media, or you’ll lose your voice.

[15:59] Avoid anxiety and conquer fear of social media by creating a system or strategy.

[17:27] Day-in-the-Life of You: Done is better than perfect.

[22:05] Consistency and Batch Creating Content: The more you do it, the more comfortable you get.

[26:21] Repurposing Content: One piece can be posted on multiple platforms.

[27:15] Platform of Choice: Depends on your target audience.

[28:40] Future of Social Media: Instagram TV and video is where it’s at.

[31:54] Personal and Professional Social Media Opportunities: Connect with others, build relationships, and post content to attract new business.



Katie Lance Consulting

Katie Lance on Instagram

Katie Lance on Facebook


#GetSocialSmart Academy

Inman News

The Huffington Post

Simon Sinek

National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM)

Instagram TV


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DoorGrow Website Score Quiz


Jason: Welcome, DoorGrow hackers to the DoorGrow Show. If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors, make a difference, increase revenue, help others, impact lives, and you are interested in growing your business and life, and you are open to doing things a bit differently, then you are a DoorGrow hacker.

DoorGrow hackers love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges, and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you’re crazy for doing it, you think they’re crazy for not, because you realize that property management is the ultimate high-trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships, and residual income.

At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management businesses and their owners. We want to transform the industry, eliminate the BS, build awareness, change perception, expand the market, and help the best property management entrepreneurs win. I’m your host, property management growth expert, Jason Hull, the founder and CEO of DoorGrow. Now, let’s get into the show, and today’s guest, I’m hanging out with Katie Lance from Katie Lance Consulting. Hi, Katie.

Katie: Hi, Jason. Thanks for having me here today.

Jason: I am glad to have you. Katie, we’re going to be so social today.

Katie: That would be a lot of fun.

Jason: […] social media and we’re on social media right now. We’re doing it. Katie, help everybody understand your background. Can I read some of your bio?

Katie: Sure, go ahead.

Jason: It’s really well written. Katie is the CEO and co-founder of Katie Lance Consulting. Katie is a nationally known keynote speaker at conferences and events. For the past 10 years, Katie has been working with real estate agents and brokers to help them get smarter about how to use social media to grow their business. Her specialty is in helping real estate agents and brokers achieve big results using social media without spending a ton of time.

She is also the author of the best-selling book, #GetSocialSmart and the founder of #GetSocialSmart Academy. Katie has been named one of the most 100 influential people in real estate by Inman News and is a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two beautiful boys.

Katie, welcome to the show. Tell us how did you get into social media? How did this come about for you?

Katie: I’ve always loved social media. I’ve always been a marketing nerd. I’ve always been one of those people to just really love marketing and didn’t necessarily go to school for social media, and probably dating myself, but there was no Facebook when I was in college. I fell in love with social media and probably about 10 or 12 years ago.

I got my first job in real estate. I was hired as a marketing director for a local real estate company and that was really when social media was starting to come to the forefront. I just remember having this epiphany and thinking this is so perfect for real estate. I had seen so many agents and brokers spending so much money on traditional marketing, which, a lot of it still works. I don’t necessarily think social media replaces traditional marketing, if that’s working for you, but it can be so expensive. And I thought, what a great opportunity.

That’s really where I fell in love with it. I worked at that real estate company for a while, then I went to work for In The News for quite some time, ran their social media, and grew their social presence. Then about 2012 I decided, “You know? I’m going to go out on my own,” and got that entrepreneurial bug and haven’t looked back since. It’s been quite a journey.

Jason: What caused you to take that leap? It’s a risky leap. To preface this, I didn’t realize I was an entrepreneur. Even though I was the guy that started a band in college, created big events, going door-to-door pre-selling CDs so I could pay for an album at college girls dorms with a guitar and a clipboard, I didn’t realize I was an entrepreneur. I thought I needed a job, but what pushed me over the edge to jump into entrepreneurism was a divorce and needing to take care and wanting to have time with my kids. Out of necessity, I had to do it.

What caused you to take the leap? That’s a pretty big leap. People don’t just go, “I’ve got a job that’s going pretty well. I’m just going to throw it to the wind and go do something on my own.”

Katie: I think there’s a couple of things. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Any job I’ve ever had, I’ve always treated it as if it were my company. It was always very hard for me to just “work a 9–5 and turn the off button off.” I guess I always had that attitude for anywhere I’ve ever worked and I had a great job […]. I’ve worked there for many years and for a lot of people, you get to a point in your career where you have that itchy feeling, like what’s that next thing.

Jason: Something more.

Katie: Yeah, there’s something more and quietly started to explore other options. It just became really clear to me that I don’t necessarily want to work for anyone else. I want to work for myself and I want to be able to help not just one company but lots of different people, lots of different companies, lots of different organizations. And it was scary. It’s a whole another ballgame.

I’m happily married, we have mortgage, we have kids, so it’s not necessarily the easiest leap. The hardest part was just making that decision. Then you make the decision and it was pretty much smooth sailing from there. I also had a really supportive husband, which makes a big difference, too.

Jason: I was going to ask about that. If a spouse is not in support as an entrepreneur, there’s a lot of friction, right?

Katie: Yes.

Jason: And a lot of times as entrepreneurs, we tend to pair up with people that want safety and certainty. They’re our balance and our opposite.

Katie: Yes. Actually, he ended up quitting his corporate job about 2½ years ago, so now we run our company side-by-side and it’s been a great journey.

Jason: So you converted him?

Katie: I think I did, yes.

Jason: […] to a job, right?

Katie: Yes.

Jason: Perfect, love it. Let’s get into the topic at hand, which is how people can grow social media. I tend to be upfront and honest. A lot of my listeners have heard me say, probably at different times, that the challenge that property managers face with social media is that their target audience does not care about property management.

They don’t care at all and when they ask me, “Should I spend a bunch of time and energy doing social media?” my general response is, “How much time are you spending time following and listening to plumbers? Plumbers want your business. They want your attention. Why aren’t you subscribing to their newsletters and following them on social media?” and they’re like, “Because I don’t care about plumbing.” I’m like, “Your audience don’t care about property management.” What should they be doing? I’m excited to get into this.

Katie: I think social media is relevant for obviously a lot of business owners, a lot of entrepreneurs and whether you’re in property management or you’re a plumber or whatever business you’re in, that is the default response. “Well, who really cares? Is this really interesting to a lot of people?”

At the end of the day, one of the ways to get traction on social media is to be that unique voice, that authentic voice of what’s happening in your industry, what’s happening in the market. People tend to follow you and engage with you, not necessarily for just facts and information that you’re spewing out there, but because they connect with who you are and your personality.

It’s amazing about the management or real estate, and a lot of it’s so done through word-of-mouth. A lot of it is still done through those connections that we make. That’s what I think there’s a lot of value in social media. It’s funny you mentioned plumbers because there’s actually a plumber who’s killing it on YouTube, because of exactly what you said, because most people don’t think like, “Oh, who’s going to put out that type of content?” But his content is engaging, it’s interesting, it’s valuable, but it’s also with his voice.

That’s the thing that property management. You could talk about renting or whoever and all these different topics when it comes to property management. But you can insert your own opinion, your voice and not be afraid to just be really truly who you are. Some people won’t like it and that’s okay. Those aren’t your people.

Jason: I’m going to rephrase what you just said and sum it up. It’s more important on social media to be you than to be your business.

Katie: Absolutely.

Jason: That’s really what’s going to attract and get people to resonate and connect with you as if you’re willing to put it out there and be you, weirdness and all, and that’s something. People follow me on social media, no. I’m putting out random stuff all the time about my life and who I am, and I figure that some people are just not gonna like me.

Katie: Yeah, and that’s okay.

Jason: There are definitely people that don’t like me.

Katie: Sometimes, we try to want to be really professional and we don’t offend anybody. I’m certainly not saying start offending people on social media. But there’s that risk of becoming just really vanilla and really boring. If you think about as an end user, somebody uses Facebook or Instagram, what do you click like on? What do you comment on? What do you share? Typically, it’s things that are funny, or poignant, or interesting, or they move you in some emotion, you get angry.

There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion. That’s where I think in real estate and property management, really for any entrepreneur, that’s where the magic is because most people are not putting up that type of content. If they are, they’re not doing it on a consistent basis. That’s a big thing that can make a huge difference.

Jason: People should have an opinion and share their opinion on Facebook and let their freak flag fly, right?

Katie: Yes, and be comfortable with the fact when you do that, there’s going to be people that watch you and say, I don’t like that guy or girl. You have to be okay with that because with the opposite, which will happen, is that you will start to attract the people who go, “I really like that guy. He’s doing a podcast? What other podcasts? I got to catch up on all of his podcast episodes.” That’s what happens with video. When you start putting out especially episodic video or episodic podcast content, people start defining you. They’re like, “What else does she put out there?” and you search who attract your tribe. That’s what can turn to business down the road. It just takes time just like anything else.

Jason: I’ve always thought this is very in align with what I think and feel, is that if you are not creating polarity, if there’s no polarity, then you can’t be attractive. A magnet without polarity is not a magnet anymore. It’s not attract anything. Nothing will be pulled towards it. Electricity without polarity doesn’t exist anymore if you remove the polarity. There has to be polarity and that means you have to be willing to polarize someone there.

I’ve probably been a little too polarizing in some instances; let’s be honest. But I’ve noticed that when you are willing to just be you and polarize and put it out there, yes, you’re going to have people that don’t like you. You’re going to get flack for that, people are not going to attract you, but you now are attracting the right people. You’re attracting people that like you the way that you are. They like the way you communicate, they like the way that you coach, they like the way that you run your business, they like your philosophy.

Just like Simon Sinek said, “People don’t buy what you do.” They don’t buy what you do. They don’t buy property management, they don’t property management coaching/consulting from me, they don’t buy what you do, they don’t buy social media, whatever from you. They really buy why we do it. That’s really what they’re buying into is they believe in Katie, they believe in Jason, they believe in the property manager, they believe in you and they share values. What you do is really an afterthought compared to that. So, they need to create polarity.

This is a great question everybody listening can ask is am I creating polarity? Have I offended anybody in the last month? And have I attracted anybody in the last month? Did anybody say, “Hell yes, I agree to that,” or, “That totally rubs me the wrong way,” but that’s you, so thanks for sharing.

Katie: Absolutely.

Jason: We don’t want to be vanillas. What’s maybe the next thing that we should take away?

Katie: Like I said, don’t be vanilla. I’ve often said, “Lean into who you are and who you’re not.” It goes hand in hand with that idea of not being vanilla. I also think a big part of your social media strategy is not outsourcing it completely. There’s this feeling even still in 2019 of, “Oh, my gosh. I don’t have time to do this. It’s one more thing. Who can I hire to do it?” It’s a little bit of a slippery slope because I do think that there’s value in hiring certain people. For example, we have a video editor on our team because my value is being on camera but I don’t need to learn video editing, I really don’t need it. For one or two, that’s fine, but I don’t have desire.

Jason: That’s not your dream and goal in life is to edit videos and stare at videos on the screen for hours a day.

Katie: Exactly, it’s not my dream. I’d rather put my eye out, honestly.

Jason: Me neither.

Katie: Similar with podcast. My value is in the content and the education I can bring, not necessarily in can I edit something. I think there’s value in bringing at some point, maybe not in the beginning, people on who could help you with either editing, for example video or podcast editing, or copywriting if you enjoy writing, or something as a blogger or graphic designer, but to totally hand out who are personally is really risky and there’s lots of businesses out there that are selling this idea. “You’re too busy. Let us do it for you.” I would just caution anyone to be just be careful when you do that because you’re handing off who you are. It’s like having a dinner party with your 10 most important clients, and instead of you being there, you have your assistant run the whole thing.

I just think it’s a basic tip, but it’s also something that is important to address because time is all we have. It’s our most precious asset. I don’t think you need to spend all day on social media. I’m in the business of social media and I’m certainly not on social media all day long, but it comes down to having a smart system, and making sure you’re inserting yourself and your personality into what you do. I think that’s really valuable.

Jason: This makes a lot of sense. I think there’s so many parallels to this. There’s so many situations in which we would not outsource. I wouldn’t outsource to somebody to be the dad of my kids. I’m really single again after two decades, so I wouldn’t outsource somebody else to use swiping on dating apps for me. They just don’t know what I’m into.

There’s a lot of things we just should not outsource. And yet, being the face of our business, we will a lot of times as business owners, want to just outsource that, like some company can just come in and post a bunch of memes and garbage, and we’re suddenly going to get business from it and then we wonder why it’s not working.

What about those business owners that are not charismatic, they don’t have personality, they’re better behind the scenes, they just feel really awkward putting anything out there. How do you deal with that? Some of the listeners avoid social media. Social is like an anxiety-inducing word to them.

Katie: For a lot of people who are anxious or feel a little overwhelmed with social media, I would imagine part of it is because you don’t have a system for, and it feels like this thing that’s out there, that you have to do, that you don’t really know how to do it right, and everybody saying that you have to do it, but you don’t really have a plan. It just becomes sort of the snowball. The thing is, anytime you’re trying something new, especially with technology, it can feel ridiculously annoying. You feel like, “Oh, my God. What am I? How do I not know how to do this?” and it’s just like anything else.

We work with a lot of agents and brokers. I always say, “Imagine when you first got your real estate license. You took the test, you went through the courses, but you didn’t really know what you’re doing until you had your first client. And then you really learn. And then you learn again and again and again.” Part of it is just getting over and putting yourself out there. Sometimes we’re so concerned with who am I, who cares what people think, I don’t know, I don’t like how I look or how I sound, I don’t know how to do it, so I’m not going to do it. I always like to say, “Done is better than perfect.”

Jason: Oh, my gosh. I […] that, too. I love that.

Katie: I’d love to say I made that up. I did not make that up. I’ve heard it somewhere and probably from you.

Jason: Maybe not. I think I got it from my business coach. I’m sure he got it from somewhere, too.

Katie: You just start today. So if you’re listening to this, start today. Go on Facebook and connect with three or four people at Facebook today. Don’t just like a bunch of stuff, but go on engage with a few people. Wish somebody a happy birthday. Start today. Then you can move on from there.

Part of it is just getting a system together, getting a process together. One quick thing I’ll mention real fast for anyone who’s feeling a little bit overwhelmed, I would encourage you to think about all the things that you do on a day-to-day basis, all the questions you get asked, all the topics of conversation that come up. Get a notebook, get a pen, and just start brainstorming things that happen a day in the life of you. I would imagine you’re going to come up with 10, 20, 30 different topics of things that you could potentially talk about, whether that’s through video or on Facebook or whatever it might be. Just go to start. “Just do it,” like Nike says.

Jason: I love the concept of done is better than perfect. I put that because a lot of times we’re trying to get clients to launch their websites, we’re trying to get them to take action and moving themselves forward on different things, and they just stay analyze really hard about something and they want it to be so perfect. I just iterate over and over again, done is better than perfect because once it’s done, it can do its job in making money. You can go back and change it later, you can improve it later, but get something done because until you have something there, until you have the website up, or until you have this launch, or until you’ve done something, it’s nothing to do anything for you.

The other mantra that I’ll share with everybody listening, if you’re in that state of overwhelm, you’re feeling scared, whatever, just remember that that’s how you start everything. One of my favorite mantras is, we all start at level suck. That’s where you start in everything. You start at level suck. That is the level you started everything. My first YouTube video was two minutes long and had 30 uhms and and so’s in it, and I had to edit them out. The video looked choppy and it was awful. It was so awful. I tried to get perfect lighting, I have my little mic clip thing, an uncomfortable shirt with a collar, and I was trying to be what I thought I needed to be in order to do a video and look good. I’d probably spent hours making a two-minute video. Here’s the ironic thing for everybody listening. You think it has to be so perfect? I’ve made way more money by doing really crappy, shaky, jittery, selfie style videos, walking around outside, than any of those videos were I was uncomfortable behind a desk or in a shirt or whatever in front of a whiteboard.

Don’t think it has to be perfect. People will crave reality nowadays because there’s so much BS. They’re really craving reality. The other thing I point out to clients, is that they are talking to people all day, every day and it’s really the same thing. You just look at a device and pretend you’re talking to a person, you just say exactly what you would say and talk the same way. You don’t have to think, “What am I going to do with my hands?” What do you do with your hands normally when you talk to people? “How’s my face supposed to like?” How does your face normally look? Just talk. You have the thing like you’re talking to a person. So, just start noticing when you’re talking to people and pretend they’re a camera or a phone and just realize they’re not that scary or awkward.

Katie: Absolutely. To your point, it doesn’t have to be perfect. What a lot of people don’t realize that maybe they forget is the lifetime of a post is pretty short. Let’s say you create a video, you put it on Facebook, that video will disappear in a couple hours. You put it on Twitter, tweet disappears in a matter of seconds. YouTube has a longer shelf life and certain content certainly has a longer shelf life. But generally speaking, we live in a world with so much noise, I often feel like I’m standing on the side of the freeway just watching cars fly by.

If it’s not your best performance, it doesn’t have to be Oscar-worthy. As you said, just get it out there and especially with video, it’s like a muscle. I will say the more you do it, the more comfortable you get. I don’t know if I’m ever totally comfortable hearing myself and seeing myself, but what I am comfortable with are the results. That’s what you have to think about. When you put yourself out there over the course of time consistently, that’s when the magic happens. It’s literally like a snowball and the consistency part is a huge part of it. Do you mind if I share a quick tip?

Jason: Go ahead. Give us all the tips you want to. We want some free Katie Lance Consulting right now.

Katie: Perfect. One of the things I always share with our GetSocialSmart Academy members is this idea of batch-creating your content. I love batch creating because for me, if I’m going to sit down, do my hair and makeup, and record one video, I might as well sit down and record four or five. We’ve been doing that the last couple years and that’s made a huge difference. We’ll set aside a couple hours once a month where I do the hair, get the camera set up, whatever. To be honest with you, the first 99 episodes were shot on my phone. So, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy.

This idea of getting into a system and batch-creating your content, that way you’re done, you’re locked and loaded. When we do that, then we’re able to drip out those episodes once a week for the next month, but it gets you into that rhythm. When you’re publishing at the same day and time every single week, people who start to follow you, as we talked about earlier, they start to notice that. It’s just like your favorite TV show, you may not watch your favorite TV show Thursday night at [9:00] PM or Monday at [8:00] PM, but you know it’s on and you set your DVR. It’s the same thing with content. Once you start to put it out there regularly, if you can start doing it consistently, it can make a big difference.

Jason: Absolutely. That’s one of the reasons I really like my assistant; made this show finally somewhat consistent. We’re getting about two episodes done a week now. Consistency is huge because as soon as you disappear for a week or two, people are wondering if you’re gone. You lose the engagement, you lose the momentum, so done is better than perfect, but consistency is better than anything, really, probably.

Katie: People wonder what’s the best day. There’s no best day. What day is good for you? Just pick a day. I remember when I first started sending out and email newsletters, it’s like, “Well, let’s do it on a Saturday. I don’t know. That sounds like a good day.” Seven years later, we’re still sending our email newsletters out on Saturday, and people are like, “Oh, I love it. Get it every Saturday morning.” It’s just consistency. So, pick a day.

Jason: Love it. I love the idea of batching tasks, and you can apply that to so many different things. I just did a post on this on social media about this and I showed my pill case. I hate going and digging through all my supplement bottles every single meal, trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be taking. So, I got this pill case. It’s literally the size of a notebook. It’s got every day of the week, four times a day, and I fill it once a week. If I travel I can take it with me. It’s done, I can just take these supplements. That’s how I’m able to be so sharp and so crazy all day long. No, I’m just kidding.

Batching tasks reduces the decision-making that has to go into and the thought that has to go into it every day. You don’t have to sit there, stress out, and “What should I talk about today? Oh, my gosh. I need to do a post. I haven’t done it for a couple days,” and thinking about it. I love the idea of batch the tasks and we’ve got a pile of them waiting. Even with this podcast, we’ve got several episodes in the can. We’re releasing them to iTunes and dripping them out because we want to have a little bit of padding.

There’s an advantage to having some things in the can, especially if you want to keep the consistency. What if you want to travel? I’m going to Austin this week to meet with my business coach. Next week, I’m going to Phoenix to talk to the NARPM Chapter in Phoenix. We’ll still be able to release some episodes while I’m gone.

Katie: That’s awesome. What you’re doing which is so smart is you’re repurposing your content. We’re streaming this live, it’s getting shared on social media, but you’re going to put it on YouTube, at some point, you’re going to put it on iTunes. That’s really where the magic can happen because instead of feeling like you have to post something every single day, why not invest in one great piece of content like this podcast you’re creating.

That’s what we try to do, too. It’s one piece of great content, and then it can get sliced and diced a dozen different ways. You can turn it into an Instagram story or an Instagram post today and a post some two or three weeks, especially when you create content that’s somewhat timeless. It’s not just relevant on what’s happening in the market, but it’s going back to sharing things that are informative, that are really helping your audience, that have a voice, have an opinion, and that repurposing, there’s a lot of magic in that.

Jason: Let’s talk about platform then. How do people pick? Because they’re like, “Should I be on Instagram? Should I be doing LinkedIn? Should I be doing Facebook? Should I be on Twitter?” What’s your recommendation when people are like, “What platform should I be on?”

Katie: It depends on a couple things. Number one, where your audience is. Right now, typically, Facebook is still the number one platform for a lot of people in property management or real estate or even as an entrepreneur. But I also think that’s changing as well. Instagram is growing by leaps and bounds. A lot of people have started to leave Facebook and go over to Instagram, even though Instagram is owned by Facebook, because Instagram is such an aspirational platform, lots of pretty pictures, there’s not as many political posts and noise on Instagram right now. I think those are two big ones to watch.

I do think for LinkedIn, though, it’s important to at least have your profile updated. Make sure that’s up to date. LinkedIn is not as fun as Facebook or Instagram, but if you get googled or your company gets googled, typically, one of the first things that pops up is LinkedIn. Just making sure that’s up to date, that’s professional social network. Outside of LinkedIn, I do think Facebook and Instagram are two big platforms to connect with people, stay in touch with people, and then also to post relevant content and to repurpose some of the content you’re creating.

Jason: What do you think is coming new in social media? I’m sure you’re always paying attention. What do you think coming up that’s hot, that probably the teenagers are using that we’ll eventually be using?

Katie: Good question. Snapchat was getting a lot of buzz a year or two ago, that a lot of folks in real estate were jumping on that. I think a lot of people realize it’s still for the kids.

Jason: I think the Instagram stories and Facebook stories killed it.

Katie: I agree. I think a big opportunity right now is definitely Instagram. Instagram is spending a lot of money and resources for people to stay on their platform. Especially Instagram TV right now is a big opportunity. That launched about a year or two ago. It’s doing so-so and then Instagram made some really big changes pretty recently to Instagram TV.

When you’re uploading a video to Instagram TV—if you don’t know, you can upload a video up to 10 minutes—when you upload it to Instagram TV, you now share a one minute preview over to your newsfeed on Instagram, which shows up on your page, it shows up in your newsfeed, which is more likely that it shows up in the explore button.

We found that for whatever reason, Instagram wants you to spend more time on Instagram TV. Our posts on Instagram TV are getting a much higher reach, likes, and engagement than just about any of our other posts. As of right now, as of the recording this podcast, that’s definitely one to watch. It just reinforces a lot of what we’re talking about with video.

Jason: I will have to start doing those. When they started doing it, I was like, “This isn’t getting any attention,” but I have noticed, I have watched a few videos on Instagram, and I’ve hit that button that says, “Keep watching.”

Katie: Yeah, it definitely keeps you engaged. We used to just beginning a couple of hundred views on our videos and now we’re consistently getting thousands of views on our videos. It’s nothing really different that we’ve done other than just be consistent with putting up that content, sharing it over to our news feed. I think, ultimately, video is worth that. If you’re not creating original video content in your business, you’re missing a really big opportunity.

Facebook even recently just came out over the last couple weeks and said, “Video has one of the highest rates in the Facebook newsfeed, original video content versus content that’s shared from somebody else.” If there was ever a time to get over, “How do I look?” or, “How do I sound?” or, “I have nothing to say,” now’s the time to do it.

Jason: Just do it. Nike.

Katie: Just do it, yes.

Jason: I’ll just throw this out there because somebody is going to mention it later. If they have teenagers, I think TikTok right now is the thing.

Katie: It is, yes.

Jason: My teenager’s really into this TikTok thing. I don’t know if that will somehow eventually translate to business, but let’s see where it gets.

Katie: It might. It’s fun to watch. It’s entertaining.

Jason: It’s like the new Vine. It’s ridiculous.

Katie: Exactly.

Jason: Any other tips or takeaways we can squeeze out of Katie Lance before we let you go?

Katie: If you are in real estate in any capacity or an entrepreneur, I really can’t emphasize enough. There’s two big opportunities with social. The personal side of it, being intentional, taking just 5 or 10 minutes a day to connect with people, wish people happy birthday, don’t just be a drive-by liker, actually be a person, connect. That relationship-building piece is so important. Then, that other piece is putting out new content, which is going to attract new business.

I just would encourage anybody who’s listening to really think about it. I love using techniques like time blocking where you’re setting aside time, a couple of times a week, maybe it’s just 15 minute blocks of time, or a couple times a month, to really get a system together. If you think about the areas of your business you’re most successful in, most likely there’s some sort of system or process. Whether or not you’re working with us or anybody else, that’s my biggest tip. Get the system, get a process together, and don’t wait. Don’t suffer from analysis paralysis. Just do it.

Jason: All right. Awesome. I love it. So, commenting and connecting, and then content and creation are things we need to build our social network, and we need to create social media. Two different things. Katie, if people are wanting to get a plan, get organized, figure this stuff out, be interesting, and learn social media, how can they get in touch with you?

Katie: The best way is through our website, people can go to katielance.com. We have a free content grid that anyone can sign up for. It’s a great planning guide. So, if you’re listening to this going, “Okay, I’m stuck when it comes to putting a system together,” you can download that content grid for free right on our website. We have hundreds of free resources on our website, as well. Of course, I’m Katie Lance kon just about every social media platform. You can find me on Instagram or Facebook also.

Jason: Awesome. Cool. And then anybody listening can also connect with me. I’m King Jason Hull on all social media. There we go, we were just very social, sharing ideas about social media. Katie, I really appreciate you coming on the show. Thanks for being here.

Katie: Thank you so much for having me.

Jason: Really cool. Check her out at katielance.com. If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors and make a difference, as I said in the intro, be sure to reach out, connect with DoorGrow, we would love to help you figure out how to grow your business. If you feel stuck or frustrated, you feel like you’re trying to do a bunch of marketing, pay per click, SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and it’s not working for some reason. You may have some blind spots. We can help you organize, sort out those blind spots, and get some clarity on the business, to help you focus on the growth side of your business. We would love to help you do that.

If you want to see a big blind spot, you can start with a very public one, your website. Take our website quiz by going to doorgrow.com/quiz and grade your website. This will give you a letter grade for your website. Most websites fail going through this and this quiz will grade your website as to how effective it is at making your money, at creating conversions, at attracting leads. Go ahead and fill that out and then we’ll be in touch with you.

Thanks everybody for tuning in to the DoorGrow Show. Until next time to our mutual growth. Bye, everyone.

Jason Hull

Jason's mission is "to inspire others to love true principles." This means he enjoys digging up gold nuggets of wisdom & sharing them with property managers to help them improve their business. He founded OpenPotion, DoorGrow, & GatherKudos.

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3. Join our next DoorGrow Boardroom

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The next dates are November 8-9. Learn more here.

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